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It is the difference of a sandblaster tearing a person apart versus lethal venom that makes a person eventually fall apart at the cellular level.
There is an extreme amount of cross over and confusion because of the miss labeling between 'Orc' and 'Orc'; probably better to say Orks(?) and Orcs to differ on the two. Pigmen and Greenskins respectively but both generally noted for high fertility / sex-drive. This is mostly tends to only be applied to the lower tier of Greenskins (Goblins/Goblinoids) and normalises to human levels with Orcs and becomes an inverse (low levels of reproduction) with Ogres [even then some universes do not consider Orcs or Ogres Goblinoids].
For "reasons" Magic/ Alchemy/ medicine can make associated organ into reproductive 'Drugs'.
Depends on the writer/story of it is true or not...
The Dark Mage's Return to Enlistment
The thing that is looking like a massive problem at this point in the story is the minimal combat awareness he has going on... that just multiplies by the fact that at the end of his last life he was supposed to be solo fighting entire hordes. Stat boost must have been doing a whole lot of the lifting from what he is showing off at this point.
Killing the top tiers that are still doing the work of the 'GOOD' forces would derail his plans and just lead to him being harassed for small gains towards his personal wants with likely massive setbacks because of it.
Keep in mind that there is a Human behaviour where a person is content to do nothing to solve a(n) "issue". But if they see someone else trying to do the thing and they "suck" at it, it drives them to do it themselves/better... That frustration at something that "sucks", far exceeds the frustration of something outright not existing. There is more to it but that basically says it for the most part.
But there are a ton of things that are small-(ish) that are still outrageously horrifying that could still come through the 99th floors tiny pond/'Inter floor sea zone' access hole. It is kind of funny that Australia has scarier wild life than the 99th floor... specifically that insanely deadly tiny Blue Octopus that is like the size of a bottle cap.
I used to think Lion fish were also super bad. Turns out you can actually not even have/need the special knowledge about their deadly spines and just straight up boil them in a pot to make them edible (if I am remembering that correctly).
It is one of those things "if you know, you know". The relevancy is in that is shows how society provides protections to some, to the detriments to others. It is actually a good example at how laws can be used malevolently from both perspectives.
A prime example (in Canada at least): it is an Illegal act to have a smoke/pet free apartment building. A Renter can just outright lie about it or change their mind after the fact and the Law protects them. There are also Landlords that illegally access properties, create false evidence, etc. to preform illegal evictions [this is exceptionally bad because they usually do it to people they know can not afford a lawyer, if the Renter does fight it themselves and win then they have a hostile landlord that has no issues and likely will use illegal activities to try and force them out].
The question itself or should I say my intentions for it was to set a baseline on certain understandings. The overarching point was that there is a percentage of people that are not held responsible for their actions or are protected in ways they should not be and become more and more demented as they get away with things. Safe to assume you know what I mean?
MC used level drain, opponent's level disparity protection has ended.
He is presently in some alternate space of some kind (if I remember correctly that is), it appears to be an alt form of the Dragon physique. Though it bears point out that this is a Martial Arts thing with a dose of Magical Powers.
Sub-Human = less than human. Though I use it rather broadly, I most likely do not need explain to you what 'Swatting' is. I also would not be adverse to apply such terms to those whom take things stalker tier harassment. Disagree, fight on social media, or what have you but if there is a legitimate reason to track a person down, the only people that should need to be informed are the Police in those situations. Excluding obvious exception of course but "internet people" should not be calling people's jobs/schools/family to harass them.
I can get the paragraphs thing. Sadly that is literally what I meant by effort, cause it does require effort. The key factor of it being a ultimately a negative, is that you did not even try. The easiest thing I can liken it to is going to a class in school or a training program and having a person that is obviously not paying attention start pissing and moaning that they do not understand what is going on forcefully delaying everything else.
That is only really a more recent issue in the last few decades, before that when they started to cause a fuss they would just have been sent on their way. Not sure of your age bracket but how familiar are you with what it takes for a person to actually be evicted from a residence?
I have been conditioned in the worst of ways...
Without explaining you meant % based, in a vacuum that actually makes a lot of sense. In context however without correcting that mistake, it does not make sense because that premise incorrect and not to be considered. This should be a classic "fruit of the poisonous tree"; the basis of understanding required me to have come to the same incorrect conclusion and realising that very mistake and still continuing with it.
The nuisance part is Two-Fold:
- Saying "Im... not reading all that." and effectively proving that statement was true. (reasons previously stated)
- the use of capitalised 'YOU' insinuating that I have made mistakes and yet not providing anything of substance on how. That is a very "I am so smart and you are and idiot for not understanding" dishonest way of interacting.
I understand the idea of being a nuisance, and yes it can be fun and engaging. The fault I am direct referring to is being a moronic/dishonest nuisance. So what if the internet is plagued with a maelstrom sub-humans; do you have to behave, act, or be one of them? Even if I also enjoy that activity I tend to refrain from it. I got a seriously bad habit of getting annoy with arrogant idiocy that I just get malevolent with it. The last time I did was actually on this site. An individual was tossing out slander like it was facts, and when I not so politely called them out on their lies, they said: "it is just an opinion" and proceeded to block me.
Please humour me on how I misunderstood.
This is a skill that would nominally be used to tie Tank archetypes to a glass Cannon archetype or other important roles to prevent targeted attacks/assassinations.
Though if were are cutting down on the civility. You are absolutely being a nuisance now, because if I misunderstood it as you are saying. Then as you have also said - that is your fault. You after all expressed it in a "stupid way that leads to misunderstandings." according to your own words.
You have further cemented you self as a nuisance by replying "Im... not reading all that." and though there was a bit more to it; only about 6 sentence were actually directly related to you and your comment. One of those being a clarification statement, so minus one from that.
AAH! I best be careful or wait... is this already gotten to long for you to actually read it.
The latter 2/3 of that should not have been relevant to you.
Everything should have been answered before the >.
TL;DR - you read it wrong or understood it incorrectly, you need to put in more effort.