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1114 points
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DammitCarl Infernyx - 1713827899
He lost both arms and a leg.
DammitCarl Hidemin - 1713653467
Motherfucker really just got an assistant A.I for one minute and he already relinquished any and all thinking, whatever minuscule amount he has priorly, to it and just said "Jesus takes the wheel".
The other guy is referring to "Yumina" aka the girl he's looking for, so the question becomes "why would the girl you're looking for be in a place infested with mutant dogs and killer machines" and the answer would be "because this nibba dumb as hell".
DammitCarl - 1713602786
Don't you just love it when haughty bitch who acts all high and mighty because she killed some plebeians gets immediately humbled?
With goofy ahh metal pipes sfx.
He's carrying Vega Punk who's seriously injured. It's the same as when they came to snow country and had to climb the mountain. Sanji was adamant that Luffy do not take part in the fight because the impact may not seem like anything to him but the sick and weakened Nami he was carrying will certainly feel it.
DammitCarl - 1713412463
Itsuka silently prayed to Jesus to watch over Nagomu. Jesus looked down from the cross and pretended to play dead because he ain't ready for all the heat this nibba boutta go through.
"Be the comment you wanted to see."
Really a nice change of pace for once. Usually if this was any other manga those three band members would be complete assholes that said some very rude thing to MC and the we would have at least 5 chapters of unnecessary drama for the sake of "character development".
DammitCarl - 1713351298
While everything ended well, that was a really dumb move, Itsuka. She wore a mask for a reason, and even if it's just a cellphone strap anything regardless how small can lead to doxxing, especially when you're dealing with internet people.
DammitCarl Osaker - 1713221601
Gundam IBO: "Allow us to introduce our Biscuit, Cookie and Cracker."
DammitCarl - 1713166239
And I stand correct on my earlier comment, this whole family really got what they fucking deserved. The shitty ass father, the fucking abusive mentor and then there's this deranged bitch.
DammitCarl - 1713165670
"Your father framed us for treason and got my whole family deported."
Okay, and? Sure at first it sounds excessive but like, you're the one who's ruling the academy through fear and violence, and if the school board hasn't made a single effort to thwart something like this either implies the school itself is wrong, which in this situation is unlikely, or it's your family that was pulling the strings enabling you on this fuck up pastime. Like no matter how to slice this problem you are the one who incited this whole cycle of hate in the first place so you're not exactly in any position to be playing the "this is for my revenge" card, that's just karma.
DammitCarl - 1712925142
Yup, I really REALLY do wish this bitch of a mother gets run over by a whole convoy and not just a single car. "The dog just wouldn't warm up to me, it's so dumb" BITCH, YOU BROUGHT THE DAMN DOG BACK HOME THEN PERIOD!
DammitCarl - 1712924673
Man, I really hope this bitch gets run over by a car or something. She's literally a textbook example of a failure parent.
DammitCarl - 1712919455
@Zakokimi their tongue is spikey rather than hard.
I don't know, I like being licked by a cat tongue more than a dog's. Maybe I'm thick skinned, but I find the way their tiny tongue spikes feel on my skin very therapeutic.
DammitCarl Zen - 1712891650
Well, a common problem with most if not all astronomy club in manga is that "the time for club activities" and "time you can actually do activities" don't line up. You need a night sky full of stars to do star reading, and by that time school is already closed so the timeslot after school meant for club activities is already wasted, and by nighttime some can't stay up late or they still have homework to take care of.
DammitCarl - 1712810795
Well shit, I only just realized "Red Arkansas" is a Blue Archive parody. And Mikarin cosplaying Yuuka? Bruh, can this girl get any more "best girl" than this?
DammitCarl king_midas - 1712794788
As a KR fan I deadass started singing the jingles. Even if it's just in manga, nothing gets you more pumped up than meeting a fellow weeb.
Beside Kakegurui, I don't recall any of those school having that kind of bitch-face of a principal though. Like fuck that damn hag, imagine categorizing and dismissing someone's hardwork as "you got it from your parents don't be fucking proud of it". Sometimes I wish modern society can briefly go back to the middle age just so we can burn those kind of scum at the stake.