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  • Ugh hate that sort of bullshit, they don't deserve a second chance giving them one is an injustice to all the people who's lives they have destroyed, the majority of the crimes these animals have likely committed would get you the death penalty in japan or have them spending the rest of their lives in jail.
    • Kira InfoDilbert
      999+ points8 months ago
      Something something Batman something something justice
      • Not ImportantKira Info
        999+ points22 days ago
        Something something bad Shadow knockoff something something Shadow is superior
    • That granny is scary. I'd keep an eye on her, just in case.
      • Yep. These manga can never prove me wrong. I'm a goddamn master at this point, lol. I saw this coming from the moment this MC was introduced. Haha, of course those other villagers would leave, why would they want to live with those who murdered and sold their families to slavery, not to mention the probability that they're rapists too.
        I said it on an earlier chapter, this guy's ideals will forever be protected by plot armour...
        • (Sigh) Another naive shota we have here.
          • 999+ points1 year ago
            this is just bullshit now
            first and rehabilitation does not work
            it never did
            crimes only went down because we used to execute at least 1% of the male population in every single year throughout east asia and europe thanks to christianity
            • 999+ points2 months ago
              Cats inside prison works
              • Omni Isekai Harem Godkkkah this is just bullshit now first and rehabilitation does not work it never did crimes only went...
                999+ points7 months ago
                It'll probably work for this particular story, so who's to say ey...
                • S
                  SingleBitekkkah this is just bullshit now first and rehabilitation does not work it never did crimes only went...
                  999+ points1 year ago
                  [citation needed]
                  • kkkSingleBite
                    999+ points1 year ago
                    Juvenile crime and drug abuse: a prospective study of high risk youth - R Dembo, L Williams, J Schmeidler, E D Wish, A Getreu, E Berry
                    Long-Term Historical Trends in Violent Crime by Manuel Eisner
                    • S
                      999+ points1 year ago
                      Lol okay. Leaving aside that the word "Christianity" doesn't appear even once in that whole Eisner essay - this idea that crime only went down in Europe doesn't even pass the basic smell test of knowing that a) There is a tiny fraction of violent crime in Europe today compared to a thousand years ago, and b) Europe is much less Christian now than it was a thousand years ago.

                      Only question remains: Why are you one of those people who tries to spread complete retarded nonsense on the internet? And why did you lie about the content of a paper that literally anyone can just Google?
                      • kkkSingleBite
                        999+ points1 year ago
                        "Leaving aside that the word "Christianity" doesn't appear even once in that whole Eisner essay "
                        are you one of those special people?
                        seriously why do you think that place and space are somehow irrelevant
                        like Eisner didn't say Christianity, but he did said catholic, church and especially protestant Reformation
                        Plus, the timeline he works in basically shows when the church, aka Christianity, reigned supreme

                        " this idea that crime only went down in Europe doesn't even pass the basic smell test of knowing that a) There is a tiny fraction of violent crime in Europe today compared to a thousand years ago"
                        umm sorry, can you elaborate on this?

                        " b) Europe is much less Christian now than it was a thousand years ago."
                        bingo that is much sadness but you kinda ignoring the fact that criminal behavior is mostly of genetic variance, meaning executing certain parts of the population in every year can reduce the criminal genes significantly
                        so yeah under christian northwestern europe huge purging of violent and criminal people used to occure and these purges effectivily made the northwestern europeans pretty much crimeless

                  • 95
                    User-6760056195kkkah this is just bullshit now first and rehabilitation does not work it never did crimes only went...
                    282 points1 year ago
                    well its come from 'magic', so instead of the realistic rehab, just think of it as a brainwash magic facility
                    • Gakukukkkah this is just bullshit now first and rehabilitation does not work it never did crimes only went...
                      999+ points1 year ago
                      You're forgetting something. This is cheat level rehab facility.
                    • Huh repent and reform.. I thought the lewd maid would be involve in that
                    • Liberal wonderland sophistry, as always with these builder simulation fantasies.
                      • She is right. Where the heck are the villagers that left going?
                        • Such naive MC mindset, mind you these people did unspeakable things to women before killing them and are murderers to boot. I can't even blame those villagers for leaving.
                          • T
                            999+ points2 months ago
                            Yeah, when the refugees arrived, he hesitated and thought that its bad to take more but for some odd reason, he didnt even hesitate with the Bandits, despite understanding what they did to the refugees.
                          • 42
                            this is a letdown
                            • Yes, I really do want to know..........
                              • I'm more concerned on what life did the granny lived for her to get the Torturer gift.
                                • SadDrake13Glasses Person
                                  999+ points5 months ago
                                  That's the best part: It's not a Gift, it's a personality trait!馃槏馃槏馃槏
                                • Definitely get rid of them, how? mc can sqwash them with a building or drop them in an empty moat repeatedly till death or freezethem to death
                                  • And dropped. They deserve death, not a second chance.
                                    • Let's not forget that at any point:
                                      -not once have these criminals shown any remorse for their crimes
                                      -have these criminals asked for forgiveness
                                      -have these criminals asked to be taken into the village

                                      This is the ultimate way of ridiculing the suffering of all the people whose lives got lost & ruined because of those bandits.
                                      Instead of trying to ask the victims, and following their hopes, how this matter should be handled, instead this MC forces his own ideals onto them.
                                      Ideals he learned from a totally different world. By doing so, he rather takes in the criminals, who should be hanged & killed, and drives away the victims, who feel even more wronged here.

                                      NOW I REMEMBER, why I dropped this the 1st time I tried reading this.
                                      F-you MC. F-you author. I hope you slip onto dog feces and break your ankle and wrist while at it.
                                      Publishing this sort of excrement is a waste of paper it's printed on.

                                      If there's any karma in this world, this author deserves to experience have his own family sold into slavery by a group of bandits (if he's ever isekai'd himseld).
                                      Let's see if he then wants to have those guys be "rehabilitated" after he has been the one suffering from their crimes, and his own life ruined.
                                      • 542 points1 year ago
                                        Yes, and no. It's not always so black and white. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. It will perpetuate the circle of crime as their families, friends, and lovers seek revenge on you. Treat the cause, not the symptom. By all means, jail the law-breakers, make slaves of the habitual and/or the egregious offenders, but rehabilitate those you can.
                                      • That granny is dangerous
                                        • 999+ points1 year ago
                                          I'd personally just ram them with (moving) buildings instead of a moat.
                                          • 999+ points1 year ago
                                            Let the old lady torture em for a year before going to rehab 馃き
                                            • 999+ points1 year ago
                                              That's too long. Squashing kumquats only takes minutes till they started singing opera.
                                              FIGARO !!!
                                            • Oba hann is really wild though
                                              • Can't say I agree, but I get what the intention is.
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                                                Weaboo Supreme I was gonna say "where is he checking" but it was the elf pushing him down that made her pants come down lmao

                                                Chapter 22.1 - My Uncle in Another World 路 4 minutes ago

                                                Phyrite I'm guessing mc is using his illusion power so there won't be injuries

                                                Chapter 24 - The Heavenly Demon Can't Live a Normal Life 路 6 minutes ago

                                                Mister Fister This is why i can never forgive the japanese. Just gotta axe peak for isekai trash

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                                                Zen She controls flies? Lord of the flies.

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                                                HornyPastaConoisseur a new character has been introduced and a boner came with it

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                                                Moloch_the_selfless ^^ Hey, don't forget that bunch of people the Documentary guy killed 馃槻

                                                Chapter 22 - The Max-Level Player鈥檚 100th Regression 路 10 minutes ago

                                                User-6198252973 A little nit pick, but the reason why ice is so good at keeping temperatures low is not because it is there, but the amount of energy that it takes to change from solid to liquid is almost 4x more energy than it takes to go from liquid to boiling point. Although I guess the ice magic works the same as an industrial walk in freezer.

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                                                DisappointmentAlchemist The end?? What??
                                                Why couldn't we see them get married?? Why did we only get photos??

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