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Noissar Horny dude - 4 months ago
HA! For me it was the face having the dimensions of a wooden mask, flat and wide, those nose squiggles were not helping either.

Makes me remember that Jim Carrey movie: the Mask.
Noissar The25thNight - 4 months ago
If you take the translation at face value he never told them to 'leave', he told them to not go further (or was it deeper?). They actually listened to what he said and verbally agreed with him - they moved sideways around the perimeter but not deeper towards the centre.

Women or not you can still call it overconfident. Story wise it is in no way unexpected, they were not a group that magically appear because of danger - they already showed up once before they were in a dangerous situation and interacted with the MC. Meaning they were going to be close by for a time, while it was implied they were in over the heads.

Arguably the "most idiotic thing" was them discounting him as reinforcements just because he was by himself; they previously followed in his wake as he wiped clean a path into the Core Area.
Noissar - 4 months ago
People commenting on this and that; I am Full Stop stuck on that nine finger glove. It hurts my reasons to live...
Noissar - 4 months ago
I really find some of the art for this silently hilarious; I do not really ever thinking it was "try hard", good balance!
Noissar BernieBear - 4 months ago
There really is a lot to the issue, I think personally one of the major pillars to the issues on the age topic is cognition; excluding outliers, there is going to be a minimum age but that is heavily influenced by how society functions. An imperfect example of this is how the 10-15s of the 1800s are quoted as being vastly more mature than 15-20s or even including ranges in the 30s for our present 2020s.

Not the only factor but the school system is a giant issue in regards to this, it is party as you said: "there has been a good bit of evidence found recently that the brain isn't performing at optimum efficiency until 25". I am not saying that this is the single answer but just a single element of this issue - the Age of 24 is around the time where a person is now expected to go full independent high school ending at 18 with 4-6 possible additional schooling. A fixed schedule where you show up and spend most of your day being managed in memorization exercises. If a lunch is provided or bought then you are not even in a position where you secure your own meal either. It is a system where your only responsibility is to show up, even more so these days when they push you through even if you fail at the daily tasks.

You may even think of it as self Reliance, Responsibility, perhaps even Personhood is 'like a muscle' you only know what a persons character is when it is tested the more it is tested the more refined and solidified it becomes. A child should stop being treated purely like a "child" probably around 12yrs old.

still working backwards in age here: development of non permanent long term birth control is really lacking in prominence (devices that are not one-time use or permanent).

As for looking super young while above appropriate age, Bad Answers: the internet, methods that do not have an initial face to face like a match making services. Possibly plastic surgery to look older...
I saw this come up in a different place but a legitimate question: What about the individual that looks like a child? For the sake of argument say they look 15 but their actual age is 25, and does your answer change if they are 35?

Does the person that is well above legal age just need to forever give up being in a relationship?

Does your line of reasoning hold true for women as well? I ask because growing up I remember there was a fair number of girls that would "go crazy" over guys that had childlike features or levels of intelligence, and I saw the exact same thing happen a few years ago at a high school graduation for a family member. There were a couple of girls there going on about how cute a guy was, that boy looked like he was traumatised by a thought hitting him once and never had another. I used to think 18 was a good for the cut off but there are just more and more people that give off the impression that their minds are not developed to an autonomous level even at that age...
Noissar BernieBear - 4 months ago
An extra point, I went back and looked a little closer... I assume it was on purpose; the blasts of light/colour of the assumedly Aura were yellow, but at least in this chapter there are actually 'motes of light' when the healing is being done and those are tinged red (assuming my colourblind-ness is not doing me wrong).

My assumption for the arrows: red - yellow = corrosion like reaction/rejection | red - purple = deflection (like two balls colliding after being thrown) or some kind of cancelling effect | yellow - purple = efficiency loss but not a "rejection".
Noissar Carrotplay - 4 months ago
Depends on some things, one of the biggest things is that: it is speculated that the brain will still function for a few to several seconds before complete death when it is cleanly cut off... so it may actually be a matter of if he realises that his head was cut off by the person he thought saved him and he was going to "make his". Not torture per say... but kinda there in a way, if the mind is actually active in that moment.
I too also feel some series really drop the ball on that. If there are flying abilities/races there needs to be a real trade off for it, years of study or physical weakness of some kind. Though a Fortress still makes sense unless every single race can fly and all transportation is in the air. Even then it would likely become a dome of some sort to account for the extra angles.

I base those points on the assumption that Line of Sight is an important factor.

If you have a situation where flying was commonplace then I would also assume that most of the attack methods would be base on extreme speed or distance, walls would help disrupt direct/straight attacks/movements. Nearly all things go out the window with a traditional Dragon or Eldritch Horror though...
Noissar TruePurpleMK - 4 months ago
Oh man, I knew I was not the only one that was like, 'why?'. It is nonsensical, the amount of effort involved in such a thing is insane, and if an area is wiped out of animal - that really feels like something that would be noticed really fast. Not this story along but I have felt that there are a number of things that pop up with things that are missing a key detail, or have some thing not explained well enough that it really hurts the story.

Maybe the best way we can describe it as: An element that would normally fit but changes in various ways because it was not explain in context (of the world/situation) and loses its generic or proper meaning.
Noissar TruePurpleMK - 4 months ago
I have an understanding of what you mean. The "they are bad people that do bad things!" is really the point of it all though, it is as you said it dehumanizes them and that is where in lies the problem: It was not explained. If the group is going to be a semi/major part of the story later on, it makes sense to go into the specifics and details like you said. On the other hand if they are just there to represent the existence of dark forces and are to receive little to no mention later on then the extra focus on it would/could be argued as "useless filler" by some.

It depends where they fit in the story, and we would not know that until further along in said story. Do not be confused into thinking I do not agree with you, I do. This problem at hand is that we do not have the answer to: is that of their position/purpose in the story. I doubt it is going to be fully skipped over, it has already set a precedence that there that things are going to go through a Good/Evil 'checklist' by doing what has been done - that certainly weakens the core of the story and affects the writing negatively.

Also to elaborate further, by saying: [ I think that maybe should have laid into the "they are bad people that do bad things!" ] I expressly meant for it to be explained with less ambiguous expressions and/or descriptions; establish if they or a core group or not. They do not flesh that out or explain it leaving us at a point of not know how relevant it is, is this skippable flavor text or something else entirely?

Sadly sometimes characters need to be dehumanized for a story to work; it is not a good thing; but listening/seeing to slain Bandit #3 backstory 15 times over would destroy the majority of stories. A rough Balancing act sadly.
Noissar TruePurpleMK - 4 months ago
It is referring to the binding curse that made the nebula despots explode by saying the giant star baby's name and then calling him a bastard.

Their deaths/exploding were caused by them being forced to say the name when prohibited. That was one of the prohibited things in the Prohibition - a super simplified understanding is that Prohibition is a BAN on a list of item/actions. Because of magic: violating the BAN caused instant enforcement i.e. exploding, so they changed that rule/punishment because it was being used against them.
Noissar TruePurpleMK - 4 months ago
Absolutely, I just try to let it pass by how well the keep progressing the story. The balance for that kind of thing is basically impossible; someone is always going to complain. Personally though I do find myself getting upset when it feels like a massive lore dump, one in like thirty to forty chapters sure, that is basically fine by me if they feel the need to fill in some hole on things that are easily missed or to catch up the people whom have trouble following along or noticing the small things.

Feels like a right, big 'ol SIN when they waste a several chapters in a row for it, especially even you are caught up on reading a few things you are really liking and they all seem to do it at the same time (outside factors, I know). In this case I think that maybe should have laid into the "they are bad people that do bad things!" a bit harder... The to be rewritten future flashback really muddied the waters on that one so to speak. The fact that we more or less know that everyone he was fighting with was a hero trying to save the world, but not being truly able to understand how that came to be. It causes subversion of expectations - and I would say that one was a massive instance.
Noissar TruePurpleMK - 4 months ago
I think you might be "reaching" a bit with 'that kind of setting' . Overall I agree with what you said but the setting as mention up to this point is not actually clear on the most key specifics. It leads to a case where it can be argued that you are making far too many assumptions, it is a fantasy setting indeed but it really feel like they have used Fantastical/Mystical (i think they have both been used; i do not recall for certain) in its classical sense but they have flip back and forth on the he/she for the one character (I do not think it was intentional but an actual repeated mistake). If we are assuming they got 'fantastical' correct, then you have a fantastical creature/animal in a fantasy world; that should make them Rare (the limited in number type) by default.

A bit of a supporting point; in Canada, there is CPAC footage I saw about the adding in more ridiculous laws to guns (the frivolous type that help nothing) and a man mention mentioned being on a 2-3 years minimum wait list to hunt a Moose (Not 100% on the animal). Our population is just too high to allow unregulated hunting, funny enough though I do not recall seeing any promotion for invasive species hunting/fishing; I believe that is generally legal all tear in most places - though I could also be absolutely wrong about that.
Noissar - 4 months ago
It feels kinda odd that no one mentioned the spherical potion bottle, it make be alright for other types of potions but for healing I think it is a serious mistake in shape. Possibly even stupid depending on the arguments or situations.

So hear me out on this, my biggest issue with a spherical glass bottle for a healing potion: An injured person's hand is slick with blood/sweat or weakened in some form or burned, etc., possibly they can not use their hands and have to use their forearms or even legs/feet... how the hell are they supposed to easily grip a sphere of all things! Decorative at best Deadly at the worst. I just imagine the things getting launched or rolling away.

Makes me appreciate the games and stuff that had healing gels and the like, tied bag of healing candies are seeming like a winner in my mind at the moment.
Noissar Mangaguy - 4 months ago
MC was trapped in training for 6 years or so. When he did get out of training he stopped to get money to buy Siris out of slavery and immediately arranged to get information on his former body to try and confirm what the situation he was in actually was. He then stopped to get a much needed tool that has the only noticeably detour relate to it, but that was him pressing to get his hands on the tool before it disappears most likely forever and being unconscious.

I do not understand you point of "all the detours" most everything has pretty solid reasoning and/or takes less than 24hours to resolve.

I think you have confused us the readers getting 'outside information for story purposes' with information the MC has. When the MC was free and able he confirmed that his old body was indeed swapped with Tesslon and that Tesslon had already disappeared, with his present information he has no idea where Tesslon actually is and from what I think is the timeline given arriving 2 or possibly more weeks faster would not have helped any; if it was purposely written that way... or it is just my understanding of it... I am uncertain.
Noissar User-8829359424 - 4 months ago
This is an absolutely sold point, what makes it worse for me is that Old Wang has been basically crippling and slaughtering the higher ranks in the school making the numbers even worse...
Noissar Ephion - 4 months ago
You can always try to change who you are, but you can never undo what you have done. There are ambiguous cases where innocent people can die/be killed and that can be forgiven, it is the purposeful targeting and mass slaughter of innocents that nixes the deserving of happiness...
Noissar User-2802958935 - 4 months ago
The best time, I dunno... He did say he would be a one and done for those higher tier magics; Two targets with one shot would be a big risk. Even if that was a non factor I am too onboard with him just using it and "getting over it" because he was in danger - I think I have just seen it too many times that it has become a Vegeta: legendary Super Syain meme like thing, ya know? If he got over it in this moment it was just kinda fall flat cause it was too easy, and not really an emotionally invested kind of outcome it deserves to be.

I say this but it likely happens in the next chapter or two *insert depressed laugh*
Noissar User-8477145379 - 4 months ago
Even if they are not corrupt, the longer the history the greater the chance that someone whom is/was corrupt would do minor adjustments or added in laws and clauses to protect themselves. Have that happen enough and you get cases where lawful people cannot act and the corrupt prosper with ease. It is a viscous thing that makes the overall image bad, doubly so in times where people of Authority have to "fight" to be in that position. It can be rare for good people to want authority and when they do it may not be hard to argue that they are just trying to take it back from the corrupt, if they succeed they are still left with a tainted position in most cases.

So it is not really that hard to become like that....

El Salvador (I am pretty sure that was the place) is an excellent example IRL of how messy that can get - the best/worst of it is that they are basically a top tier success story. From 2022 to 2024 they went from essentially a Notional Gang territory (that is overly simplified) to a place safe enough for tourists. That being said there are still "news" people that claim the president that made those changes is hateful and has done wrong. The human condition is a rough lot in life.