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After how Traumatizing the MC has been towards his sister about that very thing... tables nee to be flipped if one does not!
It is his second life, and he does have limited but very deep knowledge of the world. but I agree, that response caught me off guard like a really bad moment in a D&D games years ago.
In a "pure" RPG not really, but there is Ironman modes that do have limited number of lives (normally it is just one though).
Noissar Grimmy - 1722606984
Basically a tongue click; like a sigh but more aligned with annoyance in a more 'active' situation.

More info/over explaining: a sigh or slow 'out' breath would signal ease in the situation like the conclusion is already known and getting to it can be considered a waste of time (giving a "lets get this over with feeling"). The tongue click, or tsk/tut are more likely used for difficult situations that are not guaranteed but likely wins that usually take up a fair (to a large) amount of energy and resources, or the task is just undesirable, possibly even used to show disappointment with a students (lack of) understanding/learning. Hard to fully point to anything specific because it is a verbal - non language - based expression of emotion and potentially very nuanced to a situation.

With the subtly that is not really displayed when written you can also compare it to laughing; as we know not all laughing is a "happy" laughing - it is kind of like that, if that makes sense.

It is also heavily a translation thing to my understanding and not commonly seen in more western areas.
Noissar - 1722601769
First the chapters go by like they were shout from a rail gun, and now it is a jump in scenes that I have no idea if there are pages or even full chapters missing....
Noissar yilo - 1722570471
True words; So many things/people demand others be "good" by their standards. I am over here thinking; "Don't be a Dick" - Neutral is where one should aim to be normally.

But yeah, there is a point where it is all on us, we stop being children and can no longer blame others for the person we choose to be.
They fall more into an 'incompetent helper' like category after like the first two seasons. Haven't watched that in a long time, so not too sure how the recent stuff would hold true to that statement.
Noissar TheImage - 1721988170
I get what you mean, the thing I realised after a few thoughts on it was: there are likely many things with Regen even if it is not super. Blood manipulation on the other hand, even if he has the other Vampires that he can get it from, that is a lot of climbing/time to get there. Though there is not really an explained thing of why he could not take ...atleast something from the other Vamps that were there (they ended up as useless fodder like things...).
Noissar R Tuin - 1721980343
A parents job is guidance and training... ya, society has failed in far too many parts of the world...
Noissar Hammie05 - 1721980201
Is that the sound of STEALTH ranking up in the distance!
Noissar Provider-34 - 1721978166
It is Immortal... so... escape, "tame", magically kill it. Unless they do a dirty a go for the magical/impossible kill. Not much is left on the table, personally I feel that the things that are there - the ones that make me Human are violently ripped apart when an Enemy escapes more than one time. (Unless it is written really really well - Rare but does happen)
That is a great question! I would like to point out that it can be a really deep question when considering many things in many scenarios.

This time around, I think they are treating a lot of them like Human-adjacent Predators. Beauty just makes things easier, unless a person has some kind of reason to distrust beautiful people the majority will go an extra step for them as long as the personality shown goes along with the "façade". The greater the beauty, the greater the universal attraction - the more "animal brain" takes charge by default.

It is an innate Human thing, the best similar phenomenon as an example is people protecting children 5~ and under. Some people do not have it but most tend to; an instinct that ensures that the Tiny Humans, are well cared for and corralled away from danger. Beauty has a similar but much weaker effect on the mind, a massive boon for something that consumes humans in one way or another.
Noissar Jag_read - 1721971678
He got proficiency; not doing a reread of this - not a this point. Like sadDrake13 said it may just be luck... but the Proficiency +1 x2, should be 1 from each corpse. In addition I think these were a pair of his "low-level" deaths. I based that purely on location/ 'distance traveled'.
Noissar Midknight - 1721444623

I assume you are referring to Solo Farming in the Tower. At least on MK this is like 2-3 years older, but yeah they are rather similar for the Cover Art. After the cover ...they are actually kind of similar in in many ways too now that I take a moment to think about it. The MC has a same-ish 'vibe' in both of them and this is one is the Darker take on how it would go(?) under different circumstances.
Noissar - 1721020061
The amount of Tunnel Vision that 300km/h would cause... Them BUFFed stats would have to work hard!
Noissar Cookie Muncher - 1721018907
Yeah, I have heard mention of that on several occasions. Most places are at least polite about it, except the French. I have heard people that are French Canadian say things that would make any decent person turn their head. Those stories are like a half burnt out match compared to the face of a fellow I once talked to; He was born in a pure French speaking part of Africa. After going to France, he learned to speak English... So I hope those people were nice about it and I truly do mean that.
Noissar Doraechan - 1721018231
To run them over they would have to drive at them... * On Tonight's NEWS: Deranged Wolf Monster YEETS itself through front window of Number 2 Bus and mauls beloved long time Bus Driver.
Noissar - 1721013285
Artist really botch the scale on the hole at the end there. Unless the shovel is magical how in the world did he stab the lad in the shoulder with it from like 10+feet away... I honestly thought he threw the shovel!
Noissar King of hell - 1721006618
I always thought that the movie '28 Day Later' gave the best take on it, Rage Virus variation was really something but I understand if people would argue that they were not really "zombies" because they were not technically undead. Though when it comes down to it the end result was nearly the same; different models or styles but still a vehicle that serves a similar(the same) purpose.

Now that I think about it though, if you discard mutation; the fresher the body the more able/better it should be able to function...
Noissar TheImage - 1721001363
It was still in the realm of children's games. If it went too far, it could possibly violate whatever agreement his father has with the Country/Nation - the one where he is not allowed to step foot in said region...

So yes, the Prince has potentially created a future problem, but the Princess has potentially solved a MASSIVE right now problem...