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TruePurpleMK - 1707397183
So suddenly a human is playing god with everyone and changing reality to kill people? I don't like this mix of game and "real"
Well MC still doesn't actually have much spell knowledge though and probably can't cast advanced magic, or maybe I am misremembering
Must have known she was there to be there, would have probably attacked regardless eventually
TruePurpleMK Parabayi - 1707362249
How many waifus do you have?
Wasn't her, it was that observer I bet. "Someone used magic?" she said.
Yeah and that artifact makes no sense otherwise. Like what was the point of that artifact if it was not to solve this problem? So maybe the cheeky system really is intelligent and actively trying to help? Like it does analysis and stuff which suggests intelligence, yet it produced a otherwise crappy artifact. Unless it analyzed the need and thus created the artifact?

Also note that if that was a literal copy of MC other than sex, then it wouldn't have long hair. Some intelligence would have to go "oh females tend to let their hair grow out more as per some human society fashions", not like women naturally have longer hair. Yet it failed to change the clothes other than to keep it fitting.

I am also unsatisfied with this "solution". They make the magic clone the MC's sister (and it would have to be a twin sister with that level of resemblance), that still makes the clone related to MC's daughter, that is not much of a difference and can still lead to the super magical daughter, yet it adds alot of complication and problems.

I think it would have been better to just not reveal who it is, keep them a secret. Maybe leave a bread crumb trail with the clone, but not announce it.
Does MC need to unlock more levels with a monster kill though?
TruePurpleMK - 1707286430

Sounds like a plan.
TruePurpleMK - 1707268193
I struggle to understand the text around these words of "one chance" with the "one chance" words being the most confusing of all.

Why does Gajang want to ... spar? with Admin? for a single round? like exchange one blow? Why did Gajang say "guidance"?

Seeking permission to fight Admin against Admins will? Ehhh?

Admin wanted Gajang to challenge Admin to a one round sparing match? Somehow baited Gajang into challenging for the spar even though Gajang came to Admin first?

Not revenge, but what would there to even theoretically be to revenge about?

All very confusing.
I think this is MC dad getting memories of Erzebet before the regression. Whether Erzebet has those memories or not it still works (I am thinking does)
I laughed as well, systems gotten cheeky, is there a intelligence behind it?
TruePurpleMK - 1707254741
BOOOOOO! to this "fate" shit! UGH it makes for such bad story telling!
TruePurpleMK Meringue - 1707254158
OK, stipulated.

But there is no benefit to carelessly failing people. It only instead potentially jeopardizes the job if someone with enough power notices xhe is half assing it at best.
TruePurpleMK - 1707249565
Is this the asshole that Nie le was helping and agreed to work with before?
Yes it was, and some of that is undercut by house rules that make the game less about monopolies and less fun.

Two common house rules that ruin monopoly (and actually go against the rules as stated in manual, or have in the past)

Money collected by cards etc. going in the middle and gotten by anyone who lands on free parking. Nothing is suppose to happen when you land on free parking. Money paid to the game from cards is just gone and you can run out of money. This is intentional.

Being able to trade houses for a hotel. When you buy a hotel, the houses remain as well. This means you can run out of houses and become unable to build more. This is intentional. Maybe buy some from a competitor at a premium.

Both of these aspects mostly negatively impact the game by extending game play to near infinite length.

Also Monopoly was ironically stolen by capitalists, the IP stolen from a game other people made and then the distorted but copied version ironically copy-righted by the thieves Hasbro

That aside, even with the right rules, and probably even in the original form of the game, it is not fun. I don't get why anyone plays it. It is almost entirely luck based yet less interesting than other luck based games. Probably more fun to play say Chutes and Ladders, though I wouldn't want to play either.
TruePurpleMK Gakuku - 1707156290
Lord of the Rings and anime adaption of Mushoku Tensei were good (though all the comic adaptions were terrible)
TruePurpleMK Gakuku - 1707112772
Never heard of it, is that a recommendation?

ST is sci-fi which also knows space is a void.