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719 points
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Towan Malgus Somtaaw - 1713465806
I wanted to respond: "She probably knows his acting would suck, so having it come more naturally is better." But then I remembered the first time he faced his class, so he could definitely act well enough in an intimidating manner if he wants to.
It is, but considering the this hero academy, it fits quite well. They are bullying others. Bullying is allowed and it feels like it is encouraged too. These people in power there are probably corrupt.
Towan Neko Majin C - 1713103543
Oh, truly? Is that a thing that is even possible? If so that is quite recommendable as normally it is the other way around. You do make me curious about the Anime now.
Towan - 1712978851
Dear diary, Waifu is cute and looks like a puppy for help. Today is a good day.
Towan Arnish - 1712940999
It actually is quite nice. I don't think I have seen this addressed before, or at least it is not addressed often, but it makes sense to question an MC that has a meteoric rise and strange unprecedented knowledge.
Towan - 1712862473
Quite great. But highly highly niche. Only for lolicons! xD
Possible, but she wouldn't be the -1, as she would have died normally in the story, so it is hard to predict. The way the story goes, I think she has a good chance of surviving as Lloyd is planning to turn things around for everyone and it would suck if he failed.
Towan Demonh8 - 1712461715
I like it. This dude definitely has lost it, but not fully. One could see with the memories he held dear that he has a chance for redemption. He was simply yearning for the appreciation he once had that was taken due to the academy's interference and the bully heroes they sent to a world that honestly didn't need them. If they didn't show up, he would have grown to be a strong and admirable hero. They did stunt his growth. Not to say that this guy doesn't have any fault. He reacted to this hardship by becoming a villain after all, but still, I think it was nicely enough handled and I do hope we will see this guy in the future.
Towan Wind369 - 1712425866
At the start of the series it was mentioned that the name Bonheiter was supposed to sound like Bornhater. I am a bit unsure now if the translation at the start was incorrect or if they think this is more fitting.
Towan - 1712380901
Warm up, she says. UwU L-Lewd! =3
Towan User-1514650375 - 1712377098
Definitely got me worried too. xD Though Javier Wife at least is not the -1, as she died in the original story, so that gives me hope.
Towan That harem clone - 1712377017
My exact first thought. The villain himself could count as it, if he originally survived in the story. Though one thing I have to disagree here. Remember that Lloyd in the original story died due to alcohol poisoning, so he would not count as a -1. Not to mention that Lloyd right now has an extra life, thanks to the dragon rescue in hell.
Towan Han Yoojin - 1712376909
Agreed. He seems to make quite the badass looking villain. And the fact that he will kill someone that lived in the story only adds to that.

Honestly, first I thought maybe the villain himself is what the -1 is about? Like he lived in the original and will die now. xD Lloyd should have at least considered that. Though there is a chance Javier is the one in danger here as he is the one that would always protect Lloyd and he is about the only one we know for sure survives the story. But Javier losing would be quite something, as he can slice bone dragons to cubes with ease by now.
I cannot for the life of me figure out what sla- is. But I do hope it is something saucy and lewd. =3
Towan R Tuin - 1712329898
Yup. Feel like some more unique designs would have been nice for them too. ^^
Towan Han Yoojin - 1712253319
Not quite. He doesn't know why he has those memories yet, but I imagine he will have a suspicion, considering how mysterious our MC is.
Towan Sundamsel - 1712153333
Those are some pretty interesting ideas and would make sense too. And agreed, I imagine recording voices like a record player, Wind engraves the voices into the Earth and then plays it when Wind magic is applied again.