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1380 points
1896 Comment(s)
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TruePurpleMK - 1710305460
At the beginning Helmut says power is more important than technique but then proceeds to win over someone strong with mostly just technique.
TruePurpleMK AlexBen - 1710290999
I've heard no proof that different types of fat mixed together is especially hard to digest. In fact this is the first time I've even seen that claim.

Got any links to point to your claim?
TruePurpleMK AlexBen - 1710288419
Saying because it would be a very fatty meal is different than saying because "eclectic", which in no way means "fatty"
TruePurpleMK RiceBread - 1710288315
Gender neutral pronoun. Meaning it works whether male or female or other.
TruePurpleMK Chun 0w0 - 1710279620
Also Helmet holds back for xirself. If Helmet would accidentally kill someone that dark seed might consume em more.
Well considering that they are in the servitude of a royal princess that is infatuated with you who you saved their life, I would think that would be a particularly safe place to be, aside from the ghost knight targeting the princess of course.
TruePurpleMK AlexBen - 1710277011
I've seen manga and anime with male MC who are excellent cooks. But that makes sense, Japanese society is pretty sexist and racist even to recent.

"pretty eclectic collection"

Eclectic: Selecting or employing individual elements from a variety of sources, systems, or styles.

I don't think your stomach will know the difference as to whether you are eating food that follows a particular theme or is socially acknowledged as food to be eaten together. I'd understand if the food was particularly hot & spicy to say "stomach bomb", though I eat very hot food myself. Or maybe if the food was particularly heavy like lots of steak or something.
TruePurpleMK - 1710247652
Why is MC wearing the cat stuff? Taking it off would solve the whole eating food thing. What happened to building muscle?

Isn't this a great opportunity to talk about the missing kids to the feudal lord and stuff?

I'm getting bored of this obsession the author has with "cute"ness. Doesn't really feel like there is anything but obsession with cutness to this story.
I want to see the cute award romance between the two main characters again. A peaceful movement could give us that.
TruePurpleMK - 1710241136
I would have appreciated it if the mayor physically looked good, so it's not so much knowing how evil someone is by how ugly they are BS. The "debt collector" villains were probably various forms of physically ugly as well.
TruePurpleMK - 1710240299
Did they get that pickax from Minecraft? Also you use a shovel for digging, not a pickax since you need to be able to move the dirt out of the way so you need something that can carry it.
TruePurpleMK - 1710239722
I liked the MC RL history. It was interesting and refreshingly innovative.
TruePurpleMK - 1710239172
Did MC really have to take off the equipment right then though? I think it would have been fine to get back home with it and muscle train latter.

Also Mama doesn't have pointed ears.
TruePurpleMK - 1710238679
What does any of this proof matter when the government in general is so fucked up?

I have a feeling MC didn't kill them, but did reveal information by showing xirself. How can you know that is the end after that?
TruePurpleMK - 1710238135
Well the whole system makes no trucking sense so I guess it coming from someone in government power at least helps with it.

But what even is the point of those contracts if they aren't really contracts? Like apparently you can completely pay them off yet somehow they retain unlimited governmental power?

Really should just kill them. Still can even. Seems like it will be one of those with never any killing, of humans (even if just barely) anyway. Maybe because cute female MC?
TruePurpleMK - 1710237514
The real issue is that the law and government is giving these people so much power based on these papers. If that were not the case, then those papers would be irrelevant.

I hope those fuckers died but it was probably comic 'turning into a star' rather than a actual death that would actually occur in such a scenario.
TruePurpleMK - 1710236629
What the hell, you left a baby beyond to be watched by someone so ill they can barely stay awake much-less get out of bed?!?
TruePurpleMK - 1710236575
Ugh with the mishmash of game and RL with unclear borders, why must so many of these be like that? I like the ones where at least the MC struggles.