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Naw the quotes good enough, one person does not matter more than a world. Destroying a world to save a person would be the act of a villain. Doesn't have to be themselves.
There is no reason to think Kiyve is dead because Kiyve is not the dark god.
TruePurpleMK Augustex - 1710957596
It is literally correct because it means "person", which is accurate. Kivier is a person. Again, fuck off wanna-be word police.

Also amazing a asshole actually slightly touching on the comic topic. I was saying Kivier is probably not dead since xhe is xir own person and not the dark god! So you actually brush on the topic but still don't properly address it.
I'm not going to fully read that wall of text clearly full of BS. It's simple, I posted a regular post, some asshole decided to play word police a completely harmless word and try to control me. I tell em to fuck off. The end of story.

So fuck off! "Left in peace" says the aggressor.

Not even responded to the actual original topic related to Kivier not being dead because Kivier is not the god of darkness. You know with this being comments for the comic, not assholes playing word police.
TruePurpleMK T.Voider - 1710930119
"Rent"? If someone else does the quest, they'd just go collect the reward themself.
I used a word, that isn't fucking "culture". But let's pretend it was. Let's say I used the word "Aloha" because I was Hawaiian. Using that word isn't "bought a culture here" moron. Nor is it a reason for idiots to flip out and try to word police me. In fact all this shit stinks of right-wing echo chamber word policing gender politics. So YOU brought your politics here and are now trying to shove your politics down my throat!

"You shall abide by me" only one saying shit like this is the multiple accounts that may or may not each be less than the actual number of posters behind them. I didn't tell anyone to use any word, it's you fucker that is telling me what I may not say. But I will not obey you.

"Just know how actually hypocritical what youre saying is"

The irony of your hypocrisy is astounding.
Fuck off word police, the stupidity is you attacking me because I used a nonswear/nonprejudicial word you don't like. Then you talk about Jesus after you join some other idiots to attack someone for using a word. What kind of fucked up "Jesus" do you believe in...
TruePurpleMK - 1710922833

If you're not good at identifying plants you can teach others how to identify plants...

"Do the things you can't for you", how do you benefit from someone else doing a gathering quest instead?
I refuse to let you and others like you shove your ideals down my throat. You may not control my language, no matter how much you might want to.
TruePurpleMK NEGACHIN - 1710891087
Pretty cringy to complain about the language other people use when you know what they mean and the language is even harmless or even useful.
Kivier is a fragment of the dark gods power, but also xir own person. No reason to think that anythings changed with Kivier with dark god being gone.
The one that pushed the other fully into the ground is. Did you not read any of the chapters before this?
TruePurpleMK - 1710761953
What was the bird talking about with killing without mercy? Kill who? Also not entirely sure on the "know your place", like don't interfere or attack?
TruePurpleMK TheImage - 1710727792
Where did it mention gender?
I can't remember. Zomba or something(that's not it because I searched with that term and didn't find it). Like zombie apocalypse happened and zombies evolved to be intelligent bigger and stronger and enslave humanity.
TruePurpleMK Ayumi26 - 1710639388
Except that ugly noble they more clearly killed and in a brutal way. Putting em in that secret area and then twice collapsing it for them to die of loss of air if not dehydration. They just don't directly say it.
TruePurpleMK Ayumi26 - 1710622935
Mentally speaking a adult. And if MC struggled to kill someone knowing xhe should but can't bring xirself to do so, that would be one thing. But the thought never crosses MC's mind.

Also the violence is cartoonish, leaving us unable to know whether people are killed or not, maybe this vagueness is intention, in part because of MC being female. Realistically people thrown way up in the air so they are burning up in atmospheric entry or shoved into the wall so hard they create a human shaped hole to be stuck in, would kill anyone. But we know people who did come back from the star thing anyway.

It's bad writing.
TruePurpleMK Bread - 1710616796
You mean from chapter 528 released at the same time? Time lapse. That was a different meeting on a different day.
So you believe in allowing immigration?