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1435 points
266 Comment(s)
187 Upvote(s)
Noissar Midnight Blues - 1709516188
That is a rough ask, cause just getting even a few colours "wrong" would probably do more harm than good. I also do not remember Solo having the same style of detail in the art.
Though I got some HARD Bias cause I am colourblind, but I do wholly agree the Art is fantastic!
Noissar HateMe - 1709189505
The Tooth Fairy would pull extreme profits by being the middle man though, gotta fund the Empire of lost teeth!
Noissar Gintanga - 1709181661
Agreed, but also not really... now hear me out on this one. I understand they are necessary but I just do not give a hoot about villains; everything I have to say about them is basically: 'kill them off faster'. So tiding up there plot driving purpose in as few panels as possible is a win. There are very few that are well done when they are given anything more than a token appearance... and for the ones that are not a total flop ...not even one comes to mind at the moment (well maybe Vegeta if he still counts and that is about an extra min of thought).

If I was correct in my assumption that the Lazy you meant was the discount villain thing; it is not going to be remembered in all likelihood. Even if you did remember such villains would you care? or would you find yourself more wanting to know if Misty ever got Ash to pay for her bike?
Noissar Pcackplays2 - 1707738726
You mean to say you never had anywhere to go and had to do it with pizzazz?
Noissar Anonymoose - 1707654943
I remember when I was younger I heard that the reason Humans were able to get so far ahead and become the "peak/apex" species on the planet was our ability to think not only about the actions we take but have an understanding of what the actions will likely lead to and plan in accordance that and other possible outcomes. Nowadays I basically pray that I do not encounter a person who gets tripped up by a menu at places like Mc Donald's even though they go there 5 times a week.

Even though I regret those people, I will still try to catch something if someone throws something to me with notice.
Noissar - 1707102494
"The person you are trying to reach does not exist."
Noissar Anonymoose - 1707074586
I think it would be better if it was a decrease in stats to increase the challenge rather than make it easier.

Not actually to sure on that but, king Malkant already can not find a challenger for his battle addiction, so not sabotage but maybe handicapping himself to be able to fight more?
Noissar - 1707020451
When the brain goes into auto mode and you disregard everything else to run on pure resentment like it was your only remaining instinct. A few not proud of moments have been birth by fall into this mindset.
Absolutely, The original comment complaining saying a 10% buff is worthless just made no sense at all. Every point you made was excellent. There is just so many more layers to it that are all bonuses. It is even more strange and I was not certain if they meant it in that way, but the set bonus was based on rarity but that bonus was just an extra on top of the gear effects. I get the feeling that the person whom said it is not invested(?)/knowledgeable in that genre of game or the Korean mentality for most of their games.

Though I probably should make it clear I was adding extra context for any possible future comment readers that did not fully follow along.
Noissar - 1707018887
Did Red dirty by taking his pants.
Noissar - 1707010887

That is all I can really say on this one.
There is also the obsession with competition in Korean based games, insane grinding and such. PVP is not my thing in any way shape or form, but if you have 2 people in PVP the long the fight the more small percentages start to stack especially if the base stats are somehow exactly the same.

Example: Base stat is 100 with 3% bonus is 103 if that is in HP and equals a gain of 1 HP regen and a tick is 5 secs. That becomes an extra 6HP every thirty seconds; 12/min extra that is what a person with the bonus would have over one without. That tiny fraction depending on the game can give a player the chance to survive and attack the may not have normally. Outside of battle it also means less downtime between fights, becoming more overall fights = more EXP and Loot. Not even factoring in if there is sitting/resting bonus. It is a Resources vs Time question in a lot of situations.

Noissar - 1707005152
Noissar - 1706999822
The change on the comment system has brought great harm to the comments on this chapter, some real solid stuff here on this one.
Noissar brownstocking - 1706998408
Not at all... I know that from his perspective there is the revenge motive, but that really only holds up the blackmail justification to go so far. Even if he values the Flower Shop more than leveling and such, it would just be 'low-tier' Human levels to not be able to see others value those things at flower shop levels.
Noissar Anonymoose - 1706995518
haaa.... yeah, Have seen too much of that garbage IRL. It must be right awful growing up these days; always online society. The most dreadful for me was scrawny little things would trash talk while running away (that was the only thing they could actually do), they were always so loud and useless but damn could they run. That ability to sprint and flee was really something else. Though the whole thing was stupid as can be... I mean seriously a child's mind. Piss someone off enough to the point where consequences be damn and the will just get you when you are not able to run or are just not paying attention.

At 5'11" over 270lbs wearing keys that hang from my belt and jingle, I still sneak up on people to this day...
Noissar - 1706990031
chaotic good or lawful evil?

It was done in self interest, not for altruism so not really a thing of "Good" cause he did it for his friend and likely would not for a stranger. It was also a rescue with no overt intention to harm are cause disaster so not really Evil either. It should likely be a solid Neutral closer to Chaotic Neutral if only by the virtue that there are little to no steps taken to prevent damage to others; but it is an important factor to point of harm was not a goal and the actions were done with no importance put on min-maxing damage caused.

So closer to chaotic but still firmly Neutral to my understanding.
Noissar - 1706986772
They really nail the Racist group. Non of the overdone stuff, just pure moronic activities done by thugs that get an advantage because aggression and violence has been ripped from the spirit of the average person to an unnatural degree.

A lot of the racist stuff I have seen growing up was from Edgy losers that went Turncoat on the idea the moment they got advantages from those so called lesser beings they went on about. A right bunch of Garbage stuffed in a skinsuit.
Noissar - 1706984813
Man, this one really is starting to nail that feeling you get when you are talking about something you really like and people only ever care about the side things....

If it keeps going on... man... Die a Hero or Live long enough to become the Villain...
Noissar Demonslender - 1706191209
Yes, it is just beyond stupid. When you consider an organisation or something like a guild, even if it made some people upset there would be have to be a penalty for not preforming basic tasks; pest extermination. How there is not a mandate for such tasks or a penalty applied to more profitable jobs that it is then used to balance the payment/cost of the low profit but essential jobs makes no sense what so ever.

At least some stories uses the 'Knights' as an excuse. Overall it is really just moronic when the neglect can lead to massive infestations and/or stampedes.