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Noissar KiliSloe - 1724179593
It really can be uncommon, but you can also claim it as luck that what just happens to popup in your feed or updated at the time that you look is like that. A lot of things can be like that if you are not specifically looking for the opposite, I hope the good points of whatever you are reading carry hard!
Noissar captainBin - 1724178461
I am Truly Officially OLD. Back in my day we called it a Picture.
Noissar Real-Nifuma - 1724175724
I noticed that too, I think the artist got the New Hire and the sister mixed up for a moment merging the two's features without realising it.
I just had the thought, is there a No Mercy MC list and where is it hiding! Far too many Sir MC Cuck Supreme stories out there....
Noissar Manga Mango - 1724162092
Was this meant to be a statement or a question? English basically demands punctuation in its written form... outside of obvious exceptions.

If it was an open statement, Then the battle are some form of protect the Leader/Trainer/Owner - A 1.5 vs. 1.5 if you will - The point five being the Human, while not the Primary target, they are a Secondary target with special rules of some sort. The special rules have not been explained at the point but most likely are related to the mysterious 'Expeditions' that have been mentioned by the observers/judges/'talent scouts.
It literal said: "Although she is not the previous owner's birth mother". not really an angle I want to see countless times in a row. So on the Biological side - it is not incest, your statement as written is wrong.

If it is a dead horse getting beat it is a faux-incest; not a "real" incest (Biology) but some form of potential "fake" incest (societal) that is situational/opinion/arguable. Messy business!

Edit: I somehow completely forgot she might be his stepsister /shares a father...the Future is a potential disaster!
That is one way to think of it, but it may just be a sad reality - the other stores may lack the means / capacity / skills or they do not and they are just like our mega corporations that screw us over for profit instead of covering the cost of inability.

In short the systems price could be the proper one and everyone else just sucks at what they are doing; hiking the price to cover the skill issue and/or greed.
Look up a documentary on Unit 731 if you have not heard of it. Germany has some major justified Evil Rep. but most people only have superficial knowledge on just how dark that rabbit hole is and who all had an actual hand in it. This is also just thing that HAVE records... it is not like there is an extensive record of every Viking raid, or African tribes raiding other tribes for salves, or other such things.

Society is a the leash and cage for the two-faced monster that is Humanity. Dark stuff "people" can get up to, A current year example is how horrible criminals that have done unforgivable things can live in comfort or even walk freely. Though it would be nice if crimes commited by the dead could be buried, sometimes burying Misery and Death takes a whole lot of a lot of things...
It really feels like they nailed the 'MALICE' part!
Noissar Phyrite - 1723811979
Scaram likely has no idea what is going on on the 99th - They mentioned his Merchant's License was revoke, so he can no longer use merchant only travel nor does he have the protection being a merchant provides from the tower residents. So it is more likely to be that "low-tier" Evil, that should be wiped out regardless but it is more that he wants to ruin the one that ruined him by sending a competitor that should sweep Theo's ability to make money.
You can absolutely burn green wood, it is just not super easy and creates a ton of smoke. Green wood is also awful for starting fires or feeding low temp fires, it is really a whole thing now that I am putting thought into how to put it into words. I kinda do not like to say it but... it is a skill issue; then when and how are extremely important.
Ya man, a month of guidance vs a building. If it was a shack he could take the Financial blow easy but that is a pretty nice building.
Noissar Wh0kn0w5 - 1723674664
Reading what you wrote out loud can be a big help. You can also toss(copy/paste) what you wrote into a search engine if you have doubts, it is not always accurate but it can help sometimes.

The other thing I can suggest; I really hate suggesting it... but depend on how you daily life goes... read a Dictionary. Get one that fits in your pocket or bag if you use one and when you are waiting for something like an appointment or the bus or a person, something you know will have you stopped for about a minute even using the Microwave can be a good time.

It is not directly Grammar but if you are trying to improve reading the entire entry for a word may help a lot - that means skipping nothing of what is written down. The main purpose is increase you familiarity with each word on a deeper level. It can be easier or almost automatic for some people if they understand the words before/after where the grammar is needed; understanding normally takes more work but can be used more often the memorization.
Noissar Wh0kn0w5 - 1723622282
That is basically the Fantasy version of the Great Sword/Zweihander/Claymore though the thickness is over the top, it is not some unwieldy instant death thing when trained and using any sword of any kind without actual training/practice is more luck than most would imagine when it comes to not having a spear poke holes in the wielder. Is it kind of stupid looking, yes, yes it is. Would a person with half a brain see someone use it as a body shield and not just try to cut his fingers off, I would hope so.

I assumed you did not check over what you wrote but please consider doing so in the future - no matter the quality of what you have to say; seeing 'choosed' in a sentence... it hurts to see it, there are the swearing bits - not going to comment on that, but I am assuming you also meant to put gigantic and not gigant. I more or less agree with what I assume you are trying to get at, but the way you wrote it makes me want to disagree even if I do not. Ya know?
It is a FLEX to be able to wear something so outrageous. The questions is not that no one tired, it is how they failed. Though without a reason even trying would be a statement of how low quality the individual was.
Noissar Cheerio! - 1723611575
Man this is now where close to the worst; at least they can be taken off. Those gross ear spacers are far worse, take them out and you have a floppy hole left in the ear.... There is also the Lip spacer/disk/plate! Not the worst by a long shot. You can say those earrings make him look a way but that is about it.
Noissar Cookie Muncher - 1723452482
My memory is truly nothing but a thing to complain about - truly a faulty disappointment. End up reading too many things and get myself confused all the time. Awesome point with ch.29.

The thing I am pretty sure I was trying to get at is: a depressingly high number of people are not smart/ easily fooled... the thing that jumped right to my mind for this at the moment is the 1/3 pound burger promotions. I believe it was an A&W related documentary style video that pointed it out. The promotion failed because their average customer never bought it, and when they did surveys to find out why - it was overwhelming in the responses that they thought a 1/3 was smaller than a 1/4 burger. The absolutely Horrifying thing was people had stated things along the lines of "3 is smaller than 4, so it is smaller", it was not a small percentage either (if I recall correctly) so they literally just gave up instead of trying to educate the masses. I try to keep that in mind for my baseline when numbers are MOB and above.
Noissar Cookie Muncher - 1723275797
Yes those point are indeed correct. The issue with them is that we have no way to account for the mindset of 'Not my Family, Not my Problem'. I do not recall anything specific being pointed out with religion. Without the coordinated effort to kill 'Evil Spirits' then the 'revenge' for a loved one would have to be carried out on a personal scale.

The question asked was: "I wonder what happened that caused the indigenous people to hate the players" - So no matter how valid all the points are, unless the people are drones/Zealots they would not act without reason, and "a thing that happened to somebody else" is not really going to be a driving force for a people that actually have to do things to justify their own survival on a monthly basis. (sadly even that line of thought/reasoning is subjective or questionable)

People act very differently based on group size [person, mob, nation]. Many issues {excluding Religious points} presented do not tend to match the scale of the response shown. It is just highly unlikely that the number of Demonically Evil Soul Transfers is so high that it justifies a National Instant Death policy. It would be Nice- Amazing even if people actually cared about doing good that much, but they just do not...
Noissar Joho - 1723258259
There are all the things you mentioned but at a more basic level, it is only going to take a handful to not be able to adapt and start claim that everyone there is "FAKE", not real, or something of that nature. That would incite the 'normal' people into some kind of madness that the would assumedly destroy the City. What else but an 'Evil Spirit' would do such a thing? So it would not be strange to have a Societal or Religious practice that would cascade to that level with each negative that happens.

Noissar ZECTCustomUnit - 1723012310
Yeah, could have been done/explained better.

The one Girl basically claimed it was Official Guild business, but the former Guild leader from that branch is a known criminal, and they arrived at a time when it makes no sense to claim Guild Business. So it was Major SUS and then the other girl panicked and fled when they were about to be searched- triggering the 'go straight to jail' card.