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Have you ever heard "divisions of labor". Even in armies, there is an entire seperate division whose sole responsibility is supply chains so those that fight can concentrate on fighting. The MC was genuinely weak, could not fight at all, but excelled at domestic duties. This allowed the heros of the story, the actual fighters, to concentrate on war and recovery so they can be at top form at all times. Even in domestic partnerships this division has been shown to amplify the potiential of the family as a whole.
But their party is more of adventurer than army in the first place, they already become proper party before mc join. I can understand for ther hero because he is a royal, but how can commoner like the rest act the same?
Man the art is fkg gorgeous ! Really nice to see. However, I believe that any artist who uses ''weird faces'' as a way of humour should be charged for felony.Humour should be made by dialogue and dialogue only. The only one who succeeded at drawing humour would be ''murim login'' and ''return of the mount hua sect''. And they are both webtoons so yea...
So you're sayin' that there's no humorous art in One piece, Bleach, Naruto, or any of the others that hooked a lot of us into readin' these wonderful stories? Manga and anime have been usin' drawn humor for longer than I've been in this universe, not to mention the Simpsons, Disney, or Looney Tunes. Are you really stating that they were unsuccessful at it?馃え
Exactly my point, all those examples were when we were younger. I mean do you still laugh at cartoons like Dora ? And again, I said it works when it's colorful like webtoons, and obviously it will work better when it's animated, no brainer here.And don't tell me you started One Piece with manga lmao
I'll need a specific title for where the name Dora comes from, as there's a good chance I've never seen the character/show. As to the other stuff: Yes, I watch Power Rangers, Freakazoid, the Animaniacs, and everything else I can find from my long, long ago childhood as often as I can and laugh my ass off. Because they're funny. I also watch as much Bob Hope, Danny Kaye, Abbott & Costello, etc as I can find and most of their stuff is in black and white.
Like many, I was introduced to One Piece during the short time it was on FoxKids, but when they took it off their programming schedule my only access to it was the manga. I only got as far as the Foxy Pirates/ Davy Back Fight part in the anime, but I'm current on the manga(Thanks MangaKatana!馃憤) and read all of Naruto, YuYu Hakusho, Bleach and Rurouni Kenshin instead of watchin' 'em. The only things I'm missin' out on is color, motion, and filler. To be fair, I really like readin' and the art is spectacular.
To make a long story short(too late), it doesn't have to be colorized or animated to be funny, unless that's how you enjoy partaking in our shared joy of stories. Remember that just because you don't think it's funny in b&w, that doesn't mean it's not funny, only that you're not amused.
Damn. Freakazoid. That takes me back. That and the Batman / Superman animated series were the standard for me. Swear to God, first time I watched it, I thought it was a fever dream I had when I was ill, because none of my friends knew wtf I was talking about. Turns out I was calling it Frankout (the episode I caught had Dexter transforming and I thought that was what he shouted. And I thought the lightning stripe in the hair was a nod to Bride of Frankenstein)
Dice_24KWhat are the odds? The director who raised Gongja at the orphanage and the Class President in Aegim's class are one and the same. I did think that the director was weird but uh... woah.
There's no way he didn't get absolutely devastated by Aegim's death. He went from turning a blind eye to bullying and focusing on his studies - reminder that he hated the bullying situation so much that he literally attacked Gonjga -> to doing this alone: https://i.postimg.cc/Z5fqn8mf/i.png By my understanding, feel free to correct me, a person doesn't particularly burden themselves to do super well on exams (sleeping 4 or 5 hours a day to study more) if their goal is just to be a social worker... right?
Assuming basic time shenanigans, Aegim's multi-century journey in the tower is irrelevant to the real world's time, so the director could still be alive. https://i.postimg.cc/sgh4Y4f2/i.png
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