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Well don't know about sect, but all the women enemies MC had till now, ended as his slaves LOL. So she to will be one of them as the standard till now.
Its only ruthless when if the pet was weaker than you... which in this case, not at all (Goguma's original level was way higher than the MC's). So I don't really see the ruthless part.
.........you do. It just doesn't count in your mind as you just stated. That being said, I agree in that his choice of shield was sound. And he is lucky his pet is so derpy and attached to him.
Skay24TheImageOOOOOOOooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOO a kill steal. She gonna fucking regret that
For someone whos ruins plan, she will be get tortured later. MC need more info. So this lich dead not his fault, he already executioning plan, and that last part ofc not his part, too bad he already out of mana for flexing his skill, well he need to pissed lich and available copy lich skill. if just the twins get more roles than watching it would be better. (If you remember before corrupted basically twins just afk and watching, i mean they can do something more useful especially crowd control, it would be had chance twins meet that giril and fighting rather than afk and watch)
this plot is smell full of bs....with how murim doesnt have any coin anymore.... how tf they can teleport that many peps to earth, when even the empire only want to teleport 1 peps to talk with mc (according to mc its incredible expensive)...oh also have a contract with necro lich to invade real worlds...dafuq
hope there's explanation in the future chapters....
Him not finishing off the villain right away was hands down the dumbest thing MC has ever done. He 100% deserved that kill steal, but how dare that woman kill steal and leave while still being cocky like she wasn't a coward.
Good. Now leave Teresa be, she doesn't deserve to have her story ruined by some stupid "she's gotta dark side" twist. You've been tellin' a great story, stop injecting false drama when there's plenty of the real thing already there.
I don't know why but when i see the lich scream argh and nooo i heard almighty voice saying that. You know when he scream, i don't have the gif. Anyway cool chapter, i can't believe he 1v4 or 1v5? And survive, I cant remember. I'm talking about that samurai guy, mc side kick. I easily forget something, mostly people names so i even forgot mc name. But somehow i remember Kim Dodja rather than mc from Solo Leveling. I remember a researcher said if you forgot something that means is not important to you, you need to make it important so you can remember/recall it. Apparently Kim Dogja is important in brain? XD
CoolWhipGoat translator, as long as the dialogue translated I don't care if the speech bubbles aren't perfect, literally just paint it white and type over it if that'll get the translations out quickly
MangaguyMaybe if you catch someone off guard and you're using a dagger like an assassin, don't back way out of their range when yours is tiny, as it just gives them back the advantage to have to get within their guard again.
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