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Just me
1318 points
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104 Upvote(s)
Because school always are full of annoying people, he doesn’t care about school, he just uses it as a front so he can search for the demon. So if he starts to shine as a student , lots of flies will fly around him, and that could disturb his search for the demon.(I’m guessing attending school is the only way to go there without generating suspicion, as as soon as he started hunting demons, the higher ups will check everyone who enter the city recently)
Just me TauCeti - 1725495184
Critics is different from critical thinking, if you were capable of that , you wouldn’t have asked questions, in the form of critic, that can be answered with análisis and critical thinking , the possible answers given historic period, schemes , etc are a lot. You just disliked it and gave a critic, which is valid, but when someone told you that if you don’t like it you can stop reading , you started insulting when it’s obvious that your insult apply to you.
Just me Ballsdeep69 - 1725053636
The problem is not that he used him for politics, is that he fucked up and terrorist went to parents house because of his fuck up. So the father and mother who are big shots of different organizations had to step up. (I think they didn’t before because they didn’t know about each other, but after it was out of the bag, they had no other option as there where more witnesses, and that mother didn’t know about son job and got pissed because they went to their house)
Just me TheImage - 1724510730
Ignore the rest, it was explained that parasites indeed can’t live long on their own, they need a host. If the host die, they can jump to another one, but if there is no host they will die. It was mentioned at some point using the parasite of the goody 2 shoes in the flashback. That’s why that parasite could jump from previous host to goody 2 shoes and before his death was urging him to fight Mc (goody 2 shoes wanted to die), there was no available host it would be able to enter, so it died.
Just me Niafloa - 1724510548
Nothing was said directly, but it was implicit, a lot of people don’t have reading comprension. It was implicit that the journalist awaken a power before his death, probably because of the down gem, that power is brainwashing, by using this new power and the energy of the down gem , he burned his life faster to consume all the power of the down gem in a single brainwash. That plus mc was a child with the mind of a baby , created a very powerfull brainwash. I have my own hypothesis that journalist awakened brainwash power because of how he was manipulative and wanted all to work in his favor as he consider himself the protagonist.
Just me Glasses Person - 1724387750
They never called themselves the demonic cult. They called themselves the divine cult if I remember correctly or accept the heavenly demon divine cult. Murim bastards called them demonic cult as a way to undermine them and reject them as they are a cult ( other groups are either sects, clans or religions) and from all manhuas I read I can infer that demonic and havenly demon are completely different meanings that probably are lost a little in translation and also they may have similar characters or form of writing. That’s why people from the cult get pissed when they are called evil or demonic cult.
Just me Trecta - 1724385543
Kentucky fried crocodile
Just me TruePurpleMK - 1724380695
First it is said, not that it definitely can. Luckily author didn’t wrote about the unbreakable shield vs the sword that can break anything. You will collapse in trying to make sense of the paradox. Paradox and contradictions can exist in a story and make them interesting, as in reality nothing is absolute.
Just me FlavoredTwist - 1724103437
The goddess is the one that will destroy the world, she hasn’t yet because of her believers (right now only the demon princess) and the local god became arrogant because of that, as gods from other world can’t exercise much will on worlds dominated by local god( different from eradicating that world with their gods in it, that she can do). The dragon knows that and is preparing to fight the demon goddess as a last stance, knowing that the local god that killed all the other local gods fucked up. The dragon doesn’t have any other choice because he is bound to the world and can’t leave.
Just me aFFi - 1723822642
Only correction *sect (different from clan).
Clan -> lider is hereditary, all related to each other
Sect -> lider is the strongest or the most suited, can have sons or daughters from previous generations, but also accept disciples from outside
Just me Zasquatch - 1722263484
Uff quite painful, I hope your * is okay
Just me aFFi - 1721661836
The number of good war arcs in manga/manhua ( don’t count mangas / manhuas that are about war) can be count with the fingers of an amputee
Just me Pegit Purple - 1721149585
I bet that either the mom or the dad will be alone in the house, will make short work of the guy, clean all and make it look like nothing happened
Just me Noroi - 1720888669
Usually magma golems are rocks tempered and r resistant to magma heat. Magma is a very dense liquid. And magma golems are a combination of rocks and magma veins, normally. Mc has his elemental skill where he can transform his body into magma, just think as thicker magma that displace other magma around, as liquids of different density’s do that. If I missed anything just deux ex machina
Just me Murim scammer - 1720887868
I think I have mentioned it before but it has 0 plot, at most a premise, bad story telling , mc is a prick, art not that good, but for some reason we keep reading it
👀…that what she said…👀