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Adenca isn't related to Samion. Samion was the family 1arm MC was born in, then took in a disciple who, changed his family name to Adenca when gaining power to restore the honor of 1 armed Daven The spear arts family has no relation to the other two at all from what's been revealed so far. It's a strong family that rose to power between the time MC was executed (via starvation and thirst) and reborn in the Adenca family The Halleim family is related by marriage, but also a subordinate family of Adenca from how it's written (my speculation), who want to overthrow the Adenca family (implications made with "nightmare" which Helleim's heir was a part of, the dragonoid forces, and the movements of elders in Adenca [possibly making use of each other])
True now that I go back and think about it. They are connected to demons and thus would target everyone sooner or later so IG it does make sense they'd target a family connected via marriage
OK, so, when the MC says "I'll burn it all" he means "I'll burn it all with napalm, then nuke the place, salt the lands, destroy the ecosystem, level the mountains and plug the volcanoes" Good.
He was beaten by the MC in the family exchange tournament. He's ego took a big blow. Typical evil rival stuff. Emotional and lacks the logical mindset of a leader.
SumurTuaKaim the Fang EnjoyerWho the angry blondie?-
technically descendant would be correct, but when talking about powerful families its important to specify that its the descendant of his main family line (as he wasn't the heir and would therefore branch off becoming a collateral line)
Bloodlust629SumurTuaDescendant of mc previous body..... i think?
Deadmeat51501 in a trillion chance to EVER open 9 lotus petals, our guy does it not only the first time around but before actually entering the Limbo stage. Then just to flex his fate he opens 26 more petals.
the Last ArchmageNow, do I think this fight was stupid? Absolutely. All he did was put a target on his back. Like, you went from working in the shadows, and now they know you exist. What was the point of that? Especially when your target can strike so close to home. https://i.postimg.cc/fWc9Cm0D/i.gif
the Last ArchmageSee, now we鈥檙e getting somewhere. If your enemy has the power of light, then you鈥檝e got to become a deep void鈥攕trong enough to crush light https://i.postimg.cc/GpyQh68C/i.gif
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