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I don't see why you would need to add a hilt, it has a hilt as part of the mold shape. Just add some covering maybe for better grip. Most swords are formed with the hilt base already part of it as a single piece, just additional covering for the hand.

Cannibalizing part of another weapon just for a hilt doesn't seem like it would even work out that well, it wouldn't be attached well.
Not hilt, sheath/scabbard. A sheath, something that holds a sword protecting the swords edge and preventing the sword from accidentally cutting things when you are not using it.

And it wasn't really a sheath even if it seemed to work like one because it was actually a mold made out of tree of life wood. A device you can use to fill up to make a shape. In this case filling up with aura to make a sword. Like you sort of said "build a sword with it"

This tree of life mold was never Barolts. It is MC's given by the fairy king or someone like that. It's not lost, MC has been carrying it around and hitting stuff with it, not bothering to pull out a aura sword, I guess not able to anymore because aura is hard and stuck in there? It's why they are there, to use the dragon-fire to do something to it so the blacksmith can improve it. Maybe to burn away the world tree wood to work on the somehow stable aura sword inside? I'm not sure. But here it is in full view ch 217, in front of them.
TruePurpleMK - 1726671189
Geez. nearly as stupid as the last chapters.

How is the experiment killing someone a success?

How is two years time a "lifetime"?

Treating mental illness by copying memories? What a terrible terrible idea. Just awful. Even if it didn't kill the patient, which it did!

You're there to prevent mages who share Alfeas belief of .... what exactly? It was done in grief, not belief? You want to bring back the work on the terrible awful idea of transplanting memories to treat mental illness even if it may kill them, you recruit someone to help you. It was only two years and you don't remember any of the principles behind it to recreate it? Clearly not someone who cares about human life, which begs the question why you are so disappointed about not being able to allegedly "treat mental illness" in people. So why kill mage students???

You feel you must kill Sharone because insightful? What??!??

Also perhaps a mild complaint compared to more heaping piles of steaming nonsense.....
She was darkness to be seen with light? I don't get it. You don't need light to see darkness. With only darkness that is what you will see, darkness. And how was she darkness? And then shortly latter she's metaphorical light...

And that bit about equivalent exchange....whatever, doesn't seem logical issue either but minor in comparison.

Damn my curiosity. But logically speaking I should probably drop this before the stupidity of it all gives me a aneurysm somehow. How can stupidity cause a aneurysm? Ask the stupid story, it might be able to explain with more stupidity.
TruePurpleMK Phyrite - 1726659305
I thought you meant within the last two chapters. I didn't notice much of a difference but I did notice other people hand wringing about the art quality. So you wouldn't be alone. That could be where you got the idea from though?
Was MC ever trying to do that? Why would MK want to use a mace when the main attack of MC, the main and pretty much only weapon attack technique is a cross slash. It would make no sense for MC to switch to a mace or staff, no matter how high quality.

Besides MC has the aura sword from the life tree, the reason for being here in the first place.
TruePurpleMK Phyrite - 1726654249
"exited the barrier"? Not sure what you mean. I don't see any point where the art changed.

BTW feel free to criticize art. I think this art is fine though..
TruePurpleMK Lucky13 - 1726653407
Other personality? You mean when MC completely lose emself to the kill command that has since been destroyed? There was no personality. If you mean something else, I got no other guesses as to your meaning.
TruePurpleMK - 1726619295
"If your late we'll be riding you there so hurry up"

You mean you're going to stand around and wait for them?

"Emperor has not coughed yet"

You want the Emperor to be sick before you act? Must be some strange Korean idiom.
Whether Granny is a serial killer aside, Glasses and company has been saved by those powers many times from the never ending threats that what, stop attacking so much because Glasses lost the powers.

Also I'd definitely never want to give up super powers I can call on at any time. I'd gladly pay price so small such as that. Aside from the absurd threats,(alien invasions etc) you and someone else could survive say a car accident etc with such powers. Shit happens. Also such power at my fingertips would be a bit thrilling and empowering in general. You'd never have to worry about threats hiding in a poorly lit street etc. and it would probably be fun to use such power.

Plot wise unless this comic is ending, Glasses will eventually get powers back. But MC doesn't have such fourth wall breaking/looking through abilities
Wasn't there the remains of other kids "gone missing" thanks to TG at that location? It's been so long I don't remember the specifics but I thought I remember there being remains and other missing kids.
TruePurpleMK - 1726513202
I'd rather have the super power if I was MC. Besides one testicle is plenty for the likes of producing children etc. And again we don't know if Turbo Granny has gone back to their serial killer ways, which is much worse than just missing em. I would hope that all these experiences turned TG good like is the pattern with these kind of comics, but in practice it's bad practice for a comic to count on its own overused tropes.
TruePurpleMK - 1726494201
Just because my nickname means very small, why is everyone calling me small?!?
TruePurpleMK - 1726493390
What a weird concept, ripping nothing apart. Void=nothing at all. If you destroy nothing, what are you left with?
TruePurpleMK - 1726455768
Instilling heartfelt "gifts" in only the most terrible way eh knows how. I don't see how it's possible to be worse at expressing gratitude.
TruePurpleMK saturn - 1726444957
Correct, preferences are by definition subjective. I thought you were saying good or evil itself was totally subjective.
TruePurpleMK Dano - 1726444859
Well with the friend and fellow guild mate they were reattached but it wasn't the same and could no longer function as a hunter was the doctors verdict. But presumably in a fantastical world such as this there would be some way to get back to 100%
TruePurpleMK - 1726444782
OK, not fighting there but MC has to watch eh back forever after unless MC has some way to stop that.
"You are under the impression they know he's one of them and that they care."

No I am not, I am under the impression strangers of this PC world are at least as dangerous as people from the real world. So just distrust strangers in general.

Thus if we define "mafia" as "strangers", all of them are mafia! Mystery solved! Be careful of all of them!
No, it's forced in. There is no reason to distrust someone from your world any more than anyone from this world, as MC should know with how many people from this world tried to kill MC at first. So again be alert around strangers as a matter of course, "mafia" or not, it is ALWAYS a matter of life and death. MC is "mafia" after all. "Mafia" I take it to mean from the real world.