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No, the last page said she has enough spiritual power to be acknowledged but her senses for the spiritual is poor so that's why the snake can't actually command her at will, just make suggestions to her consciousness. It's like trying to give direction to a blind person, their legs are normal and can take them anywhere but you can't exactly tell them "go down Central street and turn at Park Avenue", just simple directions like go straight about X meter then turn right.
She's 12 when falling into coma, in that period her body was forced to age rapidly due to the snake god spiritual influence, so by the time she woke up her body is that of a 15yo while her mental state remained 12yo.
The setting in general, or just the plastic model kit?
DammitCarl AZAGTOTH - 1714948354
A joke on translator's part, because the raw just say "ReddoAka" which is how Jp shortens Blue Archive as "BuruAka". So without any other word that sounds similar to "archive", they settled for "Arkansas" since the "ch" and "k" has the same pronunciation here.
DammitCarl - 1714801021
But why would they divorce though? There just doesn't seem to be any conflict whatsoever betweem them.
DammitCarl - 1714690311
Suddenly the "underappreciated aunt" tag.
Welcome to your "run of the mill" fantasy manga logic. Both this "otome/villain/villainess" and "banished from hero's party" setting have just the dumbest and most retarded logic ever conceived. It's to the point where every time a character does something smart, it's not because they're actually smart but because the whole world is so dumb that they appear smart.
DammitCarl - 1714483014
@Garfield B
No, Miyahara lives alone, Aikawa's mother is busy working since the father is dead, but for Chiyori then yes, she is neglected. The fact they left a note means they were home earlier and seem like they couldn't give two fucks about their daughter being sick, just their own "international" business whatever it is. Like the fod they left her are also store bought, not even handmade.
Bro, what sort of kinky shit are you thinking of?
At least put a hickey on him where everyone can see.
DammitCarl Redirect - 1714208152
This is the biggest L take I've done ever seen, it's borderline "bait".
DammitCarl Dlink - 1714128585
Exactly, they hunt dragons that "pass by" them. They don't actively look for flock or breeding ground of dragon. Even in the chapters where they're flying around looking for dragon it's usually when they are about to run out of food, and even if it's a group of smaller dragons they hunt only what their ship can carry instead of shooting everything down then come back later for the kill
DammitCarl - 1714102961
Translation really took a nose dive this past two chapters. Some words don't make even a lick of sense, context or no context.
On another note, nice to see a female lead that can hold her ground for once.
Panda's looking for his "bamboo".
DammitCarl Ryn - 1714083987
Past 4 chapters have been flashbacks and she's still alive in present time so hold your horses.
DammitCarl ranamata - 1714049133
That's her son. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
DammitCarl Dlink - 1714007558
Drakers hunt dragon as a way of culling down their numbers just like how real life certified hunters hunt animals to keep the population in check. Unlike real life hunters who are usually paid by authority to hunt in a designated area, drakers travel around because of the nature of dragons and the sky being a pretty big place. In exchange for not having the support of government like real life hunters, any drake/dragon the drakers caught they get to keep all the profit to themselves without having to give a percentage to the authority, at the same time they also have to fend for themselves if it's a dry season without many catch.

The Slayer would be much more akin to real life hunters with a dash of bounty hunters. They only hunt particularly dangerous drakes that have caused damage to airships and harm to civilians. But the difference between the two is this:

- Drakers hunt drakes for their meat and other useful products like oil and organs, and they pay respect to their catch. They're like the native Americans of old, hunt only for the sake of nourishment, take only what they can and respect all that nature has given them
- Whereas Slayers will hunt to extinction if it's part of the contract, and they will leave the carcasses to rot once they've done their slaying. Their hunting behaviors are similar to wild west poachers who sometimes hunt for the sake of enjoyment then left the carcasses for vultures to prey on.
DammitCarl - 1714003560
Oh god, not another one of these "sparkly star-eyed" type character. I swear these motherfuckers, regardless of boy or girl, never turn out to be anything but a total nuisance that is as hard to get rid of as the cockroaches in your house.
No, the prosthetic just isn't made of the same material as D so it can't transform into mist form and go wherever like he can. Maybe that will be a plot point later on, D learning how assimilate the thing to his own body.
DammitCarl Sedgrad - 1713967821
They meant if that girl could also be another half-mythical creature like Aoki. Would be really wild if author suddenly introduced more half-blood, like with Aoki being a dragon that girl could be a tiger or phoenix to mimic the four great beasts.
DammitCarl Yotsuber - 1713962178
They could, but that would have been a really stupid move. Andy is currently still holding back all the master rules with his soul on the sun so summoning him would just mean letting the master rules escape and do as they pleased.