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Cookie Muncher
1500 points
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Cookie Muncher - 1721289301
This chapt would probably be I Parry Facts
Cookie Muncher - 1721255091
When LOW HEAL's proficiency is so high it's effect is equal to a saints blessing
it looks like a hunk of metal warped through compression to maximize sturdiness... It doesnt even have an edge

Lucky for MC that its actually the most suitable weapon for him
Cookie Muncher - 1721249638
to the guy who put bdsm and then put sm..... My expectations of you intelligence has plummeted
Bdsm: Bondage, Discipline/Dominance, Submission/Sadist, Masochism
SM: Sadist, Masochism

If you gonna make a sex joke, at least know what you are talking about
Cookie Muncher Okeanos - 1721243104
she was mid 20 i though when introduced... It even went as far as saying she is decently powerful
Cookie Muncher Szilar - 1721238645
3rd rate chef cooking for royalty during a secret rendezvous.... Yeah... That's max trust, max skill... What more would he be able to fault for character
Cookie Muncher Gakuku - 1721224106
Not really... You aren't taking in account of people with high status who like someone. It can come across as bullying, then emulating their parent. Often times people of a higher status fit into 1 of 2 categories
• Deviant (never grow up)
• Responsible (adult too fast)

Something else that can be seen is he may have overheard his father talking about political issues and tried to emulate his father for it to backfire as the head chef (MC) doesn't share the same national outlook on culinary industrialization. The nobles lose money for another country to advance quickly with skill in cooking. Tourists would lose reason to pass through foreign territories or be forced to buy product abroad if they can eat tasty food that's not expensive to them in their own country.

This is one of those clever plot setups that you'd miss if you didn't understand foreign policy and government children
Cookie Muncher - 1721218903
Death to king for withholding chocolate from the queen
Cookie Muncher - 1721203146
Waiting for maple syrup to come out now
Cookie Muncher - 1721132684
i hear the last sentence going high in pitch
Cookie Muncher - 1721126272
Things bugging me
His uncle risks his life to kill a king to save 3 kids of the family when he could have dragged only mc away
His uncle a prophet let a kid go who becomes a medium of god
His uncle the doctor missed a fatal organ without realizing it
His uncle the adult that couldn't perform swordsmanship enough to be the family head kill his father
His uncle who murdered the elder counsel giving back power to the family head leaves the rest of the family alone

If I had to draw a conclusion from all this: He is a betrayer of the organization who is trying to help the family consolidate their powers to defeat the organization
Cookie Muncher - 1721119648
kinda called it from the ending of the last chapter
Cookie Muncher Noroi - 1721116595
not as much as you think. Its a nice ability, but it only works with stationary dealers. these guys are putting more than 15m/s in each step, how hard do you think it is to stay within the bounds of the skill when a melee figures the skill out and causes everybody to disperse. If the enemy counters someone using the skill to the max (using a team of ranged dealers), it'll be a group wipe
i mean, super boss hwaran has 40k strength.
these monsters are from the same world with a purposes
• collect aura
• use aura

you think that these monsters would have low aura being in that realm, if its a couple collection spiders supporting the shield, forget about breaking it before killing them
Cookie Muncher Numbers - 1721113427
more like 225~275 rounds... unless you get faced with teams of equal power, you'll won't consistently compete 3x per match likewise, unless every round is over/underwhelming you won't have ever match go 2x per match. Unless you are a top or bottom team you won't be an outlier.

Being the top team (undefeated), you can expect maybe 5-7 teams who are equal in power thus out of the 100 rounds, push/pull guy will be in 205~207 rounds dying 167x.

In perspective of the war, sacrifice happens, but it shouldn't be planned.
if you consider the fact that MC held his team's hand and was the perfect dps tank with unstoppable strategies, not really. Shuran was known for uncontrolled 1-shot-kills with low mentality. meaning she was stupid and lacked the capacity to learn with her arrogance. In perspective, she was carried for boss kills. Then after the war ended, she tried the sports game to only quit because they nerfed her skill to 50% losing her value. Only after that did she work on herself to compete

You also have to consider the variable of the game. when they were in real dungeons no one was just throwing their lives away like it didn't mean anything... IE supports
as a spectator and commercial viewpoint, you'd position top ranked teams as far away as possible, and randomize everything in between
There were also secret operations that existed with the Japanese that they don't really want to get out and if you focused on the history, you may realize that we provoked Japan into attacking us... Just like we provoked the war against vietnam