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it was hinted that farming dungeon is what caused the destruction of the world. as time goes on, dungeon resources are continually being taken out but monsters also get stronger. Based on that MC wants to close dungeons instead of collecting resources
Guess this guy realllllly just wants half the arc being the mc walking from point A to point B between each rescue huh? Maybe we should watch a debreifing circle too so that mc can continuously waste half a chapter to explain where they are going. Lets not forget like 6 frames to restock ammo. Or maybe we should see like 3-5 frames after every battle to watch mc put steel in his "furnace".
Tf you mean disjointed. How long do you intend the same scenes to be shown with slightly different words. It just gave us perfect insertion. Kids run away to escape, get kidnapped, mc "chances" upon them, as she passed out she asked to save her friends. What do you want? Another scene where mc deduces she came from the school with little evidence to show he came from the future? How else can it be disjointed? MC knows the major events and stops them. Do we need to have a layout of his plans before we see? It's obvious MC will set out to resolve major incidents and kill key villains.
To me it seems like a smooth transition to hold mystery to bring up planning later in flashback once all the pieces are in place to not give up the surprise (although its done too often I feel)
Deterioration would be the breakdown of something
Erosion is the change of something while deteriorating physically.
Corrosion is the change of something while deteriorating chemically
Deterioration.Erosion would be like how paint chips over time or how wood rotsErosion.Corrosion would be how metal turns to rustBoth breakdown but
erosioncorrosion changes fundamentallyYour analysis was correct, but translation still got it
backwardsinefficient. Itserosioncorrosion because its the process of an area deteriorating, eventually turning into a corrupted zone.Edit: Was thinking corrosion vs erosion and mixed them up. In this case, deterioration would make a better word, but the best word would be corrosion. Used bold for changes; used
strikethroughfor errorsReasons to invest
• keeps the group together
• know general operation area
• know general plan
• have general number of troops
• understanding of assets (if funding that was relied on is sliced at inopportune moment [especially when counted on])
• counter-intelligence (supplying fake info, real info that's been prepared for, or obtaining info on the group itself)
Its not like wasting a bit of money or resources lacks merit. Companies even today spend millions for this kind of benefit to keep themselves ahead. So just by being a "supporter" doesn't translate to ally unless they put skin in the game (at that point in time you didn't survive unless you were strong)
Although its not exactly proof, its enough for someone to reasonably doubt an investor of no matter how long
Sword Saint: Says the guy who launches a surprise attack of undead while buffing undead, nerfing holy power, and still refuse to come out of the mist for a straight attack
And i just really like cookies lol... The real ones
offense - just go and kill stuff at creation, ff to death, rw until its unborn
Defense - put self in separate time space in same dimension
offense - put space between body creating a split, absorb and compress (black hole), control space to always hit with attacks
Defense - put infinite space between yourself and attacker
Utility - space storage, teleportation
Ultimate expressions of some things are story breaking and have a lack of counter which is why they are directly not included. Elements usually have counters which is why they are used. Light is usually considered a non attacking force (unless the energy is depicted as heat vs refraction of colors). In a dark vs light senario, light can be used to amplify or weaken darkness as light creates darkness, and a lack of darkness births light. Dark is usually referred to shadow manipulation, whether controlling others shadows, stopping movements, or blending in. Light on the other hand exposes the dark, removes the corrupt dark energy, and travels at high speeds.
All in all its not other elements can't be used, but are predictable or become too overpowered in a step chart. Only by using an "unattached element" can it make for an interesting storyline. Attacking isn't used with light so we get darkness. 54 stories later its boring
Don't you hate it when ppl describe like this?
So is it really necessary to list a mobs crimes? You'd end up with a list a mile long without including what every law is. For example: Is it necessary to list the difference between killing demi-humans and humans. What about where a slave fits in the equation. How many years for each? What is defined as a criminal sentence? Whats the criminal process like? What does a prison sentence constitute if there is one? This is just the questions for 1 of the aspects they do.
Most people don't need this kind of world building unless the story revolves around these. So far out of the 2 times they've come up, they attempted to murder while they were targeting fantastical beasts. Good enough to draw the conclusion they are "bad people". Unless you want a whole chapter to go in depth pointlessly, the same thing can be achieved by periodic mentions as mc comes across them doing crimes.