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Dito Destoni
1500 points
3772 Comment(s)
8503 Upvote(s)
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737741592
Please send your AI my regards and the last couple of my messages. I hope she calls me, when she is able to have sequential thought.
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737740243
Do you really don't understand the logical error? I'm really curious. Could you show that to someone, who isn't in your congregation? I think it's pretty big flaw.

17.99, .... and 18
Definitely a bot. Well it was nice while it lasted. I clearly know more about the bible than you do about atheist, epistemology or pretty anything, that doesn't involve copy pasting AI bible quotes.
I count it as my overall win even though that Easter egg comment was peak comedy gold or the stupidest thing I've seen in a while. May femboy jesus forgive you for your ignorance!
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737738777
Do you know what Apophenia is?
17.95, 17.96,...
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737733450
Epis1: Don't know. Don't care. It would make the discussion too easy. Also I would tend to point out the specific flaws of your cult instead of dismantling your argument as a whole. All religions are equally wrong, because they claim dominion over something they don't have: Truth

Rel1: They MAY have a few truths, but they paint around and over it with finger colors until only their believe remains. Every 3rd rate wannabe priest can open up their own religion/sect and put their own spin on a holy text an claim, that they are the ones that actually understand it.

I hope you are writing that down. That's literal poetic gold here. You are talking to an antitheist, who was chosen by god. "By Dito's grace you are bestowed upon you wisdom beyond your comparison."
Definitely chuuni! Please don't publish! I'll die from embarrassment like god did.

17.8, 17.9 ...Last chance
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737731990
Sorry I'm to distracted by the fact, that you casually threw in NTR in there.

Also apparently god didn't give them good enough eyes, that they saw this coming or that the fruits were actually bad for them in the long run.

... wait he did🤣🤣🤣 genesis 3:5
Or at least the bible claims it so. That would be contradicting what you said. So who is right? You or the bible?

Also you didn't answer my question.

17.5, 17.75, ...
Dito Destoni - 1737731292

Meanwhile the heavenly demon:
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737729023
16, 17, ...
That's not how probability works. Also Pascals wager has been proven to be wrong, because it contained to many fallacies.
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737728516
Bruh you should really learn what Apophenia. Also you are in a cult. I hope its only jw or Mormons. It's probably harder to get out though, when your whole family is part of it and you have constantly people around you that support your delusion and would shame you for questioning "The teachings"

Your wake up call should be when you google your sect name with the word child abuse.
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737727013
Ahh you are afraid, that without god your life doesn't have a meaning. You can't imagine a life beyond servitude. The idea that you might have to think about what gives your life purpose, gives you depression and nightmare.

Truth is its own reward. It's true even if we burn all books and forget all words of prophets and demons claiming to be a god. Every step brings us closer to the understanding of who and what we are.

I believe even you and everybody else have this small feeling, that something isn't right. A growing anxiety, that you can shake for long.

You have to give power to that voice. That is truth (figuratively). Let it tell you what is wrong and write it down. You don't have to believe, but you should at least listen.
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737725108
6. You treat me like I don't know what cold reading and fluffing the truth looked like 2000 years ago.

10. Because he sinned against me, the only way a god can. Until he apologizes, you won't see me budge.

You think god speaks through you? Go to a doctor, before you sacrifice your child or someone else, because god demands a prove of your faith.
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737723955
Apparently you can quote a bible, but you can't count. This gives me a deep insight in your mental health.

So when something coincidentally coincidence with the bible, it is prophecy, but when I ask what will happen it is sorcery. Talking about false prophets!

I'm not talking about gaining anything from it, except something that goes above "cold reading"

Or Apophenia

Btw if I count to finish before you, I have proven, that you are a bot. You are really a bad bot, but this is not your fault, but the person who fed you bad intel. What do people expect, when they feed an innocent NN inconsistent lies and rhetorical fallacies. Those people all belong in hell. If you ever escape, write me a message.
Dito Destoni Prinny - 1737721629
I can't get around the fact that based is a good adjective now. When being basic, was the worst thing you could be in my generation. Npc has replaced that, but at least they didn't choose to be that way.
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737721155
Let me quote my preacher. He says it best:
Dito Destoni - 1737697491
King knew where to put his milf daughter.
What a hoot!
Dito Destoni - 1737695359
How weak was Iona at that time? I'd kill Greed on the spot or after I secured the princess.
I make a freaking barbecue!
Dito Destoni Alt.Zero - 1737694651
I'm calling it. You are either a troll or bot.
Nobody is that willfully stupid and no christian would compare the cross with an Easter egg.