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1435 points
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Noissar Dirtmask - 1725175343
This made me chuckle, cause I actually came to check these comments after having this sit at chapter 80 and false starting on reading it SEVERAL times over a long period of time (4 months).

it is just so mediocre across the board that its faults are like pushing a plate of food away when the food is not bad just excessively bland and there is a teeny tiny things that is bad but you just have to nope the whole plate after two bites. That is the kind of done I am with it, I'll put it on the shelf and see if I can be bother to ever come back to it.
Noissar GhostBlood - 1725174170
I feel this comment, graphic might be too high though. lol

The left panel could almost fit in the 16bit category.
Noissar elver galarga - 1725172266
That is suspect at best, it could be true or it could be that the Evil one was delusional and thought she deserved things she did not. Not enough information to make a hard judgement. She was not even a member of the specific race/species/tribe, she did not claim to be abused, the only thing truly known is she wanted the position and did not get it.

Murdering the mother and attempting to desecrate her body, because she did not get what wanted... you call that Karma... GROSS, get some help or dismiss yourself.
Noissar Skay24 - 1725170884
Sorry to hear about the poor relationship you have with you family...
People in the modern day are conditioned to obey in many ways. It is not just humans either Primates of many kinds are also like this; an "Alpha" can do many thing even ridiculous things as long as it does not cross the line, but when that line is crossed it is a death sentence. I think there was a documentary of Chimpanzees(?) that explained the behaviour, got a bad memory can not confirm.

I guess the point I am trying to get to is that, the average person does not want to lead or be a person of focus. So when another shows talent and likes the attention they will be pushed forward so others can stay unnoticed/hidden. Obviously there are more factors but this a huge thing with a large number of people that seem to become door mats to people with the 'enigmatic' thing call Charisma. I have known a few people that have an innate charisma, nearly all of them were walking garbage that had people bending backwards to please them...
Noissar Geo Sky - 1725098019
Truth. The negativity we feel is near always greater than what is done to us, that is why it is a truly horrific thing and why a 3rd party is the closest to even one can generally hope for when settling a score in the name of 'Justice'.

Hard to feel bad when an abuser is abused.
Noissar ChillWill65 - 1725069415
It likely has roots from bad places. It is mostly a guilt tactic used against mostly weak men, not limited to but mostly used against weak men/people. It is a bullying tactic that tends to centre around oppressing others with numbers using popularity and/or a social position.

You must keep in mind the people whom write this type of content; cause they have likely seen people of their own/similar (or possibly higher) 'social class' or they themselves have received this type of attack. So when they write something this is a "normal" thing that happens in their mind even though it is not something that should happen or be considered normal.

I can tell you as an absolute fact I have witnessed this at least two times in my life where it has gone really bad. An unpopular guy in 6th(ish) grade (late 90s) had at least 4 girls ambush him and kick him repeatedly while on the ground, if I recall correctly they literally bused one of his testicles. Other than the boy being taken out of school with his brother I do not recall anything of substance happening to the girls. There are obviously more factors to it but that really sums up the cold truth of it - that guy and his brother were varying levels of Autistic; his brother would have attacked back but he was a gentle type.

It is not unheard of for a girl to lie about that kind of thing. She could want to make that person suffer for various reasons, or a person/group will have them lie on their behalf to create a situation of 'false justice'. ...and that is where the problem lies... because girls tend to have a 'needs to be defended' position by default, they can bring up a situation and near automatically be assumed as a victim and everything they said would be taken as truth - it benefits them to have that as a 'weapon'.

A literal do as I say or suffer retaliatory weapon, that can always be pulled out of the pocket at any time, that has a horrifically low chance that even if they are caught in a 100% proven lie anything will happen to them. I haven't gone myself but if you are in the "western world" just sit outside a court building that does family court, I hear it is soul destroying to hear what is said there...
Noissar Livingorwhat - 1724981100
It was a "major game event" that is a pivotal plot point in the game world that the reality is meant to be based on.
- The justifications for the event are a series of unfair treatments the lower "achieving" / less wealthy student suffer from.
- - The in story example and/or breaking point was that the students of the lower strata were going to be docked points for arriving late while returning to school from a vacation while being barred from using any sort of transportation (horses/carriages) to return in extended heavy rain. This was a double injustice because not only could the "upper strata" students use Transportation and also be late without consequence for several days.

It was implied that there are several things of this nature that are also taking place in the background but are not really explained or mentioned as far as I noticed.
If it was that would make me feel better about it.
Noissar Livingorwhat - 1724974849
EDIT: Turns out I in fact read those windows wrong. I am actually hoping it is a mistranslation, cause I fully agree with your point know that I understand it correctly....

The rating is directly related to how well the "thing" produce is made. So a ship could be anything from the 0.5 - 5 stars in quality, just like every other craft.

Ship building itself, more or less by hand /hand tools only - that is insanely difficult without the proper/adjacent knowledge on how to actually do it. That is also reliant on if you are using the word ship to refer to the larger wood vessels, but it is possible to carve a canoe directly from/out of a large log. Quality on a canoe carved like that would likely account for things like getting splinters when you sat in it, balance in the water so it does not roll in the water dumping passenger and contents.

Your question does not really make sense the way it is written... the difficulty of crafting a specific thing is not really related to how well it is graded but is more of a factor if you can even make it in the first place, like not having the materials or tools or something of that nature. The way it is worded is like you level up and unlock a recipe but I do not think that was what you were trying to say.
A quick refresh - the Island the Knuth's Arrow Hope die on was in video games terms: A bonus Mega Dungeon. A thing that you can only get access to after defeating the final boss and then clearing two secret bosses type of thing. In terms of level a mere zombie would be level 1-3 where as that island would have nothing under level 90 while the Knuth's Arrow Hope would soft lock/level capped at like level 60. The only reason they could go there is because the 'invisible walls' of video games do not exist.
Noissar - 1724810112
It bares repeating, it is worth repeating; human sub-species confirmed !
Noissar Donny_Dont - 1724810071
Man... that synopsis should be, hell the title should be Feminized cuck boy's only redeeming trait is that he does not instantly want to sleep with his own sister....

This hard pass has beaten diamond on the hardness scale; human sub-species confirmed!
Noissar Minagoroshi - 1724543040
Normally 100%, but my acceptance of traitors goes up if they do no actually exist in reality and that their role is to bush/tree that gets shaken form time to time and drops fruit, berries and/or treasure from time to time.
Noissar Croaker512 - 1724539655
They did pack up camp and move closer as well, so shorter travel. The "standards" of warfare need to account for available light sources also; if they get a bunch of wounded checking for injuries with daylight is going to outshine trying to inspect a person for injuries in the dark with a torch.
Noissar Goldn - 1724279211
Please tell me this is not from that one thing where a City Boy goes to a Farming School...
Noissar - 1724248324
Her hair did not magically reappear in the last panel, I kinda have negative feelings about that making me happy...
Noissar - 1724207019
That was a setup that has been there from the very first chapters...
Bicycle, yeah... it is most certainly Bicycle.
I feel like it is the perfect size for the inflated and unjustifiable of some certain people, lol!