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  • At this point we should say she can still stay herself. If she changes, she becomes evil.
    Also got to much bad influence from the bible. Always trying to sacrifice children.
    • Guest
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      • 999+ points9 months ago
        Inhale the meaning of the word: "Whataboutism"
        It's a disease, that breeds hypocrites. I can't tell you how much I hate those people. So please learn what fallacies are and don't scare away from checking yourself for it( hypocrisy and fallacy)
        Because saying murder is better than rape is kinda fucked up. Also bible has enough rape in it.
        • TsukineeDito Destoni
          999+ points9 months ago
          Yeah, and it's say that those who commit it must be unlived. And funny how in the Bible, it's not their most precious and central figure/profet the one who r@pes a child.
          • MgovinasterTsukinee
            999+ points9 months ago
            And then you look at all of these priests and still preach of God's lesson...
      • ServerclosedDito DestoniAt this point we should say she can still stay herself. If she changes, she becomes evil. Also got t...
        999+ points9 months ago
        That very narrowminded. Every religion sacrifice children, because in every religion, and as a general concept, children symbolise purity.
        • Dito DestoniServerclosed
          999+ points9 months ago
          Did I say any religion is better? :P

          My opinion is sacrifices are personal, If you "sacrifice" someone else, you just murder them, because you are not willing to sacrifice yourself.
          Every religion promotes this behavior and it is sickening. Also hugely hypocritic!

          You are in fact narrowminded, when your view is only limited to religion and not to the spectrum of atheism.
          I admit that there are atheists, who will sacrifice a child for their own gains.,
          But I can say even the most godless murderer will find a reason not to sacrifice and even protect it,
          because it would not be worth it loosing innocence.

          Not the world
          Not humanity
          and especially not god

          Any religion, that doesn't understand this tenet is not worth the paper it is printed on.
          • ServerclosedDito Destoni
            999+ points9 months ago
            Neither did I :P
            You are in fact very narrowminded to imply I meant that.
            • Dito DestoniServerclosed
              999+ points9 months ago
              Than what did you mean? Is okay, because everyone does it? Do you think there's a middle ground where it is okay to sacrifice some children?
              • ServerclosedDito Destoni
                999+ points9 months ago
                "Than what did you mean?" That they all equally view children as sacrifice because all share the same purity view on them. I made my comment cos you explicitly wrote "bible."
                " Is okay, because everyone does it?" lol no
                " Do you think there's a middle ground where it is okay to sacrifice some children?" Generally speaking no. The point of view change a lot from the perspective of each one, beliefs mostly play a big role there, whether be religious or cultural.
                But tell you what, if by sacrificing a child I could save myself and my precious family, I will do so in a heart beat. From a reader perspective, of course this is shitty, since we all now that mc and the others can save those people, but a lot of them didn't survive. From their perspective, it is unfair being killed and "sacrificed" just to save that strange child that nobody knew she existed. Seeing your family suffering and all that shit.
                • Dito DestoniServerclosed
                  999+ points9 months ago
                  Okay it sounded like you were defending them.I put myself also higher in the priority of who to save first. Do so is understandable, but not excusable. Also I wouldn't claim moral superiority for it or after I've done it like some religions do. Or they make excuses like it's god's will or they live a better life in heaven or some other bs.
                  My point is that when you sacrifice a child for god or humanity, then it just means that you already lost both.
          • O
            Overlord69ServerclosedThat very narrowminded. Every religion sacrifice children, because in every religion, and as a gener...
            888 points7 months ago
            Bro. You talk shit like you know EVERY religion in the world lol. I have not seen any child sacrifice (being justified that is) in my religion. Last time someone killed an unborn child out of spite in mythology he was cursed to live for eternity in pain with diseases on the body for solitude.
          • Miscellaneous BastardDito DestoniAt this point we should say she can still stay herself. If she changes, she becomes evil. Also got t...
            999+ points9 months ago
            I think its more she can change who her future self will be to be different from what Heeyeon saw.
            • Dito DestoniMiscellaneous Bastard
              999+ points9 months ago
              Also if she thinks she can kill her means she believes she that the future can be changed.
          • M
            Sword lady is a moron, just becasue the kid has magic doesnt mean shes going to go around killing people, the stupid sword lady has power but doesnt walk around murdering people so why would you assume some one else would? Also the mc has helped her out plenty of times and she still tries to murder his daughter? Also what does the sword lady think the mc and his wife would do if she murdered their daughter just sit and take it? Nah they would go get revenge by kill her family back.
            • TruePurpleMKMangaguy
              999+ points9 months ago
              Totally. You brought points that slipped my mind as well. Just so many reasons it's stupid to kill a kid because of a possible alternate future.
            • yep she can still change for the worst into a villain very true...
              how is he supposed to convince her?
              • will you murder everyone the moment you leave your home ?
                no, right.
                same here, if the parents teach to be good, children will be good and vice versa.
                • WillmTakayuki Furuichi
                  999+ points9 months ago
                  i'm a man so i can defend myself reasonably well as i train to.

                  Even if i was a woman the ultimate equalizer of force is firearms which i would opt for.

                  but we're not even talking abt the scale of firearms atm we're talking abt the equivalent to a nuke at the whim, of a child

                  but even if we age her up to an adult... thats a significant amount of power in the hands of a single actor, she'd be the equivalent of N.Korea... at least we have the threat of mutual destruction for N.Korea...

                  • ??
                    I have no clue what you are talking about, neither did you answer my question, neither did you follow my reasoning and argue with me on it
                    you wrote your own thing, and gave your own answer which I honestly think is rather idiotic.
                    The same kind of reasoning led Seol-ah to her corruption in the previous timeline, everyone treated her like a ticking time bomb.
                    Right now, her father, the man of the house, is standing in front of her. Like a wall, nuke be damned.
                    He'd rather blow up the world rather than fight against his daughter. I like that.
                    • WillmTakayuki Furuichi
                      999+ points9 months ago
                      you compared the danger of seola to that of regular people and asked how i would respond to it... so i talked about how i respond to the danger of regular people....
                      i then offered what was a closer parallel to seolah progressing from a child w/ a firearm to a child with a nuke to and adult with a nuke.

                      where did i lose you?

                      my original comment was a criticism of the author because it would be hard to convince someone to just let her be as the mc is trying to do. i never said MC shouldnt try to protect her...
                      • #facepalm
                        I did not compare seol ah danger to normies, I gave a situation saying a child is not inherently evil, prev seol-ah also did not want this, only broke after seeing her father supposedly sell her out.
                      • Darkun2 kept making typosTakayuki Furuichi?? I have no clue what you are talking about, neither did you answer my question, neither did you fo...
                        999+ points9 months ago
                        No. He answer your question by saying despite your reasoning, having that much power by one person is still dangerous. This reasoning is in fact correct. No one gonna able to keep her in check beyond the psychological aspect (her parents) this create 2 new connotations. 1 her parent becomes the most powerful person since they can control seol ah. Or 2 if they lose control over her nothing can stop her since physical restraints are meaningless for her. We can see this rrasoning in superman vs batman movie. Despite superman is undoubtedly a good man, the world still fear him. Because no one can keep him in check.
                        • Takayuki FuruichiDarkun2 kept making typos
                          999+ points9 months ago
                          1. look at daddy here, he wants her to grow and get good morals, never wanted to bind her and protect her link rapunzel, he knows she is the strongest there is.
                          2. if she loses control ? do normal adults lose control? why would she lose control ? she is literally the epitome of supreme power, she can whatever she wants happen.
                          let me add 3. point
                          3. if parents+seol ah+world comes together to fight against invasion, they would never lose
                          but this needs the world to trust in father and in turn trust seol ah which they would not since they would rather save their own skin and sacrifice a child.
                • TruePurpleMKWillmyep she can still change for the worst into a villain very true... how is he supposed to convince h...
                  999+ points9 months ago
                  Or that she is essentially working for that previous version older messed up Seol to bring about the very type of future she fears.

                  Anyway the point is that is true of anyone and if you persecute someone, you mess em up.
                • 31
                  still cant believe people in the comment section are justifying killing kids. its the future in which she doesnt have her parents, in this she has. who knows what would happened if hitler got accepted to the art college? fuck every religion or dogmas that allows killing because of ifs
                  • The comment section is wild
                    • The comment section here is really something
                      • "Oh no this child has superpowers, better kill her"
                        Is she stupid
                        • U
                          This is all happening because MC and his stupid mouth.

                          He really need some Speechcraft
                          • TruePurpleMKUser-0000000069
                            999+ points9 months ago
                            Which thing MC said do you refer to?
                            • U
                              999+ points9 months ago
                              A lot, throughout this series, you see that
                              Instead of explaining, he always go denying others when the others are close to the fact.
                              While some things are better kept secret, some things are better explained.

                              For example, this child hunt quest can be easily avoided if he explained his unique quest (Seol aH 5 tragedy), as it would provide a solution.
                              When the foe use their explain the future card, likewise, MC can also use his explain the future card.

                              Another example, his drama with his wife can be avoided if he cooperates with his wife once the wife is released from fate (Seol Ah 2nd tragedy).
                              Instead, he keeps her in the dark and goes into denial when questioned by his wife, typical korean drama.

                              • TruePurpleMKUser-0000000069
                                999+ points9 months ago
                                Yeah, the unnecessary secret trope strikes again
                                • U
                                  User-0000000069User-0000000069A lot, throughout this series, you see that Instead of explaining, he always go denying others when ...
                                  999+ points9 months ago

                                  The author is pushing the MC to become special, the Dragonborn stuff, but it's too forceful, and just becomes awkward since it does not match with the setting of this manhwa.
                                  As a result, now we see other characters becoming stupid, just to push the author agenda for MC to become the Dragonborn.
                                  Look at how many people here comment the sword girl is a moron >.>
                                  She was not this sort fo character in the early chapters, its an inconsistency that happened because the author is forcing it.
                            • 84
                              Goddamnit it become stupid..
                              "The kid is strong,so we should kill the kid"
                              Why you not get killed when you're still a brat that holding a sword to train?
                              "She hold dangerous power"
                              Aren't you all do?should all human that can use power/mana/magic just suicide then?
                              "Idc i just want to kill the kid before she became dangerous"
                              Yeah doesnt matter that a kid still can be educated,and you can show the right way,but lets hurt the kid to make sure she will trully become villain..
                              And the dad,fucking moron..someone trying to hurt your kid,but lets holdback with talk no jutsu,if author trully knows what a real father would do when someone even try to touch their kid with bad intentions,he will go wreck the world himself
                              Drop this shit
                              • Takayuki FuruichiUser-1261459284
                                999+ points9 months ago
                                STF broooo
                                that is a long time friend of dad's and I wanted him to punch her too but now that I see, the entire world will go against him and he needs allies
                                seol-ah is too smol and her powers too weak to go against the ENTIRE world
                              • 83
                                I still bet in this timeline the prediction will hapend and before than our seol-ah grow, as public we know another seol-ah already mad and adult exist.
                                • What? What bullshit is the mc pulling right now? Is he retarded? Bro Tell them the fucking reason why she turned into a witch not say "Oh no she's not the same person and she's still a kid she can change!" My guy no one would believe that shit when they know its her who did the atrocities that they saw!!
                                  • 83
                                    User-9201453783Glasses Person
                                    121 points9 months ago
                                    How is he suppose to be credible ? Say he is return from the futur without a skill to proof he can, he will sound 100 more bullshit.
                                  • man, I got so upset here, I totally wanted dad to knock her out for trying to do something to seol-ah
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