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TruePurpleMK - 1699711772
Why was MC so shocked to learn they are taking a bath? How did the first one know MC was male then?

That man dragged MC to the women bathing, so even if they thought MC was female, the dragging man entered the womens bathing area as well.  Why drag MC to bath anyway?

So that poison bit, meant the asshole didn't like the food and not literally "poison"? Still why care what that asshole thinks?
TruePurpleMK - 1699710979
I read this several times and couldn't make much sense of this. I wonder who the "you" in this is, meaning her the speaker telling the story?

Two heads, meaning two Giba?  "Honor" of being strong enough to waste most of the Gibas carcass?
TruePurpleMK - 1699706368
All those organs are edible, if you want to show respect to the "live" you took, you should eat those as well. Well blood is also edible but I guess if you really hate the taste, there are dishes made with blood though.

Bone marrow is also edible and nutritious, I assume MC won't be preparing that either.  You can't just live on meat though even with the organs.
TruePurpleMK - 1699704008
I like seeing a MC just out and say they are from another world.  Too bad it's probably going to be wasted on chapter after chapter of praising Japanese food in a super exaggerated way.
TruePurpleMK - 1699699573
Come on MC and master, catch up! Stop these evil tragedies!

Also maybe you should have assisted the 4 outside so they wouldn't lose their lives if you're that strong. Or even if you aren't that strong work together with them for best victory odds.
TruePurpleMK - 1699674649
read to ch 12.2 MC killing people MC didn't need to kill and were innocent, making unnecessary enemies. And stupid humans killing unnecessarily like they want a bad prophesy to happen.

Like I feel everyones stupidly aggressive and murderous for the sake of lots of death. I think some people like the story for the very reason I haven't liked it so far.
TruePurpleMK - 1699674218
MC should have held back. Like maybe not killing the person showing no aggression and saying to help her.  Now will she hate Shu a bit?
TruePurpleMK - 1699673610
I'm surprised that author would have these people tie up a "demon". Like everyones so aggressive, including MC at first.
TruePurpleMK - 1699673058
Like obviously attacking leads to the hate door you fucking morons. God this story often annoys me.
TruePurpleMK - 1699672408
The rest were senseless murders from a stupid MC, but this murder was necessary.
TruePurpleMK - 1699671954
Going into a city is a recipe for disaster. MC maybe has some actual feels and thoughts now but I still don't trust em to not try to kill everyone and and everyone try to kill MC the moment someone notices something is off and shows some aggression.
TruePurpleMK - 1699671241
Why didn't MC do that with other people...
TruePurpleMK - 1699670963
Why are they trying to kill you? Maybe because you keep killing people starting with a fucking kid or three?!  (not sure if all 3 of those kids were killed or not)
TruePurpleMK - 1699670593
Why would MC put out the fire burning the goblin? They said they needed to burn the corpses to prevent plague, MC could put the water elsewhere.
TruePurpleMK - 1699670137
Convenient that there are idiotic mindless monsters that attack everything on sight. 
TruePurpleMK Nobletail - 1699669282
Well the "vibe" was that MC was messing with the deadly infected person wanting to see em panic first before saving.

And the "vibe" was like MC wasn't taking dangerous combat seriously.

My main issue was with the "vibes",
TruePurpleMK TheImage - 1699649444
Nonsense, did you even read this? In essence Daughter is in danger either way, might as well use best odds of success AKA best odds of Daughter surviving.

Also if Daughter didn't join the fight and Mom died Daughter would feel guilt and rage at MC

Also Daughter will not be directly fighting but boosting in the background with crazy power
TruePurpleMK - 1699649173
"I can't save you"
"I'm doomed to become a fish zombie! Sweet death!:"
"Calm down, I'll 'invent' a cure I already know"

Why would it be good to wait on getting the quest reward?

Seems in the middle battle is a bad time to claim random rewards that are often shit. Yet this time it was consistently something decent at least.  Well even if it is skill that doesn't mean it's useful in the situation and you need a moment to figure out how to use it.