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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
2070 Comment(s)
567 Upvote(s)
bots are still better
• can hit target
• decent reaction time
• wall hacking
• can ONLY hit the broad side of a barn
• no awareness
• miss seeing players in front of them
Battle royal is where it starts and stops.
Fortnite uses futuristic/syfy weapons with the ability to alter terrain via building in most modes
Warzone/PUBG uses realistic weapons with world logic closer to reality
From what was mentioned no. I'm guessing it's a balance mechanic. But it was mentioned that weapons can get a critical and those can't kill a boss but a method does exist known as a perfect shot that tops it.
Given arrows are limited, slow to attack, and hard to aim, this function was implemented more than likely
Cookie Muncher Mr J - 1726599331
what rubenotsus said
If youre confused, Mc is a professional olympics archer, and ¹ he got into an accident that made him quit ² some stuff happens and he decided to do streaming in a ³ game
¹ the accident caused damage to his pull hand which made ANY use cause shakes
² he got fired from company for being a crippled parachute at a big company due to "restructuring"
³ Realistic full dive (consciousness is inserted into a metaphysical body) game
Bows are hard to "full draw" (because of stability) without appropriate body strength and even harder to use when calculating delay time (how long till target hits), MOA (Minute of Angle: curvature of trajectory), windage (wind correction), and inertia (own movement {horseback archery} effect on projectile)
There is more than likely magic. The game was medieval looking... This brings the question of learnable skills being (open or set), (limited or infinite), (balanced or forgotten)
Just these variables make me want to read to find out.
We can surmise the skill it takes to actually use a bow is high so we already know if the devs balanced based off users vs potential its going to be a busted class
Cookie Muncher Ver - 1726563431
everyone keeps forgetting the girl is his slave too. Which makes it very off limits as a nobles property
not really... You are looking at it narrowly.
The slave being a nobles property AND having worth, the worst treatment to expect is a beating for killing a commoner.
The commoner + X generations of his family could be executed for the crimes of
• damaging a nobles property
• disrespect to a noble
• assault to a noble
• Theft of a nobles property
This wouldn't even be touching the extra laws applied to military under a noble (knight apprentice)
wish we went medieval on pervs nowadays
pretty sure her weak demenor changed after HIS death, not the other way around... But this is the guess based off what you said... She could be an OP magician too
its super easy to read on pc... Just change screen orientation... Its a thing btw... Often used when hooked up to a projector.
Think of the consol readers
Cookie Muncher - 1726538688
but if the 4 overlords continue to exist, the shop will become doomed. If she lets the shop become closed or bankrupted, that in itself, is grounds for being a bad employee. -100 points
Cookie Muncher Noissar - 1726534067
totally botches. Rhymes aren't straight forward enough to match the whole word. Just the last syllable
from what it sounds like, the shop is the only place... The others are branches and thus are still part of the main shop
Cookie Muncher Noissar - 1726511179
Given this is the first time I've seen this passed around, it doesn't qualify as a "sensationalized image".
As grammar Hitler I announce this as a misappropriation of words. This pic is still un-meme-worthy
Cookie Muncher - 1726473734
fraud for sure...
Cookie Muncher Dlink - 1726468185
for half the resources it'll bring the pets to cultivate, and a "copy" of MC will go with.
Based on previous actions the system will TRY to mimic his decisions
Here's some facts
• clan is small from war
• in clans martial artists in the same gen typically all know each other (even in big clans)
• in small clans everyone knows each other's business
• MC is clan royalty
• MC was assaulted constantly for being the pheonix's (strongest in generation) son
• its been happening everyday that it became a casual topic for the elders meaning its attracted enough attention in the clan

At this point you can feign ignorance, but you knew it was happening. This makes you a bystander.
Now imagine crossing this guy on 5 occasions
• attempt to dq team by sliding away
• running away after caught
• spying on him in tourny
• manipulating formation to get someone to stealth kill him
• letting in a whole clan to kill him

And still think you shouldn't hit the hills IN CASE he makes it out again
trying to treat him nice? Bystanders are just as much against you as bullies. Not saying they deserve scorn and revenge, but there is no reason to extend a hand to someone who he has to kill later (gu tournament is 1v1 to death). Nor is there any benefit to help someone who refused to help you.