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364 Comment(s)
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DammitCarl - 1698529508
Yeah, fuck that son of a bitch. He's the one who invited her to the group, probably out of some sense self-satisfaction, then proceed give zero fuck about whether she's actually comfortable being there or not, now he has the audacity to tell her to destroy her own comfort zone because other girls are creeped out?
DammitCarl - 1698205464
You're comparing a signpost written in a language and lettering system that is completely foreign to him to a pate of food. Even if it's a dish you've never eaten or seen before, with just a glance you can still get a rough idea of the main ingredient and cooking method.
And I'm commenting like this because for some goddamn reason the "reply" button ain't showing for me on this specific chapter.
DammitCarl - 1698132908
P5: "Don't get carried away, lover boy."
P7: "She did that (aka a Kiss as a good luck charm) to me too."
This nibba I swear...
DammitCarl - 1697788428
Well, you could look at it one or two way. If they don't need the letters anymore because their crush got into a relationship that isn't them then yeah, it's super cursed. Or the other way is that they got into a relationship before the letter even got any use so I'd say that's a blessing.