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Adv. Merry Christmas to you as well 🎄 I'd be surprised if there ever was one in that chaotic place. I bet it's a big ass statue flipping the bird with a face dying of laughter. Lol
hes been able to beat everyone so easily so far its about time he loses, whether its a heavy loss and he's nearly dead or just loses and lets the other guy run away with the pill.
The only thing at the top is rusted weapons and now a bastard of mount hwa who might be able to use sword control... if so he just entered his backyard lol-
Harbinger of DarknessMurskmanDoubt there would be any pills at the top. Merry Christmas in advanced ❤️
So I thinkThe Swords are real, the pill is a trap/ poison, If the pill gets taken the cave will collapse, the pill is somewhere else in the cave, the light balls explode or can be used as a flash grenade.
Deadly trap... death trap. If I were the bloke designing this the entire cave ceiling of the cave in the cliffside would be dropped on em, stopping only with enough space to crawl on your stomach, wholse simultaneously retracting all the swords and sending them jabbing out the cliifside below at extreme speed. Ofc they'd be retracted again after this and sent to a chamber with all the stuff in it, but if you tru to follow them it's an endless maze of tubes that goes on for kilometres further into the rock, ending in about 50-75 different chambers. Every single one has identical contents, except all but one hold the real thing. As for the fakes, they're seas of 'gold' which actually only hold fool's gold shaped into currency, replicas of every weapon that preform decently for a few blows and while swinging around but shatter with small explosions (and poison gas) when used in combat, fake pills that are just poison with an outer medicinal shell that reacts strongly with the poison within, and each room is primed to flood with boiling water and scalding steam upon removing or disturbing the central, massive pill furnace. As for the real one, just has thousands of poison darts and all the weapons are "missing," but appear when they're launched at you from the domed ceiling. If they miss, they end up in holes in the floor that effectively recycle the rain of blades. Yes I like making dnd dungeon layouts, how could you tell?
Loved how chaotic this chapter was 🤣😭 everyone yelling and going crazy on the wild goose chase trying to get to the pill first and how everyone is panicking and so desperate, reminds me of old cartoons style of humour. Love this manwha.
User-5490966132I mean that's kind of the direction the story has to go though? His goal changed very early on from "just survive" to "I want to become strong enough to destroy the system". The only way for him to do that is to become super OP and to start being more tactful in his approach to death. We had a mini-arc where he comes to terms with the idea that he needs to sacrifice the idea of death, for the long-term goal.
Ignoring that this a shounen-murim-manhwa, meaning having an OP MC was always the end scenario. Not saying I don't understand why you don't like it or disagree at all, but the manhwa was always going to go like this.
ShultaOr... or, now hear me out, there is a great threat prophesied to happen that even the Emperor fears. One that's set to doom the empire, or even just kill the Emperor himself. So he his invested in creating a powerful guardian to help stop this threat that even the OPeror is worried about.
Or he is hoping to have another Lackey to push his duties on to, much like MC's master.
SimulatedGrowthwait this is monthly release? I recently read old mangas with monthly releases and some had 150 pages for some chs and 70~ average what happened to this industry man no wonder manhwa takes up the scene
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