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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
2102 Comment(s)
576 Upvote(s)
Cookie Muncher - 1709955407
So the weakest god was subjugated by the weakest hunter....
Cookie Muncher yilo - 1709951947
get your shoes off the bed
Cookie Muncher - 1709951131
is this why MKC guild was destroyed
Cookie Muncher - 1709950556
I dont understand why the MC has a problem with the fact that his brother was "overwritten". Based off my understanding of what happened people who were still alive in the "future" will be transported back in time and still have the "data" that is themselves. Those who were dead would have their data deleted from the world. So this begs the question, who is his brother if dead can't be combined with living. It's obviously backed up data. Isn't this for the better since he never went through life alone.

In conjecture, anyone who was alive went back in time, whereas those who died never lived in the previous timeline
Cookie Muncher - 1709944495
Soooo.... If he uses the item to comply with the request, that counts as 2 requests in 1 right?
Cookie Muncher - 1709940222
whoah... Remember when dungeon admins where talking about people being "locked in boxes"? How much you wanna bet that you awaken your passion and there are no real limits as long as you train hard. This dude is a testimony to that being a fact
Been lazy lol... Maybe this will help
Cookie Muncher - 1709912430
Doesn't wanna see gay shit but casually forgets about the panel where 2 women are hugging and holding his hand
Cookie Muncher - 1709864589
gonna point out something that caught my eye.
Blonde dude whips out a dragon bone during a time before dragons start popping out from dungeons, and casually accurately predicts the future perfectly. It was also shown he has comparable power to his brother, owns the countries strongest guild, but disappears... No alarms ringing yet?
Cookie Muncher yilo - 1709863623
we reinforced a portion of our support beams while tearing down the wall and put up a 100 gal fish tank. House sold well!
Cookie Muncher - 1709857729
he said he'd sharpen 100 knives a day... 1000 knives later
Cookie Muncher yilo - 1709856889
I don't think that's it. People who awakened as S-rank were more than likely supported by Chaebols. Because they were strong financially and physically it would only make sense that if they couldn't have something, they'd destroy it. With a young S-ranker without financial support, he had to fend off being attacked. He's already insinuated people have tried to poison him. Either he took it laying down or destroyed the organizations after him. If they tried to suppress his guild through schemes, he probably killed off every supporter. If he showed a weakness like his weak brother, they probably would have used him as a hostage
Cookie Muncher - 1709854081
so not a fair gamble... 😈😈😈
Wanna make a bet? I bet you can't scare me!
[‖ User has activated "Fear Resistance Legendary Rank" ‖]
what do you mean
Clause 1 is strictly for the sake of prosperity for their own guilds. If he's dead or injured he can't raise their mounts that they have priority to (clause 2)
Clause 2 is actually a deficit clause to MC because as long as the guilds keep requesting it'll be hard to sell internationally
Clause 3 is neutral because he won't have to fund startup for his company, but guild leaders won't have to wait longer for their mounts as small space = less raised
Clause 4 goes in tandem with clause 3. They are investing in his company, why would they own it.

From this contract the only real benefit he gets is the protection. If a monster core can be worth 100M+ then surely 1 S tamed mount (which haven't existed) would be billions starting price. Auctioned it could very well go for trillions. To build and protect a company to get priority on mounts you don't have to compete for is well within fair
because its not yaoi. In case you lost reading comprehension, it was already surmised that his skill effects them mentally. MC definitely said he wasn't into it. Which makes me feel like you want it
Some homeless dudes will suck a mean dick for $25, but you have an issue with a dude thinking that the MC wants his body because he's suspiciously friendly. Sounds normal.
Cookie Muncher - 1709842056
it did say target will awaken at maximum potential
Cookie Muncher - 1709836014
what are you talking about.... This is your prison
Cookie Muncher - 1709833301
Upset to see this story die out like this, but it is what it is.
This story was a great illustration of a Barbarian warrior, who tried to protect friends and inevitably ended up breaking the taboo of his tribe. After breaking the taboo, he decides to set out into the new world where he has a religious and cultural crisis. A true illustration of a barbarian warrior from 525bc~400bc fighting to see and enjoy the civilized world trying to understand what else he doesn't know.