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719 points
381 Comment(s)
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Towan - 1710777704
Aqua is in trouble. She is so genius she is nailing the role. xD
Towan Violenja - 1710712163
Possibly? But it feels too sloppy of an excuse. Not to mention that the story did not even make that excuse or address Eisen at all. I feel this is a plot hole that could have been avoided with some clarifications. For example, maybe Eisen can still fight, but not as good as he used to be and this dwarf similarly is losing strength and getting hurt more often or something like that. Really, anything would be better than not addressing it at all. I love the story, hence why I am going so hard at this.
Towan yilo - 1710712018
Thanks. I did notice it and had quite the enjoyable read after it was fixed. ^^
Towan - 1710577925
So she eats a ton, but doesn't have, ahem, lower openings? How does she not bloat up from the food. xD
Towan - 1710577434
Oof. Hawa is kinda OP. I feel this one here might be a bit too easy in general. Gaining an OP spirit, but also getting most of the land back and some special crop seeds earlier. It feels like this is too easy. Like the conflict for potential is just swept away, instead of actually watching a protagonist struggle and grow naturally.
Towan SpeedGrapher - 1710563682
Agreed. Reread the chapter again now after it was updated without them. A much better happier read for me. Now I could truly appreciate the chapter. ^^
Towan Cold Fire - 1710530487
Quite ironic, considering he actually has a girl he loves in another town. Not to mention even if he didn't, he could get pretty much almost any attractive girl, well aside from the queen which makes it actually funnier. xD
Towan - 1710476653
I honestly don't want to be ungrateful to the people translating this chapter...but this constant text brightly slammed on the pages is extremely obnoxious and hinders my enjoyment of the queen acting cute. To be frank, I was wondering if the watermark was a part of the chapter, like the artist of this trolling the readers. That is how much of a parody of a watermark this is.
Towan kufo - 1710476510
Finally we see the progress! =D I suppose, the queen being in such a weak state makes her more honest? Desperation driving he to be more honest. And Javier actually noticing it makes it only better! xD
Towan Kuma - 1710475289
I personally love it when artists do that with monsters. =3
Towan - 1710439533
I honestly thought she would get dragged into danger, but not that she would be the danger herself! xD
Towan - 1710181258
LOVE the black bunny design! She is taller than the usual ones. Feels a bit more adult and special~ =3
Towan - 1710084056
The fall was a bit problematic. The curse negates magic, so that suggestion of magic slowing his fall would have worked, wouldn't it?
Towan - 1710084014
Romance tag? Romance the bunny! =3 Become the son-in-law of the Yakuza rabbit! xD
Towan Cat - 1710011236
Reminds me of that hunter dude with the opossum like fake death skill. People were definitely pissed at him at first, but then he redeemed himself. It is always nice to see. ^^
Towan gustavofoxy1 - 1709922273
"Florida man dubbed 'pooping perpetrator' sought by police for break-in" is not what I expected. ^^
Towan GeckoGecko - 1709883504
To be fair, we do not know what the soul in Shell wants, but as Shell is nice, it is likely Shell wouldn't want this. Here is hoping for a Slime Princess Waifu. xD

Also, I don't necessarily think she is selfish. She is an artificial being, programmed to fulfill only one task. She is doing simply what she was programmed to do. This girl never had the chance to question anything or develop morals for that matter as she is only close to brutal monsters. The other one on the other hand? She guarded a green paradise with animals. It is no surprise that she is much nicer in comparison.

I believe it is an unfortunate development due to their different circumstances.
Towan Master Geass - 1709883318
Yup, but at the same time, Sera did say slimes are immortal. Maybe not just in age, but in body too? They are squishy, so maybe it is impossible to truly kill them? We of course would need more intel on that and if there are slimes on land too. If slimes are on land one has to wonder how they managed to get there from that island. Maybe they float on water and traveled? This definitely is interesting and I hope all relevant questions will be answered.
Towan - 1709882369
Dragon Waifu is amused by the situation! But I bet she is secretly glad that he still has his first kiss saved up for her~ =3

Actually, I think this giggling is because she just found out she can get his first kiss. Adorable and heart warming either way. You go dragon girl!
Towan - 1709837305
Pity. I liked that clown. xD