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DammitCarl - 1710372339
If you really think about it, daily/weekly quests that involve monster extermination is truly the nightmare for an NPC. Your hometown keeps getting repeatedly attacked by monsters with no end in sight, so you seek out to these godly warriors aka "Players".
At first it might seem like a win-win situation, Players kill monsters, get exp and material, and the town profit from their protection and influx of goods and people. But Players can and will get bored. To us it might seems like just another event that overstayed its welcome but to the NPCs that's their life. The even shittier part is, while they can fight the monster to some extent, they can't profit from harvesting the materials because considering this quest has been going on for a year straight, the market is just oversaturated with those same materials.
Said the guy projecting his own brand of "freedom" and demand it be the standard. Pot calling kettle black much?
DammitCarl Zagyu - 1710281404
It has more to do about one's moral than being a scrady cat. She got the staff purely by mistake, so "ontain unfathomable power" and "begin world domination" definitely wasn't something on her to-do list after exile.
Is it really "chained" when she does it out of her own free will, and especially when she parted way with them the moment the contract that she herself made with the mayor was fulfilled instead of involving herself further?
What you're proposing FMC do here is take, use and eat whatever she damn pleased from the town but when the town requires her assistance in return she must pat the dust off her skirt and walk off like she owed no one anything. That is the most immature and childish form of "freedom", you just want to do whatever you want and never face the consequences of your own action, which is just not how the world fucking works, fictional or not.
But, who am I to try and argue with someone who clearly doesn't want to leave the comfort of their own bubble? At least one good thing came out of this is that I know I won't be reading your uneducated comment in future chapters anymore.
DammitCarl Dick Gregg - 1709887419
"Live life freely" =/= "shirking every responsibility that comes your way", what you're projecting is just running away because you can't be bothered to care about others around you.
Could she just walk away from this situation? Yes, absolutely. But she still feel indebted to the townspeople that was so nice to her and chose to help them out of the good of her heart, not because of "duty" like the former ruler she was.
So once again, "live free" = "live by your own rules" =/= "live while never face the consequences of one's own action".
DammitCarl DiavoloNero - 1708862599
It's the same as how you can borrow money from acquaintances/"social" friends but never from your best/closest friends.
DammitCarl Dat Folk - 1708732891
Then it's best to keep it that way. Stay safe, stay strong and stay pure, stranger on the internet. 👍
DammitCarl Dat Folk - 1708690715
If you're faking then I am wise on your shit, buckaroo.
But if you genuinely don't know then PLEASE! Keep it that way and maintain your innocence, O Pure soul on the internet.
DammitCarl - 1708664723
While the fucking psycho got beaten is satisfying as hell, I'm just glad the ex-army guy got rid of that smiley blonde fucker quick. We seriously do not need that kind alive just to be an major annoyance later one.
DammitCarl ZXZZ66 - 1708664097
And every single time these mothefuckers gotta blabber about "new world" or some shit like that, it's honestly just irritating and tiring at this point seeing this trope appear in any post-apocalyptic setting.
DammitCarl Dat Folk - 1708657739
>cute and funny
Woah there, be careful with those words, friend.
DammitCarl - 1708580337
Shitty father definitely got off too lightly considering all the shit that he pulled. Oh well, all well that ends well. Sure love to see author again with their future works.
DammitCarl - 1708579568
Hm...... nah.
At this point, I give zero fuck about just how tragic or what kind of traumatic past this asshole of a father has. The human world ostracizing him because of his magic talent is one thing, and he has every right to resent them, but him throwing a tantrum on the demon world just "because" is pure bs, especially the way he treated Patty for the entirety of the series.
Me: -looking up something on the internet, close the tab, then immediately forgot and had to open said tab again-
not a manga, but just search up "baalbuddy" on any image hosting site like danbooru.
DammitCarl - 1708235578
Suddenly, GUN!
Probably a hunting variation considering Japan forbids all type of firearm, though that begs the question how did Reiko acquire a gun.
DammitCarl - 1708220669
Just how pathetic can you be to go and make fun of someone who's basically already at the lowest point of their life? Not to mention said person is at the same age as you? Like, while your ass is still mulling over which dick to ride this weekend, she's worrying about whether she will have anything to put on the table the next morning! On top of all this hostility being absolutely unwarranted and unnecessary. She didn't want this, neither did you, it's all her shitty parents' fault but you'd start picking on her because she's the closest thing in sight for you to make gossip material out of? Bruh.