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I don't get how these follow
You can't complain how much I've listened to you considering you've given no effort to listen to me. Do you even think I have anything worth hearing? You still seem to be talking down to me like you think our relationship is student teacher.
Regardless there is no reason to hold animosity towards these people (other than Leo Hou) Also even aside from that, MC is not the type to gain power through such a clumsy crude method as life essence sucking. Rather absorbing the fire itself and getting that law is much better for MC's goals probably.
I know I said in previous reply to your later post we can't agree so maybe lets drop the topic. But I wanted to respond to this.
Guardians can't be "friends" very well because they need to reward and punish to form behavior and because of the power imbalance and because it's a relationship you don't usually choose. But as a adult your relationship with a ex-guardian like your mom can be anything from disownment because of perceived abuse or neglect etc. to only talking or visiting them on special occasions to best friends. I have heard of people who are good friends with a parent. There is nothing contradictory for a adult to be friends with a parent just like there is nothing contradictory for someone to be friends with a lover.
You describe friendship as being shallow compatibility or mutual interest where as romantic love is deep compatibility. This is a contradiction regarding your horizontal human relationship theory of earlier. It is also a self contradiction where you contend that being friends and romantic lovers are impossible opposites. Remember the original topic and your constant assertion. If friendship was a shallow love then it would not be contrary to also having deep love. I don't buy your shallow and deep compatibility argument regardless of your self contradictions. Friends can love each other "deeply", and friendship can be between people without much common interest.
You draw lines based on words, human relationships are not always so cleanly defined and segregated into a few neat packages that are the same for everyone.
You rudely talk about me "playing a fool" as a dishonest approach to a argument. It's like you think you are a teacher rather than a interlocutor in a argument of differing points of view.
2) Courting phase, deepening of feelings.
3) Marriage phase, further deepening of feelings.
4) Postmarital phase and even further deepening of feelings."
You are describing verticality according to your definitions. Direct contradiction to your nonsense about "horizontal human relationship"
Anyway I couldn't disagree more with everything you spouted. Friendship is where you care for someone and enjoy spending time with them. Including respecting their boundaries and individual interests you don't share. If you can't stand the person you are romantically involved with, if you can't play a game with them while focusing on the game. that is sad IMO. Friendship should be woven into any relationship meant to last and not at any specific point, the entire thing.
I think we are at a impasse in this conversation. Neither of us will convince the other. So lets drop it.
Well there are some major differences between family and romantic relationship, well for most people anyway. This is a absurd comparison. You don't choose family for the most part, you DO choose friends and romantic relationships for the most part.(unless a woman in some repressive culture)
"solely from relationship itself."
What are you talking about? Relationships, romantic or not (including friendship relationships) are made up of their constituents. There is nothing wrong with being in a romantic relationship where you share fun in something that isn't focused on the other person. Life is too short to be with someone you can't do that with. You've seriously never heard of long married couples who describe their significant other as best friend? And yeah that could include playing a game with them where you are focused on the game instead of them. Not every part of married (or not married romantic) has to be focused on the other person. It's called balance. "solely from the relationship itself", what does that even mean? Like some giddy feeling from a new relationship and just being around them and knowing sex could happen in the future? That usually fades. Not something to base a relationship on.
If you are having wild sex with someone you can't stand otherwise, that is not a relationship, that is casual sex. There is no romance if the entire relationship is sex and stuff leading up to sex. No good long term marriage could come of such. And no, bringing your mom into it does not help since it's not at all related (I hope your romantic relationship isn't related to family, but it's all relative, or hopefully not) like I mentioned before.
Do you think relationships are just trials for marriage or marriage like relationships? Or do you see marriage as something completely different from romantic relationships with your horizontal theory? Some kind of "romantic relationship zoned" so now they can't get married?
Do you believe it is impossible for people in a romantic relationship to be good friends as well?
The end.
People having sex outside of any real relationship, AKA casual sex, is a different topic.
IMO a serious relationship should be a relationship of friends, it is very possible to happen and should be strived for even. All the generally necessary elements of a healthy long term relationship/marriage are the same as that of a deep friendship. Respect and love, enjoying each others company.
I'm sure it is possible for someone to not want to end up in a relationship because they fear it damaging a friendship. But do you acknowledge that it is possible for friends to become lovers and even back to being friends again? as there are people are on very good terms with their ex.
"You won't be able to see each other the way friends do."
That would be a shame that if you could never see a lover as a friend. Very sad.