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1114 points
299 Comment(s)
133 Upvote(s)
DammitCarl - 1712756617
Hers worry is a legit one. While freedom to do what you want is great, but that's on the condition you know "what" you want, so "freedom" without "guidelines" is just another way of saying "you're lost".
DammitCarl - 1712584869
Of course there's always gotta be one of those stupid bitches who came from the fututre and decided that it's a genius idea to spill everything about history "just because".
DammitCarl - 1712389648
While I get that it's ultimately a set-up to get the question about his parents out of the picture right off the start, I wish author had done something, y'know, more tasteful than merely a couple of heartless scums that would steal even their kid's hard-earned money just so they can go waste it at some gambling parlor.
DammitCarl - 1712353940
It's funny when people complain about beta male MC in manga and how they would have done differently in that situation, but in reality most of these same fucks most definitely have never felt a woman's touch irl beside their mom and would probably walk past an imminent gangbang without a second glance.
DammitCarl - 1712290139
Man, this is just nice and sweet, don't know what some of y'all are bitching about. The girl is a total airhead and the guy's feelings for her are genuine but he also doesn't know jack shit about being lovers so this is their journey of exploring such uncharted territory and finding for themselves just what kind of relationship is best suited for them. Not everything needs to be spelled out to be official and them making small of steady progress like this is already hundred times better than most series keeping it vague and cockteasing for hundred of chapters before ending with a confession/time skip.
DammitCarl GoldenAge - 1712267099
More like "from getting the truth broken to him that she was only using him for her own gain". She wasn't even his crush ffs, he was just relieved that someone finally treated him with genuine kindness despite his appearance, but in reality it was nothing but lies and he felt betrayed.

You don't just oversimplify traumtic experience to "it's just (insert x)", that's like saying "they're just playing" when a kid is clearly getting bullied in school and the school board only seriously get down to investigating after said kid had either transferred or was driven to suicide. Especially more true for a Japanese school environment where bully and harassment can get out of hand very quick.
DammitCarl N-Kami - 1712191806
Except for the fact she's clearly very aware around other boys beside him. The lunch scene a few chapters back being one example and immediately afterward she even said she was bullied by boys during middle school which is the whole reason for her being uncomfortable and always on high alert around other boys. So while your point stands, it doesn't apply to this girl in particular.
DammitCarl Noumo - 1712143751
The mom has been like this since the start, though. She looks like nothing could rattle her, then her personality flips a total 180 at the drop of a hat.
DammitCarl R Tuin - 1712143643
Or a female writer whose rom-com story is the world bestseller, but nobody knows she sometimes disguises as a coldblooded killer to unwind.
DammitCarl Nightingale - 1712133775
It's a completely normal thing to be worried about in Japanese work environment. Like he said, when a simple back rub can be considered sexual harassment then you know the bar ain't that hard to accidentally cross. Not to mention her usual strictness toward him regarding work and him still only seeing her as a subordinate and not a potential romantic partner, there's sort of a mental barrier in his mind that prevents him from perceiving the things they're doing together as simply "normal per the circumstances" and instead always keep the question of "sexual harassment" in the back of his mind.
"Everything is set up in a way where the protagonist is always in the right"
I mean, that's basically most if not all "revenge" manga ever, no? Literally every series of this type has some of the most retarded setting where the "villains" are set up to be evil just for the sake of being evil without any deeper meaning to it, like they've gone pass the point of comical/cartoonish and are just plain nonsensical in term of their role in the story as "the bad guys".
DammitCarl - 1712036553
All these fungal-based power, imagine what the Mold from Resident Evil could do with them, or what Ethan or Rose could do.
Every day. The reflection has many flaws but that's just how humans are, unlike you who can't even acknowledge your own shortcoming because the only thing you have is the wall of your little well called "delusion" to look at.
I too would pray you'd one day be able to grow out of your own little conceited bubble and go out of your basement, maybe even pick up reading comprehension but alas, that's just my own wishful thinking.
DammitCarl - 1711488687
Don't know about y'all, but I find being licked by a cat very therapeutic. Maybe I'm thick-skinned, but the way the little spikes on their tongue feel on your skin, especially on your cheeks or the back of your hand, there's something just very relaxing about it.
DammitCarl - 1711427739
I really REALLY just don't like this Imitatio bitch. The "always sunshine and full of energy exterior to hide the scarred traumatized real self" type is getting sooo super cliche and boring, like we get it, you even have a star-shaped pupils while wearing a half-mask, tryhard with the symbolism much? Every single time I swear her archetype just devolves to a generic surface-level only split persona character without anything interesting going on.
DammitCarl - 1711358073
Note to self: if any of these mascot-like fucks appear before you, kill them, immediately, with extreme prejudice, no question asked.
Should've learned to never trust them, Utena. Just ask madoka and that pink/white piece of shit that's always with her.
DammitCarl - 1711347451
Now this is how you do homosexuality right, make it the struggle that the character must face and overcome instead of their whole identity.
MC said he's one that can't read the room, whatever everyone else was talking he just kinda go along with the flow, which is why he soon found it to be very suffocating and tiring and going to a faraway school was basically him hoping to leave everything behind and start anew. So yes, it's just him pressuring himself due to low self-esteem.