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Cookie Muncher
1497 points
2070 Comment(s)
568 Upvote(s)
better than closing month inventory 😂😂😂
got to chapter 3 to realize it was a slave version of konosuba where he's so OP without restrictions that it would have been better to write it as slice of life.
Cookie Muncher - 1723153087
Question, if he retains his ability when you gets transferred back to Earth, then wouldn't the captured goddess also go with him. Not to mention if a new god tried to obstruct him, outside of the divine realm he wouldn't really be able to do anything OTHER than be captured as "no god can take away an innate ability" and capture is his...

On a side note this seems stupid. Already smell the "hard situations" bc MC doesn't feel like doing stuff seriously, and loli traps, and "filler type" events
its because
• the more the forests were cut down, the less mana can be used. (explained)
• Not everyone received the racial skill (explained)
• Even the racial skill can only last for 10 seconds, where the longer it's active the stronger the buff (explained)
• With the skill she retained she can keep the buff up for 2 weeks (explained)
• Strength of skill in beginning stages of buff skill (omitted)
Cookie Muncher - 1723138602
so lets get this straight
in the beginning they were returning the skill
then they stopped returning the skill after some time.

it sounds more like when MC realized they could keep their skills he started to lend skills for a longer duration AND lend more skills than possible to return.
The more SP he lends per skill the more powerful the skill lent is. There is a max proficiency per day that can be earned per skill ie a slash skill can only earn sp while preforming each slash. As long as MC can offset SP possible to earn, he can forever stop skills from being retained by others. (process is easy will explain if asked logic)
Cookie Muncher - 1723136329
this isn't debt... It's the same concept of starting a company on loan.
As long as she borrows 1 skill, it will become the investment. Then she uses said skill for 10 days and keeps the skill. Because it's easier to use skills than study them it's more efficient to get skills on loan. Especially if its combination skills.
Cookie Muncher - 1723101561
So they gonna say he failed huh? Even though by the time he picked up the request the village was destroyed by another monster (which they had info on). BTW... If the possibility of trolls being in with the goblins was a thing, how could they post it as F-rank job?
being able to land a hit (and bruise) on an A-rank ex adventurer (GL now), and force them to attack is grounds for D-rank at least... Or there wouldnt be much difference between ranks. Especially considering he cracked her mythril greatsword with his skill (if it weren't for OP gear she would have had to block with body and we saw how that ended)
I could shit on the whole movement with logic that could make revelations, but it's too long and not worth it. Just like listening to a Karen
Cookie Muncher - 1723096271
mc screams to no avail
Me fuck this shit I'm out... Fuck the royal family anyways
Cookie Muncher - 1723092567
the goddess basically said you'll never be able to wield an OP broadsword made with alchemy, then said that strengthening support magic can allow you to exert yourself 5x normalcy, whereas support heal speeds up the bodies natural regeneration.
New plan
• use body strengthening and heal to maximize proficiency of muscles growing
• practice alchemy to create the strongest weapon
• learn swordsmanship
• kill the demon lord with 60" biceps and a 6pac
Cookie Muncher - 1723091456
I was actually thinking about does he need to be in contact with what he's transmuting? What about monsters? Can he reshape them? At least their armor right
Cookie Muncher - 1723084740
I mean is it wrong to kill someone in the act of trying to kill someone? It's a world where every man counts so what has to be done should be
Cookie Muncher - 1723083069
what would you do if a living zombie caught him. He'd do the same thing and blab about what he told you. If it's a secret organization they sure as hell would erase their tracks by ALL means
Cookie Muncher - 1723082196
first there is a difference between perfect personality or how most call "cute" and beautiful. Beautiful is a word to describe appearance. Grumpy cat will forever be cute, but never beautiful.
Second, why does it seem like the doctor made that group. If you can't get rid of the zombies and virus, then why not become them and be immune to it. Same ends to the means
Cookie Muncher - 1723078621
The most stupid idea I've heard. He's already a zombie and clearly cares about the living. Put him on a solo clearing task force and take back the city zones
Cookie Muncher - 1723077499
Wait... Doesn't she already have the demon king in her... Wouldn't she be revered by this one?
BTW.. Its obvious by last panel pg 16
Cookie Muncher - 1723074052
well... we know the perpetrators isn't white (like everyone else), the maid went to follow mr observer... the goal is clear to block sainthood... who could it be