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Towan Phantom - 1712153171
To me it feels like a combination of both could work best in a fantasy setting. Wind which captures the sound in the moment and engraves it in the Earth that stores the sound. I suppose like a record for a record player? And Wind magic would then play that record.
Towan - 1711899243
It is remarkable how many injuries Summoner Girl could avoid in this series if she just wore that freaking bikini! xD
Towan - 1711885379
It is a good portrayal, I think. He tries to get better, but has pushback. That one mistake, that misunderstood joke, completely destroyed him. And this trauma resurfaced here. People didn't care to hear that it was a joke, they only saw him as a predator instantly and then dogpiled him without a second thought. I hope he will be able to take steps forward and recover from this. That has some great potential.
Towan - 1711884162
Seems like I am the minority here, because I don't dislike MC. Yes, buying things from his mom's credit card is wrong, but I do feel sorry for him for how the idol screwed him over and used him as a stepping stone, treating his joke as if it was something that gave her a serious trauma. I feel the character has some good potential for growth.
Yup~ I believe she was the tsundere bratty elf girl that kicked his glider before, complaining that they made a landing zone for it. It is nice to see her again. Hoping we see the dragons again too.

Buuuuut Waifus first! Even with the Ana noble blood thing causing trouble, MC would be able to aim for the elf princess. Though Harem would be best obviously. =3
Towan Renki - 1711830579
Depends on the country. Even a big country can be save, as long as it is surrounded by ocean on many sides.
Towan Donny_Dont - 1711830510
I wouldn't go as far as death. Personally, I would like them to get humbled and reflect. Technically, they should be "good" characters, as they were the capture targets in a story. So they should have room to grow in a positive direction.
I wouldn't say care less. Just that there is less talk sadly. Also, that is even more the case as there are two Queen Bees. The one we saw in this chapter was the newer daughter one and not the older mother one inside the cave.
Towan GamePlayer64 - 1711821024
I am curious what character these little ones will have. Maybe a girly or tsundere bunny that tries to hog Sejun for herself? xD
Towan R Tuin - 1711820982
I interpreted it that the last time she was out was when Sejun arrived and she was flying around. That is what the author means I would say. After all, that was the only time we saw a flying dragon out and about. And as you remember, the other dragons are cut off from Aileen. So there is only Aileen.
Towan gustavofoxy1 - 1711820886
She did have a growth spurt in an earlier chapter that surprised her. So, it did do wonders for her health. Even more so since she has some sort of health condition that got better thanks to the special crops.
Towan GuestUser - 1711820790
I wanna know what Black Rabbit said after seeing Sejun trying to kiss him to revive him. xD
Towan Drolta Simp - 1711698963
Yup. It is unknown yet only why Alice betrayed her as she didn't do it in the original. I am curious what the reason for it will be.

Either way, our boy here standing in front of this villain and blocking him is pretty badass! =D I do hope Lortelle sees this and knows that she is not alone! Of course Spirit Waifu will not like the love rival she gains if this happens. xD
Towan Joho - 1711698845
Is it? He knows the future only as long as the story progresses the same. It would be foolish to derail the story and endanger not only himself, but the world as well. Besides, he looks pretty badass standing up for Lortelle. xD
Towan Invisible Storm - 1711209893
Same. First thought was: "Oh! So a virgin cannot use that power? But he does have a loli teacher, loli demon god and tiger maid, so that should be no problem!" To be fair, this manga is lewd, so you can't blame me. xD
Towan Aab - 1711209268
Taboo, you say~? I know a Devil God that would get off-, I mean, approve of it! =3
Towan Klee - 1710881078
I don't really think it is good for the anime to be skipping things. Honestly, I am glad for the manga then. Yes, it is stuffed full, but this also makes the world feel more alive. There is some incredible effort put into those countless different characters and locations and I cannot help but appreciate it.
Towan Sleepless Bonk - 1710867893
I thought something was off. Yennekar also wasn't her name, was it? Or am I remembering names wrong. xD The first thing I thought was strange.