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yilo - 1726599850
spoiler warning, alot of people are gonna be upset with how everything is gonna turn out. i wont elobrate further on this so dont ask for spoilers.
yilo Arche - 1726599514
even though we have seen some fked up shit happening in this manga so far, what i know about mangaka of the 21st century is that they are massive pussies that will let enemies take the steamiest and stinkiest pile of shit on mc's chests and mc stands back up, bows and thanks them. there are like 9-10 instances where enemies who fucked with and fucked mc's whole shit up and got actually killed. out of like 1000 manga's that i have read.

so like i said mangaka are a bunch of fucking pussies.
yilo Meringue - 1726599281
the only hint we got was that there was a possible spy among them since enemies reacted way too quickly to some of their actions. they never specified if someone was being suspected or if they were hunting spies for that matter.
yilo Mangaguy - 1726599221
eh you know i'd agree but if he was guillable enough to fully empty his inventory without even questioning anything then he deserves all that is coming his way.

anyone who has played any mmorpg can easily tell you that you never take your whole bank to show it to someone in a pvp area, that is how people get lured and lose their banks. its a lesson you learn once and never make that mistake again.
yilo Provider-34 - 1726598410
there are somethings that are stuck in time, no matter how much you try to change them they will always happen. i believe marvel called this the cannon events. like for spiderman uncle ben/aunt may dying and giving spiderman the "with great power comes great responsibility" speech. which makes spiderman well spiderman.

so the void clans princess being a maidservant for gu change could very well be one of those events.
yeah in this series alone there are many great asurascan product placements on assests and plot. on a few other series as well but there it is more over items like swords or when something cool happens. i remember back when solo leveling was being released the first round in 2016, they placed their greatest watermark of sung dripwoo using shadow summons for the first time and there is a tiny purple watermark on igris's helmet. i was loling when i saw.

so you just gotta look for them, some are more obvious than others.
try living for a million years. a c couple of years will feel like closing and opening your eyes to you. unless you were having threesomes with your master and your senior sister it would probably be forgettable.
yilo Donny_Dont - 1726466160
its a fellow cultivator having a break through into the realm of earthly-gods. he has a long way to go but he is getting there.
yilo Donny_Dont - 1726094655
haha nice. yeah i have been around the block once or twice so i know all about poisonous mc's and shitty authors. especially isekai and frontier manga's. fuck me do i miss the old days where manga's had to be good to be published.

yeah cheers man, take care of yourself and dont forget kindness towards another is hard, being evil towards others is easy.

well enjoy the reads and cya on other comment sections.
yilo SpinelesS - 1726094036
it wont matter much for now anyways. the other characters so far have been utterly useless maybe when they awaken their final part of their jobs they might be more usefull but you know me, i dont mind some eye candy on my screen. :)
ofc every situation is different. and i am glad that your cousin felt safe with you after something aweful like that happened to her. honestly as a dad of a young girl myself i am sometimes terrified of what people are capeable of. having said that i cant really speak on behalf of someone who has gone through that nor do i think i/we should since this is too heavy a topic to be discussed alongside a fictional story.
again not having gone through it, its kinda hard to exactly say what is what and who is who. but like i said this is what has been told to me of what happens irl. the first person they feel safe enough to talk to someone about it and then the person that they feel safe to be around. most of the time being family/friend(s). but not always.

again you are right about FMC coming over as weird. since that isnt how normal people behave but a fictional character who is deeply flawed.

as for the 3rd point. honestly i have given up on MC's and isekai mc's lead that charge by mile of being written completely braindead. manhwa mc's are somewhat decent but they are written to be too edgy most of the time too. so its kind of pick your own poison deal...

him having been given a shred of competency might have been when the mangaka had like aa metric tooooooon of time to work on first chapter but when he got serialized he had to rush his work and forgot what he was going for now we are here. i feel like we brainstorming too much about a silly little manga about an isekai and orcs who are Big show sized S-A'ing school girls.
yilo KiliSloe - 1725724678
yilo - 1725718503
yilo - 1725716846
its been a while since i read this, i only remember that there was a chapter with traps turning into cum fountains which broke me.
congrats and i am sorry for you.
yilo Donny_Dont - 1725715991
we both know thats impossible. i become even more spiteful and talk shit the more i get drunk. so yeah staying sober is best option for me lol.
yilo Donny_Dont - 1725680236
reality check in an isekai? now look who is drunk.
yilo - 1725679958
this is aweful and is soooo fucked up. better to skip it to save yourself the hassle its not even good for all of the emotional roller coster it tries to put you through.