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TruePurpleMK Geck - 1699789640
People decide to use a word in a certain way with a certain meaning, other people copy or don't. That is how language evolves. I am not the first person to use such gender neutral pronouns, even your self rightious idiotic rant about "crazy people" indicates you know that. But even I was, so fucking what, get over yourself. No one is forcing you to use the word even though it's loads more better and more useful than "waifu" with it's almost nonexistent inconsistent 'meaning',

Geck, do you writhe on the ground every time you read "xe"? Does it cause you mental anguish? Do you spend nights avoiding sleep because you might dream of reading "xe"?
Sorry to hear that, get psychological help immediately.
I'm sorry you are too old to know what a pronoun is, but hopefully this will help
"they/them" are plural. If you say "also singular" then it's doing double duty and thus less useful as a word.

"ultimately masculinity and femininity are concepts grounded in reality"

False, those are made up concepts no more "real" than words like "they" or "xe". And even if they were real "ground in reality" things (again just made up nonsense) surely you don't think it's relevant to all things all the time that we always need to establish someones 'gender'(made up concept) no matter what. 

That aside, what if you don't know someones gender but must talk about them. Like you saw someone sneaking in the back of your house but didn't get a good look at them etc. but immediately want to make clear it was only one person. Or talking about someone online, most of the time you don't know which made up concept they categorize themselves as. Some people seem to use male pronouns for anyone unknown, which is extra idiotic and sexist, but I don't see people flipping out about it with stupid tirades about it like you are.
TruePurpleMK Geck - 1699770821
I figure Lily ran out of mana at the end, like a close call. Like Lilly held back a massive swarm of giant super spiders nearly single-handedly.  The sniper priest can always hit, no exceptions. So Lily having a full proof protection with mana would make sense as well, and the comic is still very video game like and the concept of characters using mana for health makes sense in that regard too.

You might be right though, it would make sense for one of the elves to save Lilly because that would be narrative useful. But Lilys ability wouldn't disappear either. And sure Lily was out of mana at one point but other people took over and Lily had some time to rest and recover mana, yes xe has (take that, crazy ranter)
TruePurpleMK Geck - 1699769768
All language is invented. Gender neutral pronouns are useful. Way more useful than nonsensical inconstant words like "waifu" and worse found here in comments like these, including some highly sexist shit.

Your tirade is self righteous nonsensical garbage.
TruePurpleMK - 1699719372
That woman has crazy long hair for it to be free floating like that while working around food.
TruePurpleMK - 1699718922
So MC was a ass and reported on them, or at least didn't suggest they didn't tell on them. 
TruePurpleMK - 1699718660
Reveal "evil deeds" What? ehhh, this story is exhaustingly nonsensical. Probably would help if it was translated better.
TruePurpleMK - 1699718477
Whatever you feel about these Suns. I wouldn't tell on them. It's a dumb law or whatever.
TruePurpleMK - 1699718081
From the beginning this seemed like a bad idea for MC to accept. And it just keeps getting worse. WTF would MC walk into a dark room by xirself like that?  It was all so trap like from the start.  
TruePurpleMK - 1699717719
Is this really a good deal? It doesn't seem like it. Why are they doing this then?
TruePurpleMK - 1699715269
Might be useful if MC knew the general value of the currency...
TruePurpleMK - 1699715043

Wait what? It's not a blessing so it's not taboo? So if the forest blessed it, it would be taboo? I suppose selling the blessed item not the person being blessed is the "taboo"?

MC goes all the way back to ask such a dumb question, again I don't get MC spazing like this. What is there to even think about?
TruePurpleMK - 1699714711
Why is MC spazing out? It's annoying. 
TruePurpleMK - 1699714324
Pay him for the food.
TruePurpleMK - 1699714093
So did the women even get to eat?
TruePurpleMK - 1699713903
Just wash the meat off, it will be cooked anyway.
TruePurpleMK - 1699713529
You need 30 of these giant boars to feed 100 people? Plus all the other stuff going unto it. MC could also use the organs. Hell how is everyone still alive if it's that hard to hunt yet they only take the hind legs.

No one knows how to make traps and use bait?
TruePurpleMK - 1699712579
Teeth aren't muscles to exercise. I suppose your jaw can be exercised, you don't need a diet solely of tough food to exercise your jaw.

Anyway again with "Food isn't to be enjoyed. but you better have made something tasty!" Make up your minds.

Three types of meat so everyone can enjoy, eh?
TruePurpleMK - 1699712146
The challenge of cooking for people who say it's against the law or unethical or something to think of food as something to enjoy. Yeah how can MC possibly overcome that challenge!