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It is all about 'doubts'. Even if you can see the future with 100% accuracy - it is about being able to convince others that you can, in fact, see the future, and that you can do so with 100% accuracy.

He has to play his part so that he makes Justus show that he is the villain. Justus is currently is hiding the fact that he is the Villain an accord to Harold's knowledge of the game it was something like years(?) before he made a move and was nominally ousted as the Villain. He has to speed up that time line and until he has him ousted they are in a pseudo protection period. Meaning those two are largely safe in trying to directly gather information.

This can more or less be considered Harold making preparations by having others gather the information. Arguably most important thing is he now has other people that will be his 'allies' to a varying degree based on the information they gather - this opens the option that if something in the information they gather is suspect. It is unlikely that he will have to convince them of the validity of what they personally gathered and can move directly to having them figure it out on the own or have the potential to explain his situation without being sidelined be something else.

Without this, Harold's existing reputation would have him for some arbitrary reason that would lead to his own death. In a way you could say he needs to establish that he was working against Justus the whole time after being caught up in this and that, or he somehow will be labeled as an agent or co-conspirator, etc. of Justus. The KEY point is (if I remember correctly) is that he is aware of this outcome.
Noissar Donny_Dont - 1718485442
Down with decimals!
Dastardly Decimals, DIE!
it is loose/baggy/folded/wrinkled way more than it should be, I do think that is what they meant. It is not depicted as being 'fitted' properly, and the typical depictions that would prompt something of that nature are normally distasteful, excluding children playing dress up.

I do not follow "Fashion" personally - far too much of it got too close to being: a kind of tube-sock with trimmings. I nopped out of it, Though I did find it a 'Dark' kind of funny when they "put a trash bag on Skeletor" and called it fashion...
Noissar Paradiso - 1718029674
It was never about the Grade, he wanted the attention that is supposed to come with the grade. It is basic emotions, Hector is like a top athlete that has put in years of work to edge out a victory, and when he puts in his all and gets that victory he gets zero praise and attention. Meanwhile an individual that has tried to eat themselves to death gets all the praise and attention for basically not dying while participating/showing up.

Envious and rightly so, even with all the advantages he was given he still put in the work personally. It is two separate things; he actually put in the work, so he deserves credit; his personality is just unlikable, so it is easy to deny that.

Weird mix of Sore Loser / Hateful Winner - but he is a Jerk so F that guy type of thing.
Noissar Tim - 1718006938
I think it was implied that she 'used' to defend him on party matters. Though everything you said was completely correct, they should have made that line of text BOLD x99 with how hard they wanted to to carry the plot point that she also fell inline with the others and moved from the nebulous "taken for granted" stage to something on a worse level; by displaying no "backbone/pride" he went from a Man to something lesser akin to a punching bag and was not worthy of respect.

It takes a certain (almost special) qualities that tend to require massive levels (life) experience/ wisdom to recognise the worth of a person that allows/accepts/embraces being treated as 'lesser' existence as if that is the only way the world can exist without chaos.

It is just really messed up, because I would say that she was in the wrong in that situation to a degree. The issue I have with it, is that he was the reason the situation even existed. MC put himself in that situation by not respecting himself and living as a proper Human Being. It is also explains why the others are over-the-top with how horrible they are, that it basically has to force the point.
Noissar Zacky - 1717031915
Are you talking about the 'unmanned' assault boats or something else? Either way, those that choose to act in the darkness in their hearts should be permanently buried in it. If it is not Dragon Ball I will not forgive.
Noissar Fervor - 1716303305
Chemical/Substance abuse at its finest... but yeah, it is a teacher or a noble - and this is my assumption - because it is just easier to write and throw out, Driven by greed or self assigned greatness does XX and/or YY with the connections they have built up over time. It also drives the point more so (in my mind) when their age is 40+, you just expect a person of that age to have some "history" and are not compelled to want to know what it is; a few panels and enough explained. On the other hand, if it is a Child (18 or younger) and not a noble you almost always need a mini/sub arc to explain how it went so sideways for them in such a short time when generally speaking in a 'society' they should have had a system/community helping/'keeping a leash' on them.

Summary: Easier to write (believability) and probably a bit of Trend following.
Also, I forgot to add: Drugs.... classic drugs are bad... Potions and Pills
Noissar Mandarin - 1716041081
You can certainly argue if the the leader bad a bad call or not, but it is a standard "did not follow orders" type problem.
But I would also throw on to the argument that it saves them from the physical drain of stamina, it really is just better to fast-wipe if there is no rewards with a lingering potential of injury..
Noissar macaak - 1715949246
They have mucked about with the names, So some names are still the same but others are not... like the current cultivation level use to be celestial this and that; now it is some god and man or something nonsense, He also names his clan the 'Green' clan instead of Azure. just sloppy work all-round. To clarify - I am the the type that does not like changes in previously set names - unless they are catastrophically wrong and it breaks the story, otherwise they need to leave it alone.
Noissar - 1715675862
I know I am "different" in many regards but that "baby fox" is standing on the line of being ugly looking... the only time it looked mildly cute to this point is when they showed its mouth covered in blood...
Noissar Trecta - 1715666052
A few dozen, a few hundred, a few times for all the countless people you have harmed.... yes... just a few....
Noissar ranamata - 1715037308
ahh mate.... spite comes from the mouth, dude was in the nose...

He was Undead Snot Launched....
Noissar aFFi - 1715036559
Even if the actions are unpleasant in various ways... to say they are not "good" is a bit backwards, but that could just be a fault of the ways the English language does not properly convey the thoughts that we have.

The methods are "bad" because of how they are normally used. Yes he lied and manipulated - the issue becomes a "grey" area type things it was those lies and manipulation that made it so Mairon (whom I am assume you are referring to as the 'blindsided good people') was able to open his mind to the possibility that his family were committing the Evils he was taught that were completely unacceptable. If that is the case then those lies and manipulations were in fact good things that helped him avoid a complete mental break from being 'blindsided' by the actual truth, as it was no longer a sudden thing.

The point of having future knowledge is the only thing that makes it quasi-acceptable; the inherent malicious nature of the actions is more or less reliant on having the final answer beforehand. This is one of those Niche situations that does not properly compare to most other situations of this nature.

It is really down to what value you are using to define "good"?...I think the major point for this: is that in the end the father basically confirmed it all, and while he was guided in ways and enabled to hear his father's words for himself. The previous actions allowed him to preserve his sanity, and reduce the overall suffering of him and the victims of his family.

It might be an over simplification but it feels like you can almost do a 1:1 comparison with this and pushing someone whom is about to be hit by a car. Pushing is bad and it could hurt them, but if you see and know they are moments from being hit by a car... the bad act of pushing becomes a good thing.
Noissar - 1715031518
In the top down panel after the city on fire in his previous life... is It just me or did she kinda look like a Paper Airplane with a wig...
Noissar AVN_Enjoyer - 1714596587
I think it has something to do with how 'Oval' shaped his facial appearance in especially the shadow of the forehead matched with the chin. The eyes have that extra slant/dimension (providing an extra angle in the visual of the eye itself) on the outside that gives makeup vibes with what looks like extra thickness. Those two things with the amount of "soft" colour and lines for the hair, skin, and background ambiance. Even the scar looks 'soft', it lacks that sun damaged; dry/leathery expectation of rough living that is typically there.
Noissar Donny_Dont - 1714545716
I thought the 'shadow' that was the striking vine, was just some kind of rope/divider vine she was passing under. Yeah I missed that one pretty badly. Kinda feels bad just assuming the artist was being lazy.

I should probably just go to sleep after a blunder on that level, but that was good catch on your part, well done!
Noissar Donny_Dont - 1714541541
I am more inclined to say a page is missing... there was no page that was a rejection(?) or showed/explained the plant starting to hit her.
Noissar Mangaguy - 1714456389
Just need to have some kind of limiting factor... Cause I agree with you (almost) completely with the infinite part. One of the only ways infinite pulls can even remotely get my interest takes thing too close to Mind-Break territory, I am not a fan of most things that can be tagged with that - far too many think stepping on the path to insanity means becoming living garbage in a skinsuit.

I Would almost say they are worse than 'Time Skips' but you usually get a warning ahead of time for 'Loops/looping' and can brace yourself. I just really do hate 'Time Skips', like get smoked in the back of the head with a metal pipe by some fatherless scum that the world is better off without; losing all my memories and waking up five years later from a coma, add in some other horrible things and it would still dominate any list of things I hate because of how many things they have ruined with the improper usages. Did I mention... I hate time skips...and harbor great disappointment for those that use them ( 399/400 times they are used).
Noissar - 1714235224
I do not know if I am happy or mad that they did a bunch of 'blatant / in your face' things to show a connection between the two groups... and actually did not play stupid and make it so the MC does not figure it out till five years later.

I guess... good thing he figured it out!?!
Noissar NavigatedChaos - 1713331116
That is rough to hear... The best F U to trauma and the like is to live well. Easier said then done, but we just gotta keep at it one day at a time. If it is food related, if you are able grow something yourself - a bucket, dirt, potatoes. You might be able to take a step forward by connecting with the act of growing food a what that really means.