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  • Damn, but couldn't they cut her to open up the wound tho? I'm sure it was probably safer than letting poison spread throughout her body
    • Knight ZornnahKing Kurono
      999+ points9 months ago
      most likely lack of medical knowledge
      • KvS333King KuronoDamn, but couldn't they cut her to open up the wound tho? I'm sure it was probably safer than lettin...
        999+ points9 months ago
        The way I read it was, since it had already been healed, no one thought to take a second look at it. It would have appeared fine until the poison spread to her mana core. If she hadn't been healed at all, then maybe someone with more medical knowledge could have noticed the danger, or maybe she would have bled out the poison. That meant the healing did more harm than good.
        • 999+ points9 months ago
          That’s how I see it aswell
          • RandomKvS333The way I read it was, since it had already been healed, no one thought to take a second look at it....
            999+ points5 hours ago
            Yes that would likely be the case
          • Croaker512King KuronoDamn, but couldn't they cut her to open up the wound tho? I'm sure it was probably safer than lettin...
            999+ points9 months ago
            Maybe dangerous because close to her mana core? Maybe something especially bad happens if they cut the mana core? They should have explained better.
            • Z
              ZakomimiKing KuronoDamn, but couldn't they cut her to open up the wound tho? I'm sure it was probably safer than lettin...
              999+ points9 months ago
              Yea seems like a dumb explanation if you ask me...

              Reopening incisions are extremely common medical procedure.
              • Yea, but thats for our world’s medical practice. In a world of healing magic it would make sense that practical stuff like that would go unnoticed. In a world where major injuries can be healed near instantly who would think to cut someone back open again.
                • SedgradMiscellaneous Bastard
                  761 points9 months ago
                  "let me reopen that wound with my sword real quick"
                  • Z
                    ZakomimiMiscellaneous BastardYea, but thats for our world’s medical practice. In a world of healing magic it would make sense tha...
                    999+ points9 months ago
                    I guess thats one way of looking at it.

                    But at that point we might as well write off all the flaws we see in a fantasy manga as "it's just isekai stuff" 😕
                    • not necessarily. yes there should be a certain level of suspension of disbelief, but you have to think about it from the perspective of someone living in that world. If you take all the information given about the world and still have to take some leap in logic to explain something, then it should still be called out for its BS.

                      When worldbuilding you don't have to make your world realistic, you just have to make it believable.
                • 100th Yi Feng CloneKing KuronoDamn, but couldn't they cut her to open up the wound tho? I'm sure it was probably safer than lettin...
                  999+ points9 months ago
                  Maybe there was less time and the doctor would’ve done it easily if it was open, and that opening the wound takes more time (I know in rl it doesn’t change much but we’re talking about a wound near the mana core in a fantasy)
                  • I
                    Im_oldKing KuronoDamn, but couldn't they cut her to open up the wound tho? I'm sure it was probably safer than lettin...
                    999+ points9 months ago
                    `her mana core was permanently damaged ` so, i gues it was too late.
                    • VampKing KuronoDamn, but couldn't they cut her to open up the wound tho? I'm sure it was probably safer than lettin...
                      999+ points9 months ago
                      Ah yes if the knew beforehand then they could have re opened the wound, but they didn't and as you can see the result was instantaneous, closing the wound made the poison spread more
                      • PointFourKing KuronoDamn, but couldn't they cut her to open up the wound tho? I'm sure it was probably safer than lettin...
                        999+ points9 months ago
                        Maybe because it's too late already. The poison did the damage. Doctor may have administered antidote or something but it wasn't fast enough to stop the damage.
                        • JustRaven17King KuronoDamn, but couldn't they cut her to open up the wound tho? I'm sure it was probably safer than lettin...
                          169 points9 months ago
                          They're not modern, how will they know that method is safe to do
                          • T
                            749 points9 months ago
                            You would be surprised how sophisticated surgery was in the middle ages.
                            • King KuronoJustRaven17They're not modern, how will they know that method is safe to do
                              999+ points9 months ago
                              Idk man, seems like they're used to much worse injuries
                          • Why did Arthur’s mom always look like she’s been wearing house clothes instead of adventuring clothes
                            • Thomas_JCGGluttony
                              999+ points9 months ago
                              She was a healer, so she wouldn't have used armor.
                              • T
                                749 points9 months ago
                                Tbh, if I were a healer I would wear a flipping full plate harness. I see no reason not to.
                                • 999+ points9 months ago
                                  Yeah regardless of your role you’re still on the battlefield. One mistake from a blind spot and you’re done. No armor to protect her.
                              • I demand SauceGluttonyWhy did Arthur’s mom always look like she’s been wearing house clothes instead of adventuring clothe...
                                319 points9 months ago
                                Because they're comfy?
                                Do you have a specific type of tshirt and shorts you wear when you get in your car chief?
                                Motorcyclists are kinda the exception to that
                                • GluttonyI demand Sauce
                                  999+ points9 months ago
                                  I mean as an adventurer unless she has something under you should probably always have armor on. They’re a high ranked party as well. Unless they were just that sure that she would be defended there’s no way there’s not any piece of armor on her.
                              • 999+ points9 months ago
                                Same old rule... If there is no body there is no death so Lensa is probably still alive and worst case she is with the ennemy
                                • VampAdz
                                  999+ points9 months ago
                                  Unfortunately she is dead, don't expect this manhwa to have safety plot for everyone just like how Adam died, nobody is safe
                                  • J
                                    They changed how she died in this, I seem to remember that she just died from the infected 'wound' instead of suicide from being crippled. If im misremembering please correct me i didnt bother checking. ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
                                    • VampJosef Supermarket
                                      999+ points9 months ago
                                      I too remember the same thing lol
                                • Novel reader’s trying not to spoil everything:

                                  • I didn't want to be judgemental from the start and let a few chapters flow. But yeah after evaluating for this few chapters is a done deal. The art has taken a major downturn.
                                    I wish they payed the artist more but they got cheap. Whoever this guy is, is the cheap alternative.
                                    Truly sad.

                                    • D
                                      Now we're at the point of introducing characters just to kill them off. Cute.
                                      • theyre all gonna die nooooooooooo
                                        • Oh god the dad is fucked there's no way he isn't because he doesn't have the amulet
                                          • The new art is really killing everything for me, especially since the previous artist was absolutely amazing at his job. Because it just doesn't have a sense of seriousness to it at all. If it doesn't get better, then oh well. Don't expect to see me here again
                                            • My guess we gonna see her as enemy aren't we
                                              • godamnit adam...
                                                lensa is definitely alive. Maybe deep in some dungeon or with the enemy
                                                • I need to start reading from beginning. Everything seems confusing!bruh!
                                                  • This arc brings the feels bro. Arthur’s dad, Tess’ Parents. Damn.
                                                  • fck authors killing people left and right, pls dont turn into l.a.g.
                                                    • GluttonyBanana
                                                      999+ points9 months ago
                                                      Bro only one person died in this chapter. The person in the flashback literally doesn’t even matter either.
                                                    • lol "there was for me"
                                                      • Poor Adam, his passing was kinda of a footnote.
                                                        • T
                                                          749 points9 months ago
                                                          In the ln it was worse. They came back and then the fact that there were more monsters came up and Adam died.
                                                        • Someone tell me what chapter it was when Arthur got into a labyrinth
                                                          • KvS333Friday
                                                            999+ points9 months ago
                                                            The start of the 9th novel if I recall correctly. I'm not sure exactly which chapter that is.
                                                            • Thomas_JCGFridaySomeone tell me what chapter it was when
                                                              999+ points9 months ago
                                                              Which labyrinth? Also, it is not a spoiler if it already happened.
                                                              • FridayThomas_JCG
                                                                199 points9 months ago
                                                                I don’t really remember, I think it was before he went through a portal and got to a village in alacrya, but I think I’ll reread the novel since I forgot most of the war arc
                                                            • Yup someone's gonna die
                                                              • T
                                                                Odds on Lensa being alive?
                                                              • 999+ points9 months ago
                                                                no way they got adam
                                                                • It's such a sad story and as the things are I guess it'll be like a horror movie from now on 'cuz there's a feeling that things are going to get bad.
                                                                  • 15
                                                                    User-3105352315Ain Soph Aur
                                                                    170 points9 months ago
                                                                    I wont say much i just wish you a good ride becouse shit is about to get dark. I always read the new wn so i know what i am talking about.
                                                                    Its giving akame ga kill vibes
                                                                    • Ain Soph AurUser-3105352315
                                                                      999+ points9 months ago
                                                                      I've read some spoilers during S5 so I kinda know this season will be filled with sadness but I don't remember the spoilers too well so I just know it'll be painful
                                                                  • Z
                                                                    I think it's time to grit my teeth and accept the fact that this new art is gonna stay for a long while instead of crying wolf in the comment section.
                                                                    • alligatorZakomimi
                                                                      999+ points9 months ago
                                                                      Honestly, I kinda like this a bit more. The backgrounds are done better; and so far, I've not seen any CG assets yet.
                                                                      • Z
                                                                        999+ points9 months ago
                                                                        At the end of the day it's just personal preference. I went back to old chapters and it's hard to let go off those beautiful art style...
                                                                  • Well damn.

                                                                      • This shit was stupid. What kind of parents abandon their children for something like that. And his father's going to let his wife go to war? He needs to take his own advice.
                                                                        • Spoilers have told me that things will go wrong (I wonder in what way tho SPOIL ME)
                                                                          • KvS333CDzzNut
                                                                            999+ points9 months ago
                                                                            You know all the characters that have been getting development since book one that you love? They die. Slight exaggeration, but seriously, a lot of people are bouta get smoked. Author got tired of managing them all I guess, lol.
                                                                            • W
                                                                              Wild432CDzzNutSpoilers have told me that things will go wrong (I wonder in what way tho SPOIL ME)
                                                                              999+ points9 months ago
                                                                              more spoilers, and i mean more, from what "ok" said : arthur getting fucked up leads to sylvie(a) (I forget whos who) sacrificing herself for Arthurs sake, and if I remember right this is from a fight AFTER Uto so it's still a ways off, but yea that fight leads to his core shattering and him basically building from zero without his bond, but the "weapon in his palm" from his time training before finally awakens so there's that. He gets stuck in Alacrya afterwards.
                                                                              • AgrelWild432
                                                                                999+ points9 months ago
                                                                                Bro spoiled book 7 and 8 in one reply :O
                                                                                • KvS333Agrel
                                                                                  999+ points9 months ago
                                                                                  Impressive, right? I didn't know you could spoil so much in a few short sentences. Fair warning peeps, Wild432 took the request as a challenge, so do not look under the gray unless you want the next couple hundred chapters spoiled.
                                                                                  • W
                                                                                    Wild432Agrel :O
                                                                                    999+ points9 months ago
                                                                                    I have no idea what book we're on in the manhwa or what book the LN is at last time I read they had just finished the fight underground in the caves after arthur came back to Dicaten
                                                                                    • AgrelWild432
                                                                                      999+ points9 months ago
                                                                                      The war arc upcoming is the whole of book 7 and half of book 8 iirc and book 9 is where Arthur is back to Dicathen
                                                                              • okCDzzNutSpoilers have told me that things will go wrong (I wonder in what way tho SPOIL ME)
                                                                                999+ points9 months ago
                                                                                you wanna be spoiled? Sure ig: arthurs dad dies, much later arthur himself gets fucked up pretty bad and his mana core gets destroyed. Wont spoil any further
                                                                                • J
                                                                                  Me when purposely spoiling myself :O
                                                                                  • M
                                                                                    Mighty Keyboard Warriorokyou wanna be spoiled? Sure ig:
                                                                                    506 points9 months ago
                                                                                    I randomly saw this in the latest comments section. It feels like my gut is punched. I'm not going to read this for a few months now
                                                                                    • T
                                                                                      The Firstokyou wanna be spoiled? Sure ig:
                                                                                      999+ points9 months ago
                                                                                      tbate novel reader try not to be an attention whore and spoil it: challenge impossible
                                                                                      • W
                                                                                        Wild432The First
                                                                                        999+ points9 months ago
                                                                                        he has it covered with the spoiler tag and someone else literally asked for a spoiler you have zero reason to be upset
                                                                                        • okThe Firsttbate novel reader try not to be an attention whore and spoil it: challenge impossible
                                                                                          999+ points9 months ago
                                                                                          User "The First" trying to read and understand the situation before yapping: Challenge impossible
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                                                                                      Latest Comments
                                                                                      Darkun2 kept making typos Bruh. I hope the manga prosper both in scanlation and sales. If it goes on but no one translating then I'll be damned

                                                                                      Chapter 49 - D Genesis: Three Years Since the Dungeon Appeared · 2 minutes ago

                                                                                      CoolWhip Without the mc here, I'm losing interest. Every chapter is another chapter babysitting the kiddie detective

                                                                                      Chapter 54 - MPD Psycho · 3 minutes ago

                                                                                      Dlink It is like fighting Juubi
                                                                                      but 5x smaller I guess

                                                                                      Chapter 123 - Kaiju No. 8 · 5 minutes ago

                                                                                      Mc is really starting to piss me off, like how can he be this nice!? Ok i get it don't kill them but put them out of commission by breaking their bones or something

                                                                                      Chapter 150 - Jungle Juice · 6 minutes ago

                                                                                      Asukakenji07 cause maybe his monsterization in the blood gate enhance his power and cause of his obsession with his revenge, help him being sane

                                                                                      Chapter 2 - Bones · 7 minutes ago

                                                                                      Banana this giving adventure time monster before the darkness vibe

                                                                                      Chapter 45 - The Family Circumstances of the Unreliable Witch · 8 minutes ago

                                                                                      SirTerrorizer The train will circle around for another lap in this arc, just saying

                                                                                      Chapter 130 - SSS-Class Suicide Hunter · 9 minutes ago

                                                                                      the Last Archmage You know, up until this chapter, I never thought Arthur was racist. In fact, I always saw him as pretty progressive compared to other Isekai MCs—especially after that speech he gave right before the war. You’d never think Arthur would be racist.

                                                                                      So, I don’t think he is, but if he turns out to be, that’d be a real bummer. I’d hate to drop this series because I genuinely enjoy TBATE. It’s one of the best—if not the best—Isekai ever made. Dropping it just because they decided to sprinkle some racism into the MC? That’d be pretty depressing.

                                                                                      But yeah, that’s just how I feel. Just my opinion.

                                                                                      Chapter 209 - The Beginning After the End · 10 minutes ago

                                                                                      Brazilian Hag Dis she had any before? Most women would be traumatized with constant sex, she literally became a sex fiend in the original timeline

                                                                                      Chapter 7 - The Villainous Noble Loves Mom Heroines Too Much ~Becoming The Strongest With Sincere Effort To Save Misfortunate Fave Chars~ · 12 minutes ago

                                                                                      TwEEzyZen buddy ask the guy reading it i will readit later reply to the other message

                                                                                      Chapter 53 - Childhood Friend of the Zenith · 12 minutes ago


                                                                                      Chapter 123 - Kaiju No. 8 · 14 minutes ago

                                                                                      SixThells MC standing on business no matter what. Idc what anyone says but damn do I support MC in this case. Who gives a fuck if he regrets his actions now, he fucked. I really hope the story suddenly doesnt end by MC dying and this shit face being hero

                                                                                      Chapter 27 - Bones · 17 minutes ago

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