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Noissar Donny_Dont - 1720982630
Yeah English seems to get worse on a rapid scale. The Movie Idiocracy is terrifying and I hope I am long dead before it becomes reality, though I wish it never does.

As for the kill thing, it is like Quake back in the day or the modern day arena shooters, possibly MOBAs. I get why it does not make sense - that type of challenge/arena is not really appropriate(?) for that kind of call-out or I am possibly wrong and it only makes sense if rapid kills are taking place and that it obvious. Maybe it relies on thinking of it in the way of a spectator (/video watcher) and not a reader. NVM I tried to look up a quick search term to show an example but it seems a lot of things either skip calling out the first kill or say something generic like "NICE" and then ramp up on the third in a row. Meaning this type of thing likely has to have an 'intelligent' commentator for the context to make sense.

The long and short is probably better explained as: Commentator knew a series of kills was about to happen and called it as such. That is the best defense I can give the Artist/Writer/Translator, lol.
Noissar Cookie Muncher - 1720981065
Well put. Lately it feels like I have been speaking to people that seem to speak in half(?) words, and it has really messed me up for the rare occasion that true intelligent communication happens.

I appreciate the proper use of English as a language, even if I am not fully able to reply with such anymore. Thanks for that, it was a good time.
Noissar Donny_Dont - 1720978612
Pretty sure it is a translation error of sorts (English is a messed up language)... it IS technically first kill, the first kill in a chain. It should have been denoted as 'SINGLE' or 'KILL' and not "FIRST" to avoid this particular confusion.

but even then it is an extra word that is typically not said said in English. It is normal for a game to only call the Double, Triple, Quadra, Penta kills in a chain and skip over the 'First' as a given based on situation/context. Other languages may actually have a word for it specifically that does not translate well but would still create a speech bubble.
Noissar Cookie Muncher - 1720925703
Yeah, That is the basics of it. I imagine there is arguments for wording and other such things. I do believe that when I first heard/saw it, the example used two identically dressed Ninjas and had some other things going on that tainted my understandings on it. That really is a better explanation.

I am finding myself falling further and further out of love with the English language with all its versatility feeling like it has been lost, the more "modern" it becomes... Spoken is dominated by 'tone' and written can be marred by context (or lack there of). I feel like I can break into 'Old Man' ranting about people just arbitrarily adding or changing the meanings of words...
Noissar MissBadEnd - 1720664876
Calling it "low" does not even make any sense... They are not dignified nor respectable. He was suppose to leave it for what? Goblins, possibly some random person to find? The only reason not to have taken it is literally forgetting to...nearly everything else is likely going to be classified as naïve or moronic in reasoning, They were not "good" people, they were all literally Criminals, consorts/supporters to said Criminals, and there Hero was/is only acting under duress/threat/blackmail.
Noissar Ukelela - 1720567413
Like I said I was super tired; like not 'why' am I still awake but 'how' territory.
Noissar TwEEzyZen - 1720567074
I think you are correct, but I am also slightly remembering it was related to his murder in the original story/time line, so depriving a potential unjustifiable(?) murder; if that is in fact the case, depriving a murder of resources I guess...
Noissar Irem - 1720019857
I read this while being super tired... you just have to replace all the MC's lines with wildly inappropriate insults, it was hilarious that way.

Not typically a fan of gag edits but this chapter might just shine with one.
Noissar NotusNeo - 1719843427
Yeah, but they have mentioned it a lot that they can only really contend with the lower ranks; this is like some grade 4 school children getting rock by a boxer in college... and the children can never grow up while the boxer can go professional.
Noissar Mcmorky - 1719105082
My fellow Countrymen are also rather inept in worrying numbers. The school system especially around Toronto Ontario really messes up our people when you add it in with all the other things; I'd hazard to say 5-8 out of 10 are coming out in a fundamentally broken way.
Noissar - 1718927935
Artist really know how to do Cities , The one above the bus really stood out with a level of complex simplicity. it felt like it did all it needed to do and not an ounce more!
Noissar Renki - 1718921683
Dragon Fear in this refer to an innate species ability, not a class like structured thing. The 'Dragon blood' (I am assuming is the author's intent) has some innate benefit that blocks out that effect and that is what they were bred to have - for I assume they are meant to wage war against actual dragons in a cannon fodder / shock troop type position. If they locked up in fear every time they would be far less effective, the way I rationalize it is: if they can get a bite or cut in and cause bleeding there is added use if energy or resources beyond the move needed to kill the drake.
Noissar Midnight Blues - 1718920780
The Twins grabbed the tiger and were dragging it... not only that the Druid was moving via carriage instead of on foot or in the air. The initial circumstances that he would encounter the tiger cub are completely different. the likely original story is that the Druid came to find a dragon, stumbled upon the Cub while he was also trying to hide from the Drake, and they escaped together or some version there of.

There is no 'breaking of the story' (that I can understand) The rumours brought by Pablo literal say giant monster that suspected to be a Dragon; Wyvern is a flying lesser/sub-species of Dragons and Drakes are the ground based lesser/sub-species of Dragons (in most depictions). By the Druid showing up that 'added' the tiger [cub] to the possibilities, I can see how this would cause confusion though. It simply added a variable it did not replace anything existing before that, the greatest factor for this would be the question of: "How was he supposed to tame the tiger?" without poacher like activities that would make the ancestor of a "HERO" be a villain?

An easy mix-up, I make them all the time. I just hope that kinda explains it well enough so that it is more clear?
Noissar Bloop - 1718848652
The majority of that feels like it only happened in the last 20 or so chapters. I enjoy the read, but it takes a while before something actually happens... like 5-7 chapters to cover one thing. Mandatory bulk read for me.
Noissar - 1718848121
Poor Ghost Face Wasp, reminds me way too much a child that can not be taught by receiving a beating, but has a parent that only has that in their "tool box".
Noissar - 1718844471
I am here to save you! The cost is just one big house! *proceeds with collateral damage*
Noissar - 1718828692
Well that was a sadness inducing chapter...a happy ending too I guess...
Noissar Meringue - 1718811690
Indeed, Heroic stories tend to de-humanize a person in making them too perfect/great in many ways. Complex is both a Heavy and Light statement when trying to explain what it is that makes up a person.

One that just came to mind for this, was the people whom spend lots of time getting ready/dressed (to varying degrees of course) to look clean, or prim, or "proper" when they go outside but live in a home of abject or literal filth. If you are unaware of their situation you what is essentially the same as the "Never meet your heroes" effect. That extra knowledge affect the presented image that was put forth.
Noissar Meringue - 1718765882
it is a thing that requires something more than surface level thoughts to understand, too many people are not capable of critical thinking. To me this is basically inline with a Good Person/ Bad Parent, Bad Person/ Good Parent type of Duality. There are several "roads" one can take to understand things but I have notice there are people whom just can not engage with the idea that a "Good" person can do or be "Bad" or vice-versa.

Truly a complex thing, like a person can be a hero by saving live but also kick dogs as a pastime - to me that would make them a Hero and a bad person, they are just simply both; those things can not be equally measured or compared.

The issue on this one is that there is an attachment to both sides, and those that know: emotions beat the blood out of logic and right out of the rational world when they are not controlled.
Noissar Neko Majin C - 1718579831
They have not revealed his real Demon Form, so Literal is not actually off the table yet... but the hints lead me to believe he is just a straight up parasite... the uncool kind!