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Genuine question, but like why?

It's only a 5 years gap, between a second grader and a uni freshman, not a middle-aged man and a primary schooler like all those garbage isekai with salaryman protag out there. Not to mention they both are still at the getting to know each other phase, they're literally not in any official relationship whatsoever, meaning by the time they'd officially go out aka when Lily is a highschooler the age gap might not even be a problem anymore, but since the first chapter everyone and their mom are flipping the ef out as if they're gonna immediately do the deed the very next chapter or some shit.

Like honestly this story isn't, but it's the weird people who read it that gives it a bad name.
DammitCarl Aj_reader - 8 days ago
Most of the dishes you could finish them in just two bites, and with the variety of dishes the flavor is ever changing so you don't get sick of it easily, thus be able to eat more than usual.
DammitCarl - 9 days ago
I'm really digging the design of her arms. Rather than having to create a whole additional socket from the shoulder, her arm is basically two hands, one slightly smaller, combined into one and even then instead of creating like a storage space for when the extra hand isn't in use, standby mode is basically just the smaller hand clasping onto the bigger one in-between the latter's fingers.
Or perhaps someone related to her.
DammitCarl - 10 days ago
Okay, but what's even the point of him hogging two copies of the same issue? This fatso is the one who has shown little to no improvement at all since his first appearance, and I really wish Shirai actually break his spine one day or something.
DammitCarl - 10 days ago
Yeah, fuck their parents. Another shining example for the "shitty" category.
DammitCarl - 12 days ago
Color me surprised. For once this type of problem and character get resolved quickly rather than letting them fester any bigger.
DammitCarl - 14 days ago
Yeah, I'd say this damn turtle deserved every last bit of the treatment he got. Whiny perverted old man trope is becoming just as dated as pacifist harem protagonist, if not even more annoying.
DammitCarl - 19 days ago
Yeah yeah, tragic backstory, boohoo cry me a river. If anything that backstory made her an even worse character because the situation between her and the king basically parallels with Titi and Julian. Both destined to die by a prophecy (one from the prophecy, other because of the prophecy) and was/is helped by someone blessed with power of the sea, but instead of branching out her thinking for even just a little bit considering how similar their circumstances are she's a single-minded fool blinded by her own loyalty and massive ego.
DammitCarl Qustode - 21 days ago
"If" such future exists. Once again, her ability while sounds broken at first is still reliant on outside factors, factors she cannot control. That's why author paired her with the other girl who can travel to alternate timeline, because different timeline = different number of factors and the extent of which she can influence them.

This is also why when MC was sick it took both her and her friend traveling to a different timeline to acquire an all-curing drug because it is possible to develope said drug in that timeline and not the current one, else she could have just picked a future of "this" timeline and get the same result regardless.
DammitCarl Qustode - 22 days ago
Not really? She can "see" the future, she doesn't have the capability to freely "decide" how the future is going to play out. Like sure, she can see that her grandma will have a stroke at that exact time in the future and warn the doctor about it, doesn't mean jack shit if her condition is too severe and can no longer recover from it.
DammitCarl - 22 days ago
"Today, a pebble will stop a landslide. Today, I am not going anywhere."

Go forth in the God Emperor's blessing, kenichiro.
The time when Oda wanted to meet with Uesugi, when Ken was rescued from the latter's camp he rode a horse, and that was like a couple dozen chapters back already, which in-universe is a good few months to a year. Ken usually travels on foot when the army is on campaign because despite being Nobunaga's cook, he's still a servant. A trusted one, but still a servant. And servant, like soldiers, travel on foot.
DammitCarl - 24 days ago
I like the fact that he's very obviously an isekai person so they gave him a full set of samurai armor and katana without making too big of a fuss about it, unlike most other titles where a katana is always some in-universe overhyped mythological make-women-instant-wet metal stick.

Like don't get me wrong, I love the katana as much as the next person but the way other series glaze it up as some be all end all weapon that trounces over everything else in the setting is honestly boring.
DammitCarl O Matius - 27 days ago
The first prince is your generic muscle head who just brute force everything and this second prince is the scheming type, their "standards" is probably something along the line of "either you raze down everything in your way or you plan the downfall of everything in sight".
DammitCarl - 28 days ago
"Come to me. Your experienced nee-san."

Secret route: unlocked.
DammitCarl Alea - 29 days ago
He doesn't understand what or who the Buddha is, he assumed that since this Buddha sent Ginko over to this world on a quest to kill the Demon Lord, they must also be another Demon Lord going on a turf war/conquest.
DammitCarl - 1 month ago
Solid beginning, instantly went downhill as soon as Ch2. Author had a cool idea but instead of letting it cook they speedran the "generic fantasy manga" starter kit by having the "heroine indebted to the MC" for saving her, which led to her father rewarding him a "badass and overpowered weapon".

First of all, what kind of person "forced" their savior to accept their thanks? Like just how fucking pushy and self-centered do you need to be to have the audacity of "forcing" someone who just saved your life to accept a reward even when they have declined?

Second of all, what kind of retarded family head that just gives out a powerful weapon willy-nilly to every random Joes who happened to help their aforementioned pushy and self-centered daughter like that? Like this weapon is supposed to be a treasured item within the family but maybe I'm wrong and they're actually just sold by pounds in the marketplace or some shit judging by how nonchalant the father gave it away.
DammitCarl Edward - 1 month ago
Yeah nah, your comment is just pure idiocy born from mental gymnastics. There's no sarcasm to be had here.
DammitCarl Ahmungas - 1 month ago
The spell probably counts body and clothes as a single entity, so regardless if it's enchanted on or consumed, the way the effect manifest remains the same, only that the way to dispel it and its duration differ.

Or maybe I'm just reading into it too deep and Nico's magic is inherently whacky to we'll just chalk it up to "it's magic".