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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
2075 Comment(s)
570 Upvote(s)
Even if I had only read for 15 years (34 btw) that's only ~1 per week
Totally reasonable when Moby Dick (a classic novel) is a children's story or Huckleberry Fin a middle school level 😂😂😂

Not much ammo given. This is why I said, "prepubescent teen". Even a hikkimori could accomplish that by 16 (1 book per 2 days)
from what I'm starting to understand, it's not that white mages aren't known just useless

dealer lvl 1....\\\\
• 100 atk / lvl..\\\\..... In a party of 4 (2dps 1t 1h) for him to not be considered a waste of
buffer lvl 1......//..... space as an addition, he'd need to be approx. LVL 40-50
• +1% / lvl.....//

the expense to educate them would only be worth it at a national level. For a party to dedicate themselves for YEARS just for them to start to be useful wouldn't be worth it making them outcasts unless they are titled a genius.
Cookie Muncher - 1721728442
just the past bodyguard in me but thing to consider when choosing a route
• princess was captured
- demons had the ability to discern her ability
- demons have declared war
- princess is crucial to their plan
- demons schemed for 1+ years
• the demons had a strategist

Just this alone is enough to realize that you shouldn't return immediately. The longer the wait of return, the harder it is to discern arrival point
• the faster the return the straighter the pathing
• not return immediately = contingent route
• 1 year wait in different kingdom = return from anywhere at anytime = unable to track
Cookie Muncher - 1721725134
This setup has never made sense to me... There should be gaps to funnel monsters through and "infantry" in a smaller semi-circle to kill them coming through the gaps. The defense line should be pushed forward more to alleviate the stress of corpses getting in the way and allowing them to slowly backtrack. With the scale of this war and strength (individual, few vs many) of both sides, if you can't push forward you have to pull back.
Cookie Muncher - 1721722858
questioning if the white mage who's taking care of her sister did the
Another party trying to get rid of them
A noble they've crossed
or an organization that's trying to kill off white mages (they don't seem common, and 50% of the story have been looked down on)
He was raised by a Legend
More than likely, he she diminished his capabilities during training to make sure he wouldn't go kill himself
But ran into the hero party who ONLY insulted him, not understanding what a buff is
i mean if god 1 and god 2 each give a skill, they should both be equal, therefore atk cannot pierce def
Cookie Muncher - 1721691138
is transporting troops not helping
Cookie Muncher - 1721690401
At this point, what is the point of keeping it a secret. It houses 600+ people.
• hire guards
• start the cruise business
Cookie Muncher - 1721684664
waiting for next ship already
Cookie Muncher - 1721678651
Step 1 create a party of ranged dealers
Step 2 use boat skill as tank
Step 3 fuck shit up getting carried

But it also made it clear that they had a non aggression pact which was broken 2x, no 3x if you include the snatching of MC. Possibly 4x if Maousama's mysterious death was caused by one of them. It alludes to them dying from overwork, but it didn't make sense Maousama died from overwork given how lazy she is.
Plus maousama tried to negotiate with east Demon Lord before he attacked out of the nowhere
Cookie Muncher - 1721662129
i mean the guild does have to pay back 10 gold pieces... Either short change the customer or the employee
Let me summarize for you then
You prove my point in your own reply every time making you sound stupid
Cookie Muncher RX-0 - 1721658831
I can think of numerous better ways to open that door
• breaching charge (special forces)
• shotgun with breaching rounds (army)
• crowbar designed for doors (firefighters)
• Hydraulic door breach with wedge (locksmith, police, firefighters)
• heavier battering ram
His plan would have worked a whole lot better if he just asked to borrow licht in exchange for a truce or alliance against humans
chapter 52 shows 2nd queen directly conspiring with them to inflict mass casualty in the process of killing the prince in line to the throne. It is also mentioned the plan was in motion for 3 years, so they had to have started working at least that long ago from before the tournament.
like what was said. the "supporting comment" was written by myself because the WHOLE THOUGHT intended was TOO LARGE to write out as a whole. If the wording choices and nuances were different enough to be a separate person then it would be 2 different people using the same account, not 1 on 2. I've repeatedly poked at every flaw you thought you've pointed out and am now bored of your retorts. Not everybody has hillbilly 7 year old friends like you, so I can understand why your education level is pre-preschool
now an excerpt from what you said which is a passive aggressive insult.

telling someone that they need to read more books is a suggestion not an insult. In any kind of work related to writing you will hear at least once in your life that phrase "read more books" be it directed at you or someone else because by reading books you can objectively improve your language, your wording, your knowledge. You can improve yourself

This is something that "nobles" do in books and comics. They insult (negative speech mean to put down someone or something) each other passive-aggressively (offensive without directly saying the insult) or give people what's called a back handed compliment (a compliment derived on the opposite of what's meant)
• Read a book. (directly inferring you need to "improve your language, your wording, your knowledge" aka: calling someone dumb) (since you seem to not understand english)
• How's the weather up there?
back handed compliment:
• you look good (make-up smeared).
• Nice job (after mistake).
• congrats on your pregnancy (just fat)

As they say in S-USA: Bless your heart (btw... This is a back handed compliment)