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1435 points
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TruePurpleMK - 1699826943
Maybe xe doesn't know but bio mom was downright abusive. Have the scantelators forgotten earlier chapters? Extremely neglectful, showing something almost like hate or at least disdain, verbal abuse. No love shown at all! Like don't give bio mom a free pass for some atrocious behavior. Like if that shit had kept up it would have made sense to take MC away from that home, it was that bad.

What are these things? "hanaya" or "ten-in" lady? What is a "T/N"?

Also I wonder what a "mother child" is.
"You" is only singular for the most part. If you don't get how having less info packaged in a word makes it less useful, then why are you fighting to defend the use of gendered pronouns so strongly? Why does this have you so emotional?

But you are right you can determine the meaning of a word from the meaning of the surrounding words, like you can easily figure out I am using a pronoun when I say "xe" from context, from placement in the sentence, from it's general design. Well maybe not you personally, but other people can and by reply have.

You seem to be confusing "sex", which isn't always as clearly defined as you seem to think, with "gender", a entirely made up social construct.  You don't even seem to know what the words "feminine" and "masculine" mean, they do not mean more penis or vagina on a person.  No wonder you also got no clue what "toxic masculinity" means.

Anyway, feel sorry for me as like  or whatever your crazed, gullible, conservative brain wants, I know your type (you probably think Trump is something other than a incompetent corrupt con-artist) is very emotional and illogical. Just STFU with your word policing. Please keep your emotions to yourself and stop trying to control other people. Don't expect many more words from me even if you continue to spam blocks of nothing for replies.
TruePurpleMK Geck - 1699801703
Did you really think I was going to read that wall of delusional ignorance?

Just fuck off with your word policing.
They said alot more spirit energy in this one.  Also one missile, like it's a mega missile so they couldn't spare enough spirit energy for more than one.
TruePurpleMK - 1699799848
OK let's think about this.
One side is rampaging killing millions at random.
The other side only attacks when attacked and otherwise stays up on their mountain area for the most part.

What to do... Oh I know, side with one side to protect everyone! But which side?
TruePurpleMK - 1699799228
Less of a mass release because of these filler chapters and such a slow plot watching tragedy unfurl.
TruePurpleMK - 1699798805
Save 9th brother? Isn't Panda presumably dead?

I still wonder why pandas are called "iron eaters".

Maybe it's evolving because it consumed Panda, like Panda maybe you should have retreated so it didn't get a power-up and to save your life for a future battle.
TruePurpleMK - 1699798587
Inspirational but foolish, you can't protect anyone if you die and instead become food for the monster to grow stronger.

I'm sure Panda will survive maybe MC will intervene in time with the inspiration of the world seeing the heroic battle.
TruePurpleMK - 1699798159
If MC tree were helping humans could realize MC isn't a enemy and could be a allie and that would help alot with things.
TruePurpleMK - 1699797880
That's funny with the dramatic yellow energy around Panda streaking behind em and "ping" gentile tap against the 4th order monster.
TruePurpleMK - 1699797470
What's sad is all the senseless human death, theoretically lots of good people getting slaughtered, and MC doesn't seem to care.  The old  "Only give a damn about the people I know and like" trope.
Well it has been shown before other people absorbing essence. Like that ghost woman inside xir twin got a silver centipede or something essence inside em after defeating it.

I don't think it requires physical consumption though, just absorbing their energy is enough.
TruePurpleMK Geck - 1699795534
Stop pushing your anti-pronoun waifu agenda. 
TruePurpleMK Geck - 1699795322
Gender neutral pronoun is so incredibly easy to grasp. It is not "Swedish".

If you "turn against me" because you are unable to understand such a simple concept, so what? What do I care of the wraith of the online idiot playing word police.
TruePurpleMK Geck - 1699792503
Got it, you live in a fantasy world and there is no use talking to you. 
TruePurpleMK Geck - 1699792456
I better not see you use "waifu" in comments then because not only your idiotic prejudicial type read these comics and comment
TruePurpleMK Geck - 1699789687
Do you really think everyone believes your lies regarding "shenanigans" etc.?