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1475 points
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Ballsdeep69 - 1723506147
Only now do I appreciate that it is entirely her fault that that guy killed those teenagers, if she just went for the kill blow instead of showboating for a while, three souls would have been spared from a brutal death.
Ballsdeep69 - 1723469270
Wow she might be just a touch sociopathic.
Ballsdeep69 Trecta - 1723468923
Yeah right now the romance thread is just off-putting
I think the problem for me is that I hypothetically understand her reasoning but this plan is just so s***** towards him display so little trust and doesn't even really make sense on a base level, if it worked he would have had lost a woman he loved and never known he had a son and she would have died poor. Her fief makes money exclusively through boxing and the only thing he loves to do is boxing, he already likes her and he's a pretty responsible dude nothing about him finding out about having a son or her debt would make him "tied down" because the way to make her money is literally his only passion that he's already good at that he got better at over the last 2 years, I think that combined with the fact that she was like "you could be a father and stay here but only if you give up your one passion in life despite the fact that it is the most efficient way to earn us money right now "makes me not really like her writing with her logic being "what if he dies" as if he hasn't trained for his whole life while being a proven genius, and as if many nobles aren't career soldiers - they wrote her like the standard boxing love interest for one of these types of series but it doesn't work in this setting, we're mercenaries, soldiers for nobles, caravan guards, Town soldiers and many other such combat jobs are commonplace. It comes off less is her trying to be responsible in her own way and more like her being selfish and not really thinking about him at all.
Ballsdeep69 - 1723378682
Wait so that whole time the wolf was just giving the spirit side eye and the main character thought it was for him, so he didn't need to do any of that shit.
Ballsdeep69 - 1723378287
How did I know when I read the name of the chapter that this was going to end in mass murder.
Ballsdeep69 Wyrmixx - 1723378271
Well she's not in the body pile so it looks like she dipped but she had to leave most her money behind.
Ballsdeep69 Zamasu - 1723377877
No I read it, it just doesn't seem good, like the person that pretends to break down while readying a knife to cut the man's head off, the person that trained for years to kill him, who killed many people that were on the path to him, is typically not the person that's going to hesitate because a person that you know is a shapeshifter shapeshifted into someone that you know is dead because they died in front of you and are your sole motivation for doing this, especially when honestly it feels like they only did that so that the main character could catch the dub again.
Ballsdeep69 - 1723316142
It feels odd that she got the perfect opportunity and then just didn't finish them off, when the premise that she was acting meant that she already fully accepted that he's just pretending to be that guy and Was preparing to kill him that whole time it seems strange that she just couldn't now it's almost like they didn't want to give her the win so that the main character could have it.
Ballsdeep69 Lorsss - 1723262394
" You never know what you're going to get"
What was that quote, "... if you can make 'em laugh, you can make 'em cry..."
Ballsdeep69 - 1723175885
Why is that nerdy suddenly instantly badass, were the glasses sealing his power?
Ballsdeep69 - 1723171407
It feels like the sense of humor is in a physical fight with the art, like it feels like a lot of the script is going for gags that the arts just not supporting so the tone comes off more serious than me scenario is, leading to a kind of general weird vibe, do want to see where it goes though.
Ballsdeep69 Ghostgemar - 1723170157
It's like she's a solar generator and he's sunlight
Ballsdeep69 - 1723099963
This is one of those manga that people just forgot about after it ended...mostly faded away, it's a strong gag comedy with an interesting premise and I do recommend you read it though.
Ballsdeep69 - 1723099170
Ballsdeep69 sguizzo - 1723098861
Why is it every time there's a series like this they always make the "one that likes sports" generally much better more likable and agreeable and also give them no chance at winning.