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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
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570 Upvote(s)
Cookie Muncher - 1721430882
Lol... Judge just tryna fuck over whoever tries to beat his apprentice
Cookie Muncher Tim - 1721402560
it'd be in terms and conditions that every MMO makes you sign before even launch the game. not to mention if you went for the lawsuit anyways, they'd countersuit for lost time and defamation to game image.
When you call the bank for a charge back you'll notice it takes 2 weeks to come back. This is because they do an investigation themselves. When they see you "gambled" money to get higher stats, they'll either:
• Decline on account of gambling (you get what you pay for)
• Accept on account of customer service (restrict future purchases ie never let you purchase at gaming companies, rental places, anywhere you could basically "want your money back because you weren't satisfied with your purchase")
Then because you filed for it, gaming company will receive a notice and blacklist your card, then report it within their organization who may also blacklist it
• Grand Theft auto IV
… • Grand theft Auto Franchise
…… • Bethesda
……… • Console Marketplaces (XBOX Marketplace, STEAM, ect)
Cookie Muncher Gakuku - 1721379417
Then we can expect a massive headache when the heroine arrives 👀👀
not sure why, but they did display it that way in the chapter as he left after getting the vamps skill. It appears as being kind to nerd [score 40 | x2], being kind to vamp [score 40 | x2]. The Chapter before only visibly awarded him 80. But in the future they stop mentioning it and the status board doesn't seem to match
It also mentioned that by connected 2 runes in heightens the reward given, but also more severe punishment. This can be seen as when he engraved the first: it was loss of stat, not keeping the second engraving: was losing stat, but once he connected the last THE PENALTY WAS DEATH. He replied that it doesn't really matter because if he fails to save the world as he isn't guaranteed to be reborn again, and failure means instant death regardless
Cookie Muncher Gakuku - 1721377178
Nope... But that funny
Cookie Muncher Gakuku - 1721356335
he just wants to swap saliva... Thats all
Cookie Muncher Gakuku - 1721356269
just the bottom half of the middle panel is perfect meme material
there are plenty of ways to get vitamin C ie raw fish, boiled fish, FRESH rare beef, or even certain plants. It's not only fruits and vegetables that everyone is accustomed to.

But realistically the main reasons 150+ years ago people didn't have such a high life average was poor diet, bad hygiene, and low medical practice.
Cookie Muncher Jesse-D - 1721346050
Its also a pacific islander thing... But they don't do tattoo guns... Its a whole different style

Kinda wish they made a korean style dungeon with a tattoo buffer as a MC... Ik there was one novel that included it breifly as an japanese person being a ranker, but never past a passing support character 😭😭😭
Thats anything thats not related to food for MC
Cookie Muncher - 1721332611
sometimes I feel like he forgets that an extra mouth to feed means nothing to him... In fact if he cooks a dish for someone else he gets a dish, if he feeds 2 people, he gets 2 servings (total of 4 dishes made)
totally thought he was going to get the legendary mat for only trying to eat chocolate while in there
Cookie Muncher - 1721306953
Did this fucker not remember MC just took X>50% health with one hit
Cookie Muncher - 1721302604
I feel everyone is missing the main point...

By attacking the scarecrow repeatedly, he is gaining stats. Although short-term this is meaningless, but later when exp is too large to gain lvls, he is going to have more stats... Making him OP
Cookie Muncher - 1721300344
Just to better clarify WITH a source for people to understand the ins and outs of the definition of Bulimia.

Bulimia nervosa, also known as simply bulimia, is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating followed by purging OR fasting, and excessive concern with body shape and weight. This activity aims to expel the body of calories eaten from the binging phase of the process. Binge eating refers to eating a large amount of food in a short amount of time. Purging refers to the attempts to get rid of the food consumed. This may be done by vomiting or taking laxatives.
Other efforts to lose weight may include the use of diuretics, stimulants, water fasting, OR excessive exercise. Most people with bulimia are at normal weight.


By definition, the MC eats a massive amount of food (binge eating), then feels satiety only when exercising (expelling of calories). Purging, in itself, is an act censored from juvenile audiences (urinating, defecating, regurgitating, climaxing 😉) thus cannot be expected to be put in if he's about to reincarnate where it's fixed
Cookie Muncher - 1721298139
this is kind of boring.
It talks about food with a lack of plot.
It feels like nothing is even going on 9 chapters in
• people come in, eat, leave
• background information is given, but nothing is enacted e.g.
- strict holy guy punishes heretic
- finds excuse to go into nobu
- eats and leaves
Cookie Muncher - 1721293220
this needs faster updates 😭😭😭 I'm going crazy from anticipation. Especially because the only way to read the novel is to buy it