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Not quite there; if DOOR A is the correct door, the answer will always be DOOR B (which is the incorrect/ hell door).

They will both always answer DOOR B

'the concept' is not about being right or wrong / correct or incorrect. It may be better understood if you keep in mind that they both know that DOOR A is correct (Heaven), and that the question is about finding the "wrong answer"(Hell).

The nature of the question is a step removed from the problem at hand and the actual question you are asking comes at the issue sideways. By asking: "what would the 'other one' say is the Heaven Door?" the answer will only ever be the wrong door, in this case DOOR B.

The liar will always lie and point to DOOR B (Hell) , because the TT would always point to the Heaven Door when asked which is the Heaven Door. The lie always points to Hell.

The TT just answers truthfully and points to DOOR B (Hell) because that is the answer the liar would give asked to answer the same question.

They booth point to Door B (Hell) because the question is about the "answer" the other one would provide.

...It is more akin to a guided question inside a question that is for information for clarity. It is not to find the actual answer but to find the Lie, and you use the Lie to go "sideways" to the answer you actually want by eliminating the Hell option. The key point was for me, if I remember correctly when I finally wrapped my head around the concept is that - it is not just 1 question being asked. It may seem like 1 question, but language is not such a simple thing.

I do not recall the specific answer. But it comes down to something really simple in the end with a bit of a twist. The Answer I am familiar with is when one path lead to death - just straight death.

It does not matter which one you choose; you ask "what path would the other one say is the correct path?" The liar will lie and the truthful one will also tell you what the liar would say. The twist is that you choose the path opposite of what they answered. The question is to get an answer but the answer in this case is backwards or an elimination of an option, because they both answer with the incorrect path/door/option.

The key point is that the question asked does not dictate your actions - it is solely for information and the "wisdom" comes from knowing the 'wrong' answer allowing you to know where trouble is and avoid it. In the instance the "wrong" answer lead to Undead and not death, so he went farming EXP.

Hope that explains it a bit, but a summary can be something like:
"what path would the other one say is the correct path?"
The liar would point to the death path - because the Truthful one would say the correct path if directly asked so the liar must say the opposite because they can only say a lie.
The truthful one would also point to the death path - because the lair must lie and say that the death path is the correct path.
With that you should now the path that leads to death and choose the opposite.
Noissar R Tuin - 1711978427
Ya never know, not really a "mentally stable" crowd they got there. 89 gives me the vibe of: mounts a blade in the ground/wall/etc, insults her target into a fury then blinds them when they charge and they "just happened" to run by pure 'chance' into said blade, impaling it right into their own heart.
Noissar KiliSloe - 1711460335
There is also the point - if she could be dissuaded so easily then it would be far more likely to avoid a tragedy then have a good character building life experience.

Real friend tell you things you do not want to hear, but most likely need to hear.
Noissar cvlvn - 1711185050
Seeing this comment as a month old and comments form Legacy system... it hurts a bit...
Noissar Vendor-Lazarus - 1711184478
Monsters. Also unless outsiders come in to the location they would have no Idea what is going on, and once again: "There are dangerous monsters in the area, we need to have ways to protect ourselves." - A place literally built on top of a dragons nest... beside a forest and mountains filled with monsters. The plan was also to have it up before anyone even realises what is happening.
Noissar - 1711173752
Normally I sail right on past these kind of details... but, That CAKE is just wrong, the size of the slices do not match the amount of cake that was missing (unless my eyes have failed me once again). And why did each slice look like a copy & paste! I did not examine the details intently just the fact they all faced the exact same way was too much for me...
Noissar Urimiya - 1711173455
The sister was supposed to have died in a "sudden" monster raid or something of that nature. but you know; PLOT!!!! - as they say... shush, do not bring up valid points.

Though I think 'Suicide Note' might have been a mis/bad translation.
Noissar Raiji - 1711172527
it just lessens the amount of math, and in some cases makes it easier to understand - that is probably the point of percentages... That in no way discounts your point about consumption.

I mean they kinda did a good think using the percentages as a base line, heck, you could even call it smart. But the way they use it is like an idiot trying to stab someone with a rubber mallet. The consumption rates could be explained and could easily make sense but it is like they never thought of that, the power now feels like 2 steps away from the hunting of wolves even thought the is something like 70-80+ levels of difference.
Noissar Donny_Dont - 1711164655
It hit 34 at the time of this comment. As you said it really is 'meh' even border garbage for me, but I just mindlessly zipped through the first 10 or so and after that I would not exactly say it gets "good" but it mostly stopped being bad and that was good, even though it was kind of still bad. There started to be point where I actually wanted to know more and was interested... it is like it has tiny hooks.

For some reason I want to say it give me the mental image of fishing in really shallow water that is just super dirty like liquid mud, but you still can catch fish, so it is still fishing, and that works if you really like fishing and cannot make it somewhere better.
Noissar Zacky - 1711088966
Yeah, That was not really the best of times back then but in the current day it can really feel like an overcorrection that has lead in a strange direction. Even though it seems like a strange direction it still gives off an inevitable feel of going full-circle; Men are brainwashed and force fed propaganda in some regions of the world, it is leaving them alone/isolated and feeling / being told that everything they are and could ever possibly do is just "wrong".

Some people can only take so much of a beating physical and/or mental before the Human returns to Animal. Society requires participation and people being forced out leads to destruction in one way or another.

Though now I realise "real Human" was not totally accurate, better than just simply being stomped on and enslaved, the loss of control pushes him away from peak Human and more into animal territory. Magic really puts a spin on this though, cause how are you supposed to quantify a child that has the power to blow up a house by pointing a finger while they are actively being a threat?
I assume this is because she turned that one fool looking Minotaur into a temporary tornado? If that is one of the key points to make you think that... The artist actually did a really amazing job at making that one invoke the feeling of just wanting to hit him; buffoon personified, it had the type of personality that basically is a zone/thick line right before the line of unforgivable. Not an outright evil but something of incompetence and ignorant nature that has the potential to just as devastating as Pure Evil. At best an ignorant and annoying moron, at worst the reason there is the saying: "The path to Hell is paved with good intentions.

Also becoming a Parent sometimes rewires people into something else altogether, for good or ill.
Noissar MKAZ - 1710982778
I can almost feel your comment physically....

I hate how perfectly that can be described as: 'Ignorant Brat'. At least his response was actually inline with a real Human (with a backbone/pride).
Noissar - 1710815975
Man... the really did drop the responsibly is a punishment line...

It really applies to the world today.. I get that an underlying premises of communism abuses the idea that a person could live well do what they are actually good at; that is how some people think it will work but that is not how it actually works. Schools do not really even teach the majority of people life skills... they got some real lucky stars if they find out what they are good at in school. Lucky Stars and my Jealousy lol.
Noissar YAMEROOO - 1710589136
Non-Organic Plot... I just like fruit being square. But gotta admit those square watermelons I saw awhile back looked kinda cool.
Noissar oonhas - 1710588030
Truly, If you are a perfect fighter but everything else you do is effectively the embodiment of disappointment, then all you have to look forward to is War and monsters...

Also, baking = pizza
Noissar Zagyu - 1710277464
He was dropped into a "hell game" or something of that nature... So we have 2 likely things going on, in the first likely thing there is the Author forgetting about EXP. While the Second possible thing is that the Frogmen, and possibly Goblins are considered a type of 'Fodder' class and are not worth EXP.
That is to say there exists a chance that if something is not considered at least Elite or higher they are worth nothing, or extremely low amounts.

Though there is also a system that only count "unique" kills that puts thinking species above others where individual members of a species may count but the other non thinking species only the first one counts. It is a concept I heard of from a D&D player; used in lieu of a level gap system in some stories and the like. Basically summed up in a way that, within a given level/power system at some point you are no long growing or gaining experience you are at some point doing nothing new, but rather just exercising to maintain what you already have.
Noissar SpinelesS - 1709630231
Please no Spoilers; this gripping, well thought out, completely Original work has gripped me hart and soul.

Thanks for the knowledge on that. I would be a bit of an A-Hat if I said something like putting it on the title page(?)... front cover is probably the right term; I tend to skip them completely...

The main reason it is such a letdown is how good it was before. Getting proper support is awesome though. Just never will never have faith for that kind of thing. It is right up there with the incorrect use/translation of 'in' and 'on'. There is a short list of things I will say I actually hate, those two are in a Demon's Death Match to try and claim first place when I remove things that actually affect people.
Noissar Bruce - 1709519359
haa... an absolutely garbage one at that. There need to be a global Agency / Cabal / Justice Force to stop these garbage time skips. It is just so freakin' rare that they are not terrible. It really feels like 1 in 10k are actually good, 1 in 5k are alright/meh, and the rest are at the bottom of an infinitely lopsided barrel that defies everything and is somehow 99% bottom cause the stuff that is good or not terrible exist as some legendary feat that has lean purely on being rounded up to qualify as the 1% - That rare.