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Noissar deeteehee - 1725758514
Because the the one that bought it was buying teeth/mouth related items and where it was placed, I was under the assumption it is a type of stick candy or gum. It is not cigarettes or something because it was not behind the counter.
Noissar - 1725730400
Oh lord this MC's coat, it be driving me nuts! It is like some Combo of Watch Dogs 1 on release day and an anime style thigh mounted wing thruster get up. The two tails of the coat are pushed straight back at a seemingly 90° angle...

If the flaps did not go down on occasion I would thing he had a rod rammed up....
Noissar elver galarga - 1725728565
Not a good guy, The story hinted the monster was responsible for a Monster Swarm - I assume it was the same one that the Father was put in prison for (if I am recalling that correctly). That and trying to kill all the (presumably innocent) people on the spaceship should qualify it as "evil".

The monster appears to be a victim though; Zuo Fan's mother seems to been a mother figure for it, the panels do not show it well but I think they show she had hatched its egg and raised it for a time. In what is likely a twisted show of 'love' it is attempting to kill the people related to her to avenger her death.
Noissar - 1725727414
They are fighting on a Spaceship, why would you do a downwards attack laced with fire that lights up over half of the ships length. haaa... I know, because it looks cool, even if it is five tiers of stupid.
Noissar Noissar - 1725723446
I forgot to add the excessive narration by the characters too, there are points where 1-3 characters state what just happened after we literally saw what just happened.
Noissar - 1725723089
I thought I stopped reading this to let chapters backlog, but the quality feels like it dropped massively in these last two chapters from what I remember. It is like most of the speech bubbles are either them repeating themselves or repeating what someone else has said...
Noissar Skay24 - 1725704723
Gawt damn, this reminds me of Toronto ON CA straight up garbage planning.

Hate driving in Toronto, F'n NIGHTMARE. Hell if the sun is not in a good spot the streets can be cold cause the buildings block all the direct light. If you got some skills and a bit of luck with the wind there might even be places you could actually spit from one building to another on the opposite side of the road. Has some good points but the bad ones dominate.
Noissar Devdiablo - 1725698382
I was not ready for this...
Noissar TheWalrusKing - 1725691037
Is there and application for this dogpile, or does one just jump on?
It is that thing where you get more power and tools but the enemies also get stronger and it is like there is no progress... also, no comment.
Good thing he was not trying to make a call when ET was phoning home!
Noissar - 1725686722
Luck so bad it hurts others, I mean SPREAD THE LOVE!!!
Noissar - 1725684751
All about that growth!

Hope it is not cancer...
Noissar Mangaguy - 1725684138
I agree. I tend to think the assumption in most cases is as follows:

Most of that can be rationalised with the duality of Humans. Say something like 80-90% of people are "normal" the last bit tend to be made up from the extremes, and a tiny percentage of the extreme are the pinnacle of the extremes, nominally Good and Evil. With that in mind the "Evil" will massacre based on skin colour, nationality, and basically anything that can be labeled as 'different'.

So Evil hates the fluffy ears rallies up the non-thinkers to massacre, and years down the line the 'normal' people just know that - this is the land they are born on and it belongs to them. It is an over simplification in many ways, but if the opposing side does not have a hard counter to "manage" ( for lack of a better word) the casualties on the other side; in this example the humans population, then you have a loss of a family unit ever 1-2 kills. That is dependant if most or all other repopulation factors are equal, what you are left with in this line of thinking is an advantage in the number of overall families that grows over time.

This can be heavily reliant on other races not reaching said level(s) of "Evil" and complacency [by the masses in various forms].
Noissar Noissar - 1725609797

Loading ... You were acting low class on the internet, did not even understand I was just acting on your level.

Go ahead deceive yourself cause you have already proven you like to deceive others.

Classic though got called out and blocked me, Can not say it is a bad move though the more you said the worse it got.
Noissar Drunkwriter - 1725608757
I went all the way to chapter 20, it gets worse(?) it vibes in a forced or 'not natural' way, not so much I would say unnatural but flirting with near Uncanny Valley level elements.
Noissar Solo - 1725608380
3 months is a really(?) long time to make the same "mistake" no matter the age... sadly 60 and still stupid is a reality that hurts the soul!
Old does not mean wise... just as educated does not mean smart, we can only hope that they do not show up IRL. lol
Noissar Dragorize - 1725607487
It is more failsafe tactic that should improve assassination chances.

The body has a tendency to lockup when something shocking happens. In an age/place without internet familiarity to a random women being naked would be real low, even then a "stereotypical" man would not be looking for what is in their hands. A lecher would letch and a "modest" man would likely look away - most than likely outcomes divert attention from the hand.
Noissar TauCeti - 1725602221
That is a rather spot on comparison, describes the "feel" really well.