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Dano User-1826251448 - 1714155690
They explained it a while ago. There agreement was a little different prior to him reaching level 10. Think of it as a part time employee asking for what someone who is full time and worked for 10+ years. He increased the synchronization ratio on his own, after being told not to because of the bad effects it can cause.
Dano - 1714154571
Long ass arc, I even forgot the mangas name.
Dano Uchiha-DeadPool - 1714028359
Good to hear, I’ll have to wait for when I’m motivated enough to pick it back up. It’s easier to wait for updates when you’re reading multiple manga.
Dano - 1714028149
The upside if you didn’t have money and sold your hero during training. Anyting pulled 2 4 stars.
Dano Uchiha-DeadPool - 1713854294
I don’t like the current arc that much. Originally planned on reading this until the chapters catch up, then continuing peerless dad. I think them avoiding the war makes it harder to tell which chapter of peerless dad matches.
Dano Uchiha-DeadPool - 1713420013
That’s life, can’t expect the same artist to work on everything you make. I dropped peerless dad, and follow this story.
Dano Shenanigans - 1713166360
Wrote all of that for nothing. Mc is better off developing on his own and making his own decisions. No way you think ai and mcs “goals” align when ai has intentionally made him lose lives. Mc has leveled up, unlocked new skills and hasn’t really died in a while. Even in a situation where the system said the only route is for that girl to die.
You’re way to optimistic in how you think. Ai can do a lot of harm to the mc. further on in the story we will learn ais actual intentions. Blood thinks ai is going to always be here to help the mc, it’s laughable seeing you I think like that. Mc needs to improve grow, and not rely on the system or ai. Same way they removed 2 out of 3. They might remove the last one later on. Even the mc isn’t dumb enough to fully trust ai. Ai has no intention Who is the actual mc? Hwi or ai?
Theory ppl speculated is ai was in mcs shoes, and died. There are a few other theories. hwi is the mc, mcs are main to “surpass” other ppl =) so unless ai becomes the mc. Him being sassy isn’t relevant here. Mcs life is the one at stake. Idek why you care so much about ai. He doesn’t know you exist.
Dano Shenanigans - 1713080332
Mc can’t control ai. Ai can intentionally cause him to lose lives and pick what it wants to answer. Ai can lvl cap him whenever it wants ( get ai to lvl 3). Simulation provides him with stuff he can’t do on his own, they all do. By your logic ai is also a enhancement of what the mc is already capable of. Ai is using the mcs body, and stats in a fight.
Dano River - 1711118083
“The problem” no I completely understand your way of thinking.Dwayne has shown higher physical strength than the mc, high pain tolerance isn’t physical strength and Dwayne decent mental strength. yes the mc has higher mental strength than Dwayne. higher strength, lower mental strength than the mc is viewed that poorly by you? Smh. The problem is that you only view the mc as physically and mentally strong. By that logic Dwayne and the girl would’ve died on there own already when they got separated. During the moth woman fight, people are fully under her ability, Dwayne got hit and snapped out of it. That’s “mental strength”. Or when mc was in the healing chamber and he had to fight a large group on his own. Mc has flaws, mcs get the most out of plot armor.
Dano River - 1711039586
Not that strong? Who In the manga is stronger than Dwayne be fr.
Dano PinkSmokeRubber - 1710315960
Your focused to much on the stats page. Skills>stats
Dano Cookie Muncher - 1710315650
I simply mentioned Velkist because I don’t remember most of there names. He still has the same personality. The only person he “sorted” out is the lazy mage. That’s a fairy tale. 1 star heros with a personality you like and use teamwork to get better would still get killed. Good or bad personality doesn’t increase your chance. The 3rd and 2nd party all had good personalities and used teamwork, many died. You believe mc can change a hero’s personality, I’m guessing you don’t think you or I could do the same? Lmao
I would still likely trade knowing they are real people. 1. You wouldn’t have the mc In your party.2. The person being traded you wouldn’t know there actual value. 3. You need more than 1 good group, unless you’re a whale, spending cash for pulls, your base and characters would be underdeveloped. Which would cause 1 or more important heros to die, before even passing floor 10. (You need gems for pulls, making new stuff in your base, and other stuff)4. Other bases can invade your base, growing slow from lvl 1, other bases would be far ahead of you. You even assume your Heros would all want to stay after finding out about other bases :)
Dano User-0000000069 - 1709796342
it’s not broken. Would I sell the player? Very likely. Yes!. Most heros were obtained from free pulls. You’re guaranteed atleast 1 top 1% hero, from 5k+ gems. So in theory you’d get 3+ decent heros. Similar to Velkist.
Dano Jarshan - 1708851100
The old man had favoritism towards Zhou fan. Any emperor pure or not pure would have to punish Zhou fan. There’s no “better way to do that” he’s to strong. The emperor is going to die, Zhou fan is leaving tianyu also. “The youth surpass the old”. Lou clans current head hasn’t done much so he’s not evil, emperors kids hasn’t done much so there not evil. They dirty there hands so the rest don’t have to. + remember it’s all however the author wants to write the story.
Dano Jarshan - 1708850772
No such thing as a pure emperor. Doesn’t exist, any attempt at it in history they all died young. I think I understand your confusion. Who/what do you think they are saving the kingdom from ? They are at war with Zhou fan, a guy who killed many radiant stage experts, absorbed the earth dragon, many other stuff. Quanrong army is there ally right now. You wouldn’t say that last sentence if you truly understood.
Dano Jarshan - 1708752813
Make your own opinion. Zhou fan only loyal to Lou clan. Whose right? In those order old man zhuge> emperor> Zhou fan. Emperor wants to protect the kingdom. Emperor tried protecting the tianyu from Zhou fan, didn’t work out. Zhou fan is evil, killed many ppl from the seven houses and didn’t get punished for it. Everyone’s exploiting the people.
Dano Rathial - 1707976255
Same thing you would do if you played the game tho.
Dano Raigon - 1707123837
There’s “hunters”. He was a noob, now he’s high lvl hunter a-s rank. and other guilds want to recruit him. He did it for money, to support him and his family. Joined a guild, got a new house, money, dad a job. Sisters in school. Best friends a bum that leeches off him. His guild pays him to do missions. He already accomplished his goals from what I can remember. He’s just testing his progress and trying to become op.
Dano - 1706996666
I feel this this manwha about to turn to shet. After so many chapters, I’m not interested in Zhou fan leaving.
Dano Zangliu - 1706430926
a puppet!? That’s fkd up. Wouldn’t happen at all.