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1114 points
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No, how drunk she gotta be to think that concoction of the devil "tastes good"?
DammitCarl Mangaguy - 1711233411
Rallying the townsfolk and adventurers is one thing, he's a blacksmith so he wouldn't know jack about governing a town or the political scene. Having him as a figurehead is good, but you'd still need someone to actually running the damn town and for that purpose the father is still the better choice.
DammitCarl Shulta - 1711193199
The dragon newt was a real shithead though, so it's karma he got eaten, not to mention after losing to the bunny people he didn't exactly tell anyone where he was going next, he just up and left for the next big team thinking they'd welcome his skill with open arms, so as far as anyone is concerned they think he's probably still out there being a total shithead.
DammitCarl N-Kami - 1711192285
It wasn't intentional. In real life, the broken part would just fly off a short distance at best, but an Oni's physical strength is just that many times stronger than a human so literally nobody, not even the Oni themselves, expected it'd actually reach the speed where it becomes a lethal projectile.
Then you'd have to account for why the same ability still manifested in the same person. Beside Fuuko with Unluck as seen in this chapter, Julia is the only other exception, this loop she looks different from the previous whereas everyone else is still their past loops' spitting image, though for Julia I guess you could argue she's an outlier since she and Victor been doing this before most rules were even added.
Cleaners wield Jinki, guards wield conventional weapons. One deals with trash beasts, the other deals with any threat that isn't a trash beast, in this case, "human" threats.
DammitCarl Matt3 - 1711147830
Rapscallions, or so they're called.
DammitCarl Ephion - 1711107480
Basically medieval version of microwaving a whole egg, they just put an egg with shell and all onto the frying pan.
DammitCarl Nexus1961 - 1711096859
It's more supernatural than a coincidence. His grandfather was saved from a falling beam because someone warned him, but beside him and Ami's grandma there was no one else in the house when it was burning. Then Hayato's future daughter woke up and told him about how she saw someone who looks like him in a house fire.
Or perhaps you were referring to the debtor guy then no, he's entire not related by blood to Hayato.
DammitCarl - 1711081001
Really hope that retard of a shounen protagonist-wannabe die in the next chapter. You're in the wrong manga, bucko, we don't need your naivety and stupidity to drag the story down.
DammitCarl TheJackal - 1711080573
He's a slave, what did you expect?
Or they're cooking. We now know that there are multiple goddesses/deities and each has their own agenda regarding the Amagami household, don't think author is going to just drop a lore bomb that big then never utilize it again.
DammitCarl Nexus1961 - 1711008251
What "guy in suit" that you're thinking of? So far the only guy in suit who has the most frequent appearance was his grandfather, and that was in flashbacks, and he also died long before Hayato's grandma took him in.
DammitCarl Nexus1961 - 1710995799
Mate, unless you forgot Hayato's parents are both dead, died in a car crash, that's why his grandma took him in and why even got this manga in the first place. It's literally mentioned in chapter 1.
DammitCarl - 1710974025
Ah yes, Shine is literally "my depression coming to greet me unexpectedly on a decent day".
She's a fujoshi aka "a woman who fantasizes about love between men". Few chapter back she saw the best friend feeding MC a bag of jello and thus the misunderstanding was born, then she saw him encouraging MC who was losing heart and that only further emboldened her fantasies.
And once again, you failed to see where the problem lies, as it's NOT the protagonist's action that was being contradictory, but rather YOUR misconception of "freedom" being projected on to her.

She chose not to become an official Adventurer because the simple fact that she's registered with an organization means she is obligated to answer the call of duty when said organization requires her to, which is the exact opposite of what she wanted. This was done out of her own free will.

She chose to help the townspeople because she wanted to repay them for all the help they've given her ever since she reincarnated, and also to feel at ease before going on a journey. Once her duty with them was done, she delegated all responsibility on a successor and cut herself off from them, no unnecessary further involvement whatsoever. This was also done out of her own free will. She's not being forced to help, she chose to do so. She's not putting on any chain of responsibility nor is she tying herself down, rather she's the one yanking the chain. So tell me again how the fuck is this considered contradictory to her "wanting to live a free life" when she's the one who initiated and not the other party forcing her? It's because none of her action matches your misconception of freedom that you deem her contradictory when in reality it's a "you problem" and not a "her problem".
Also, you can drop the whole "mr. highly educated" business, my intelligent is about the same as the next average joe you see, it's just that your own bias against the townspeople and misconception has lowered your own IQ so much that anyone who can write a normal comment without resorting to emoji spam might as well be Plato or Socrates in your eyes.
The one who cooks is considered the little sister though.
DammitCarl - 1710774003
If this chapter was planned like waay beforehand then it kinda became harsher in hindsight.
Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama. May the HIFL welcome you most fondly.
Except for the fact that your definition of freedom is the most delusional out of the bunch here? You don't just take and never expect to give, that's just not how the world, regardless of real or fictional, fucking works, never has and never will. If you wanna do that then go and be either a druid or a nomad on some uninhabited island, there you can truly do whatever you want and be truly free from everything, even society itself. But long as you still intend on enjoying the convenience that society gives you? Then better be prepared to live by its rule, bucko.

Also, the word you're looking for to describe my definition of freedom is "realism". Fact check yourself first next time you're gonna try to sound like a smartass.