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TruePurpleMK - 1708366874
I wonder if MC would have let Bug live if xhe hadn't done the villain self destructs with stupidity thing.

I would have liked seeing Bug live peacefully, it would have been a nice change of pace and switch up on the tropes.
No way any of those people are as famous and important as Superman is in that universe. Like the level of focus on Superman and the amount of effort in trying to find out Supermans identity that must exist in such a world.

In your example is just people not expecting famous people and assuming they aren't those people. Henry Calvill could probably have dressed in the studio costume and people might not have assumed it was xir. Maybe many of them hadn't even seen the movie. Also in times square, people are busy not paying attention to shit. Also Chalie Chaplin starred in grainy black and white movies with excessive props like a giant ass fake mustache. Also searching it there is question whether the story is true at all.

Like how much could Clark get away with looking like Superman and conveniently disappearing when Supermans around with reporters as coworkers, before people started getting suspicious?!? They should have at least lamp-shaded it, people saying to Clark how much Clark looks like Superman and Clark saying "I get that alot" or something.
TruePurpleMK - 1708303083
The master of disguise, by putting on a top hat with monocle! Superman would be proud! But pretty much only Superman since Superman is a idiot about disguises.
TruePurpleMK - 1708302715
With this memory storming business, shouldn't MC be in the detectives mind as well? I don't get how this "memory storming" is suppose to work.
TruePurpleMK - 1708301312
Mayonnaise by itself? Gross! Also mayonnaise keeping for two weeks outside of a fridge? Ehhh...
TruePurpleMK - 1708244457
I would have talked to the snake, tried to reason with em. No harm in doing so.
TruePurpleMK - 1708207222
Right when you think you are dealing with harsh reality, it turns into a crashed game.
TruePurpleMK Bread - 1708201038
Probably not, all new monarchies begin with violence,
TruePurpleMK Rextle - 1708197762
If they need to have a character die to show characters can die, it would have been better for it to be the tiger.
TruePurpleMK - 1708101827
'Surrender and run!'

Which one?!?

So was Jupiter trying to protect grandchild because it hurts grandchild to do magic? "Revenge"? Through self harm?
TruePurpleMK Leon - 1708101820
Well just that one tree got heavily damaged. What might obliterate it is if they left that tree burning for a larger fire to start.
So irrelevant. Aside from everyone else if you just wanted a 'story' of rape and child murder, you don't need the isakie element at all.
TruePurpleMK - 1707976886
Damn cliffhanger. This better be the last part of chapter 18 or I'll be pissed at the scantalators for breaking the chapter here. Well it's a cliffhanger so probably.
TruePurpleMK Oliwed - 1707956698
Yeah novel is good and lightyears ahead.
TruePurpleMK si1foo - 1707942756
That is so much BS. "ways of combat" Ways of combat isn't killing innocent people tied up for the sake of murder, raping random innocent women, murdering little children and family snug in their homes. None of that is fucking "combat" or "necessary for survival"!

And fuck off with that "relative morality so therefore good and evil don't exist" shit! Let's put aside how BS that is for a moment. OK fine.relative to that society, it wasn't "evil" but relative to MC it was who reincarnated from a world like ours it was certainly "evil". And relative to the fucking readers of course matters! Why should I give a shit about people who seek out murder and rape of innocents including children?!? If I don't give a fuck who wins or loses, or lives or dies, if I am just as happy to see the MC with a knife in their back as anything else, why should I read this?!?

This story left a bad taste in my mouth, like super bad. Reading this shit was worse than a waste of my time, it was mind contamination. If I could just forget this shit, I would.

Also bringing home fucking skulls is nothing compared to the shit in this story! Regardless mentioning skull trophy, which I of course don't approve of but is neither here nor there. This is fucking what-about-ism. What about Hitler and the jewish large scale genocide? Is that not evil then because they all agreed it was fine within that society? No, really, what about it? How is that fucking relevant?!? Actually my bringing up the holocaust is relevant because I had a actual point that relates to the decision. You have "some american soldiers used enemy skulls as trophies"... which means? is pertinent to this discussion how?!? Creates what point that contributes somehow to your position?!??!?

If the worse MC did was take some skulls as trophies, I'd have no problem! Also if MC did bring home skulls as trophies, you'd probably call that "necessary for the ways of combat and survival" as well, somehow.
I read/saw that, but I didn't see the MC use the transformation stone, it seemed like Orc Captain changed on xir own.
TruePurpleMK - 1707879732
MC turns into a evil asshole who kills and rapes many innocent people. There is some struggle for dominance between two groups and a war but I don't give a fuck who wins.

This comic is trash.
TruePurpleMK si1foo - 1707879485
I don't care about Albert killing the brother. Albert was a evil asshole that turned MC into a evil asshole. If only MC had killed Albert at the beginning.

Furthermore this is a evil clan, it would be fine if it disappeared.
I skipped ahead. I'm disappointed that MC didn't kill the evil asshole himself. Instead MC acts like he wanted Albert to live. This sucks.
TruePurpleMK - 1707879164
Someone reply and let me know if MC kills that evil asshole Albert please.