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Ballsdeep69 WolfLance - 1723750624
It was an expert level play if it was planned, I was going into this chapter dreading the next 5 to 10 chapters because I felt like they weren't going to just talk to each other and it was going to be dragged out, but because they just talked when they did get cut through the dread and replaced the whole thing with joy.
She's right too generally speaking the technology that gets adopted is whichever one porn is using more, now some might say this is correlation and not causation but I think those people are cowards.
Their solution seems so obvious in hindsight too it's just, "take the sword fights and stack a cool power system on top of the sword fights," that way it never just becomes two swords slapping against each other for an entire arc there's always a weird technique or transformation or alteration on the concept that makes something fresh, Beyond just the "flying slash" and " you've already been cut" techniques every anime has.
I did really like reading that series I got near the end and then lost track of where I was years ago when whatever site I read it on got taken down, so I'm going to have to go back and finish it, I don't remember much but I do remember that a lot of the fights were very dynamic and I remember a guy with a chain and sickle fighting style. I do remember another series that was just regular sword fights that managed to have interesting fights, Sidooh I believe was the name, and achieved it just by emphasizing speed , deadliness and the shifting dynamics of battle.
I realized it when I tried to read kagurabachi and just found it really boring and I thought "am I just sick of swords?" And then a new chapter of One piece came out that was zorro was fighting somebody and that had me hype and I realized "no I'm sick of boring sword fights with little effort towards uniqueness and presentation"
Yeah for series like this that's built on a tournament the most interesting fights are ones that are clashes of radically different fighting styles or unique powers, if both sides just have the power of a sword it doesn't feel like a fight between a God and a person it just feels like a standard anime sword fight.
Ballsdeep69 - 1723689641
Oh no! sword guy fought sword guy and lost to sword guy.
Ballsdeep69 - 1723682533
This has got to be one of the most consistently dour series I've ever read. It just captures this air of hopelessness far better than anything else.
Ballsdeep69 Mogus Man - 1723648596
Yeah they're usually the only ones that train women equally with men because poison equalizes physical body differences.
Ballsdeep69 - 1723647062
It feels weird for half the chapter to feel like an ad for a store that doesn't exist.
Ballsdeep69 Ver - 1723646434
I'm aware,I was more so commenting on the fact that the series is very explicit with violence but went out of their way to never actually explicitly State anything he's done, for example you just called him a pedophile and a rapist, it would have been fine if the series did the same, or even just say he assaulted people in his village and raped someone and fled his village or anything like that. they just said "he was a pervert and said weird things" like that was the justification he gave to the mercenary about why his slave wouldn't be punished, he didn't say "oh he tried to rape that little girl" all he said was that he was a pervert in his village and said weird stuff and everyone was cool with it with just that, so I found the presentation humorous. As an analogy it would be like if in John wick they never actually said or showed what the guy did to his dog, they just said "he did a bad thing to his dog, so everyone has to die" that would be a little funny because when you make it that vague, bad thing could be anything from "smacked his dog" to "burned him alive", and everything in between. In the same way just saying pervert is a wide range of things, that could be anything from "just saying weird s*** or stealing underwear" to being a serial rapist.
Ballsdeep69 Litheria - 1723644629
I know that and you know that this was more a comment on presentation, specifically in regards to whatever the f*** he did when in his home village they didn't actually say he did anything just that he was a pervert which ranges from committed actual crimes to was just weird and gross, I was more so joking about how because they kept it so vague it made it seem like he told everyone to tell people that the guy was a pervert so there will be zero consequences for your violent murder. I merely found this presentation somewhat humorous that they're fine being that explicit with murder but were skirting around the weird heinous s*** he probably did because that's inappropriate. like instead of just saying "oh he was a rapist and he committed rapes in other places" or "he tried to rape her so he was killed and that's fine" they just said "he was a pervert and said weird awful shit".
Ballsdeep69 Arvadiel - 1723644171
I was very specifically not defending him, I was more commenting on the fact that the series choose to be weirdly vague about the shit he did in the village, so instead of outright stating that he was a criminal in the village and that this was a repeat offense, it made it seem more like he was just creepy in the village and that was enough for everybody to be cool with him dying. I of course know his intentions and that he most likely is a repeat offender and I'm 100% cool with him dying this was more joke about the presentation of his crimes in the series. Like I wasn't being sarcastic when I said the world works in a fun way. Like they're fine showing violent murder but can't even Say the word rape it's just weird that this is where their line is.
When only one choice is desirable and the other highly unfavorable it becomes less a choice and more an ultimatum.
Ballsdeep69 Valkyrie - 1723552177
I didn't think this highly situational gif would ever perfectly apply to something else, yet here it goes, doing just that.
Ballsdeep69 - 1723522022
God dammit Japan, I-I honestly should have expected this... I shouldn't be surprised at this point but I am every time.
Ballsdeep69 - 1723521288
What do you mean why is rudel with the sinners?! yes he was a German war hero but that was during world war II and he was a self-professed die hard Nazi that helped Nazis escape into South America after the war, never once renounced Nazism and was a neoNazi activist after the war - like right after the war, like during the "the only good Nazi is a Dead Nazi let's go Nazi hunting," cool down period Of the war when even other proud Nazis had to hide their identity and pretend like they weren't.(Or work for America and occasionally the USSR but mostly America because Russia was very much into hunting Nazis at the time)
It's cuz so far the evil team is mostly added stray killers with the occasional minor villain, when we start seeing heavy hitters like Hitler hit the field, then it should be fair game. ( I'm assuming Hitler's going to show up they had the Nazi imagery for that panel a few chapters ago and it would be crazy not to get an easy layup like Hitler in here)