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TruePurpleMK - 1711399117
"Wait! I will work with you and allie with you! Just let me lead my own people!"

We are too stupid to take up that offer!

Face palm!

TruePurpleMK - 1711388738
Don't admit to cheating!
TruePurpleMK - 1711363879
Is there actually a video game where you need to pick out a disguised powerful sword like that? I see it so often in stories about games but can't recall a actual game using it.
TruePurpleMK - 1711319595
LOL at Rona telling Blacksmith the entire scripted conversation ahead of time.
There is something you still haven't established, the premise of how everyone in the city, or most, or even many, or even any at all of people in the city would benefit from the evil illegal business if they weren't involved in it.
TruePurpleMK Ephion - 1711284667
The word you are looking for is contrivance, again "contrivance". Good plot avoids such holes as much as possible.
TruePurpleMK - 1711279694
There is the question of how Carrie has such a mature mind despite also being 4 years old but without past life memories.
TruePurpleMK Nexus - 1711278307
Well not it's only definition but OK., so not a "embodiment" then, you admit.

Why are some people so hung up on labeling this like that?
TruePurpleMK memecina - 1711277978
You don't have to copy a mind to be a "clone". Cloning is about having the same DNA, which does not mean having the same mind. Besides Kivye never had the DG's mind from what I recall.

Also even if it was a copy of your mind, that copy is not a "embodiment", just not what that word means If the DG made a body and took it on continuing to live in that body as the new them, like in Avatar, then I suppose you might call it "embodiment", not sure the point of using that label.

Remember earlier in the conversation where the word "embodiment" was being thrown around as a excuse to fear Kivye might be dead if DG is gone? And now I got people arguing for the label "embodiment" for it's own sake for some reason.
Inheritance has to come from somewhere. Your family has to get rich by some means in order to pass it on, aka legacy capitalism. and it is possible to squander your inheritance money unless you invest in capitalism theft. Organs, that wouldn't be much money in a world where live is treated to have so little value. Stock market is absolute capitalism at work, stocks and banking. Absolutely getting money because you have money-ism. There is no way for someone to get filthy rich 'legitimately' without capitalisms theft, and the whole premise requires filthy rich buyers, none of this works without that. Which means none of this works without capitalism.

So you mean the entire government is deep into this illegal activity making sure each and every citizen gets a cut of this? I don't buy that. The comic is spouting BS for a false morale quandary.

Again, anyone who would die of MC exposing and shutting down this horridness deserves it. MC shouldn't waste a moment, expose the whole thing, bring them down without hesitation. Do you disagree? There is no way there are people who would be starving to death or whatever if MC shut down this child slavery torture murder business that don't deserve it This makes some child sex stuff look tame by comparison. Like super fucking evil. You really think this should be allowed to go on, that there is really a morale quandary to consider for a split second here?

I did edit it in shortly after but you didn't respond to my issue about food. This world makes no sense for food. I think we saw people eating burgers and fries earlier etc. There would be no way for people to be regularly feasting from the money from translfornation or even have any food at all no matter how much money they have. All the food we eat has plants at it's base and meat is especially wasteful in that regard. They'd have all starved to death with their wealth from child sex, no worse, child torture murder money, government hand outs for transflorination etc. Well the currency would inflate to worthless because no one can buy food no matter how much money they have. It's a bad, bad world design. Has the author even brushed on the topic of where all this food is suppose to be coming from?

You totally missed what I was talking about in the short post you replied to. I'm talking about the buyers, they'd have to be willing and ABLE to spend obscene amounts of money for this for it to be like this. The only way they can have that much money and use it in such a frivolous yet morally bankrupt way in such a world, is by using the exploitation mechanisms of capitalism to steal from those under them. You can be sure these evil assholes aren't considered the "drags of society" because the wealthy almost never are under capitalism. CEOs etc.don't earn their vast wealth, they essentially steal it thanks to capitalism.

What makes you think the city is being "maintained" (whatever that means) by this child slave, torture, murder racket?

Also none of the above addresses why MC should hesitate for a moment to blow the whistle on/try to put a stop to, this evil business. Everyone who would possibly be "harmed" by putting a stop of this would deserve it and then some

Also aside from oxygen, people getting enough food would be impossible under such a capitalism. and this comics scenario Think of the way people who sell their florination and how they eat as much as they want. How much food could you get out of one plant to feed a whole population? Certainly less than the extra they eat before they die of turning into a plant. Impossible.
TruePurpleMK - 1711255814
Weird for Mai to have those glasses taken off for this. Mom, tell your kid about the possessing and going away thing, are you going to wait for the wedding to say like you advised? What if it happens before then? What if it happens right then and Mai has to find out the hard way? How far out is this wedding?
TruePurpleMK Nexus - 1711249518
Kivye is a person, not a "abstract idea"

It is you who don't know what "embodiment" means, I even provided a dictionary definition.
Let me ask you how these rich assholes buying furniture made out of tortured murdered children have this much money in the first place to be so wasteful? This is a rhetorical question, the only way that is possible is with capitalism.

(I ran out of character space with the last post or I would have edited it in.)
Again most of it would not go to most people. "going to Austercity". Why would anyone but the owners and their lackeys get most of this child torturing and killing furniture money? From selling their kids? They probably wouldn't get much, not enough to have kids to raise for that sake, like the food alone would probably cost way more. Hell it wouldn't even pay for the time in pregnancy. No mention of rebelling, but if that were a concern and in general anyway, provide for the people as long as they cooperate with required florination.

Don't blame the environment, this is absolutely fall out from capitalism, there are absolutely better ways to do things to manage resources with this "environmental issue".

Also what is it to MC if they people rebel against a government this fucked up that they would allow this? Report em, if the people selling kids, the slave masters or lackeys suffer because of it, fuck em. Like fuck em just for the fun of it because they are all fucking evil. MC acts like it's some morale quandary.

But it is a capitalism issue as well. People should not be able to sell their lives. It's wasteful of resources. Children should not be able to be florinated. People who are already dying should be required to be florinated. Anyone who cuts down a spirit plant or buys or uses a item made from such should be punished with florination and that should be strictly enforced.

Have you heard of NIMBYism? That stands for "not in my back yard", important things like apartment buildings etc. are blocked because of NIMBYism. Heard of "Home owners association"? basically privately owned local tyrants who cause lots of misery to many people. Never buy a house that is part of a Home owners association. You are buying into tyranny over you. Do you know what drives both of these very bad US aspects? Property values, which is about capitalism. Meanwhile all the apartment buildings, and even many homes are being bought out by private businesses and rented at extra high prices and turned into air B&Bs which causes a housing crises, which causes homelessness which in the US is treated like a criminal offense.

Back to the story, with everything for sale for private ownership, that's capitalism at the heart of it. Capitalism isn't about fairy tales of equal opportunity, supply and demand or any econ101 BS. It's about those who have money controlling everything over those that don't, which results in gross inefficiency. The author may have not meant for this comic to be commentary on capitalism, but the way this world works is very capitalistic and these consequences are as well. The only thing is if it were this bad, society would have quickly fallen apart, so in that aspect it is still highly unrealistic, aside from the base concept. (no sunlight that plants can grow in? Grow em with LED lights! People turning into plants in the first place etc.)
TruePurpleMK - 1711236809
"I'm a fan!" says the Archer, but you were going to kill your idol?
No, other way around. It was from two perspectives, current memory viewing Caisy and past Rudiger.

The author is adding a third perspective by adding in past Caisy and to top it off in a way well outside of the memory viewing construct! Like we see past Caisy's thoughts when past Rudiger has left the room! That is not even including other perspectives like that of the boy in the past, but that one was probably more necessary.

I don't see how memory viewing Caisy speaking as to xir thoughts back then would be any more "tiring" than seeing it directly