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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
2074 Comment(s)
570 Upvote(s)
Cookie Muncher - 1721607722
my guess with evidence
• A sacrifice must be made of equal worth
• regression stone was given to grazel family
• mc died once
• mc was affected by regression
• sage is affected by regression
• family isn't affected by regression
• husband isn't affected by regression
• sage seems to know the mc
• mc doesn't know the sage
• if she got pregnant before the children were born, they wouldn't exist
• sage goes to explain why he knows mc is pregnant and coughs up blood
• sage family went bankrupt from magic stones

To truly help the MC, the only sacrifice possible would be someone who didn't exist in the timeline sent to. Unless sold, the only people who would have access to the stone is Grazel family. Thus we can surmise that the SON decoded how to USE THE REGRESSION STONE and told the SISTER who willingly became a SACRIFICE to cure their mother
Cookie Muncher - 1721604186
she just told him to know his place
Cookie Muncher - 1721601368
how hard it must have been to resist not slapping the shit out of the husband for praising a man who sent her husband on a death march
Cookie Muncher Lyner - 1721569546
i don't even get the feeling he is actually all that lacking. He was just using a sword until -2 (about to fall apart)... Keep in mind, it's an ornamental sword (a beginner weapon he used to take out a rank B boss [a rank monster stats])... This is clearly showing a major part of his inability has always been being under geared. Taking this into account he probably never used xp share on himself which is why everyone else grows FASTER not that they have more POTENTIAL
Telling someone they need to read more books is the equivalent of calling someone illiterate or stupid. Who wouldn't take that as an insult?
Why not say 9000, because that wouldn't be true.
To anyone in literature means anyone who writes OR reads respected classical stories. Only a prepubescent teen wouldn't understand what that means.

But all in all you STILL can't give an example. Which proves my point.

I may not be the writer, but that doesn't mean I can't stand up for a decent story in which its only flaws are a lack of COMPLETE originality.

So go on, i beg you, come up with a story that has COMPLETE uniqueness to prove me wrong. Otherwise you're just a keyboard warrior who runs their mouth, and tries to degrade others work because they aren't intellectual enough to actually debate without being vague

Anyone can say a work is good or bad. It lacks meaning when you can't say why
i dont have an alt account. It was too many characters... Only idiots like you would need an alt
Cookie Muncher - 1721554287
getting the feeling that MC's power stems from being able to train people.

This may sound obvious but what I mean is that ONLY being with the hero party caused him to not train ENOUGH people which stunted his capabilities from progressing
It's comical that you can talk shit, but won't give an example of something that hasn't been taken before, which is what MAKES it 3RD RATE

Oh, and I've read at least 1000 books including Stephen King, Franklin Dixon, Herman Melville, Mark Twain, Shakespear, the list goes on. If you even tried to talk shit about even 1 you'd reveal just how stupid you are to anyone in literature.
Cookie Muncher - 1721516874
The professions we have so far
• calligraphist
• scholar
• martial artist
• masseuse
• chef
• artist (paintings)
• model
Cookie Muncher - 1721513875
honestly arranged marriages are good unless the candidate is full of themselves.
You can learn to love someone, but it's not good to stomp on someone's love either
Basically only arrange if they aren't in love
Cookie Muncher - 1721512428
When you cockblock yourself by asking your friend for help
Cookie Muncher Gakuku - 1721470799
Cookie Muncher - 1721440426
wouldn't him not taking 1st in the 1st round due to clerical issue look more suspicious on the dude who's trying to fuck over our MC. Especially if 1st place went to his restaurant... Not to mention, how is MC's friend above MC in rankings right now?

Ingredient naming
• 1st round: 1st MC friend, 2nd MC
- clerical error
Chicken butchering
• 2nd round: 1st MC, 2nd MC friend
1v1 Elimination with bottom 2 in elimination list disqualified
• 3rd round: MC win, MC friend lose, overall winner - MC

MC vs Friend 2:1

Real ranking
MC vs Friend 3:0

Cookie Muncher Gakuku - 1721438675
it was never introduced as food... In fact it wasn't mentioned except "power" and "its memory".
Cookie Muncher - 1721431747
wondering why that dude wasn't fired already
Cookie Muncher - 1721430882
Lol... Judge just tryna fuck over whoever tries to beat his apprentice
Cookie Muncher Tim - 1721402560
it'd be in terms and conditions that every MMO makes you sign before even launch the game. not to mention if you went for the lawsuit anyways, they'd countersuit for lost time and defamation to game image.
When you call the bank for a charge back you'll notice it takes 2 weeks to come back. This is because they do an investigation themselves. When they see you "gambled" money to get higher stats, they'll either:
• Decline on account of gambling (you get what you pay for)
• Accept on account of customer service (restrict future purchases ie never let you purchase at gaming companies, rental places, anywhere you could basically "want your money back because you weren't satisfied with your purchase")
Then because you filed for it, gaming company will receive a notice and blacklist your card, then report it within their organization who may also blacklist it
• Grand Theft auto IV
… • Grand theft Auto Franchise
…… • Bethesda
……… • Console Marketplaces (XBOX Marketplace, STEAM, ect)