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Nanashi BA-N101 - 11 months ago
It was a response to "We're pirating, so do we really have the right to complain that an author is making internet loafers pay for something that they are meant to pay for to begin with?" Basically saying, yes we do have the right to voice it, but not to expect things to change according to it.

Also the misleading part, is regarding the shift, or real nature of the story being hidden behind the paid-wall. The free version showcases a comfy, slice-of-life romance, but the paid version is dark ntr. If I had decided to pay for it expecting the former, and got the latter, I'd have, justifiably, felt mislead.
Nanashi BA-N101 - 11 months ago
It's always up to the author to decide whether or not any sort of criticism or complaint is valid, it doesn't matter if it comes from a paying customer or not, if what it says hits true, then that's all that matters. Plus this is being given for free, even from the author themselves.

The author also can do whatever they want, I just personally dislike this sort of practice, as I find it misleading and/or a waste of my time. If I had paid for this, I'd have been upset, as this is an incomplete story, and the full story is something I'm not particularly a fan of.
Nanashi NotusNeo - 12 months ago
They've just gone out of style.
Nowadays people want the Villain with a motive, the Villain that makes them question their own morality and beliefs, the Villain that they sympathise while condemning their actions. That's the kind of Villain that sells more, because the audience has read more fiction stories than before- and some find the old-style kind of villain to be lazy.

Of course, it's not necessarily lazy. But it is just a result of the evolution of writing as it became more and more popular, and thus more and more competitive throughout the years.
Nanashi - 1 year ago
D: they skipped The Numbers enjoying some fried chicken.
Nanashi typeou - 1 year ago
The thing I find the least likely, is how the boyfriend choose to attempt to rape her there, on his girlfriend's house, knowing that she'd come back soon. It makes little sense, but- If he's manipulative to the point where he knows he can put the blame on the friend, specially if he knows how to play into her insecurities, then I can see it.

Because, as Haxe said the whole concept of "reality is stranger than fiction" derives on the premise that authors have to make their story believable, while reality does not need to adhere to such necessities.

We humans tend to judge ourselves based on our intentions, and we tend to judge others based on their actions. While it's likely others would give her the benefit of the doubt when they first heard the rumours, the more it kept happening, the less people would be on her side, as they'd question "why does it keep happening?" and "why is it only her?" it is easy to fool those on matters they do not truly care about. And, it is possible that some of us would be fooled as well, provided that the story wasn't being told through her eyes, but instead through other's mouths. A pretty depressing thought of self reflection, but one that helps our own self-growth.
Nanashi - 1 year ago
I don't like these types of manga, where part of the story is "hidden" behind the doujins. Because, to me as the consumer, it sells me an incomplete story, while also making me interested into reading something that I'd otherwise not bother myself with.
Nanashi - 1 year ago
I'm seeing a lot of people in the comments question why she doesn't just leave the house.

The easy answer would be: The game's system, After all it does seem to have the power to kill her, or to make her life miserable. But I'd like to give another possible option.

It isn't that easy. It is in fact, very difficult to do so.

She lives in a time where nobles are very powerful, if she left, either the prince, or her family would have the power to send a search party after her, and to bring her back even against her own will. She'd either have to go into hiding, or she'd need to go to an entire different country, away from their influence, this would be a problem, as any allied nations would give her up to maintain favour with the country, and any enemy nation would kill her as they'd suspect she's a spy. The travel itself would also be dangerous, as there's a lot of bandits who would gladly kidnap her, and sell her into slavery.

If she managed to find a country that fits all her needs, she'd also need to take a lot of money, going to a completely different country with no money is asking to be impoverished, she needs to take enough money to buy a house, and to give her enough time to find a stable source of income. That is, if the place she goes to even trusts her, generally this stories are placed on a time where travelling isn't common, so the locals would likely suspect her motives by default, to them, leaving one's country to one so far away must mean she has done something horrendous back in her own home country. So, her finding someone to sell her a house, or to find someone that is willing to give her a job, would be difficult.

This without going to other problems, like the country not accepting her type of currency or that country's laws being unfavourable to say the least.

The reason is most likely the game's system, or because the author doesn't want her to leave, as that'd make the story pointless, but there is some logic behind the "why" she can't leave. I decided to give some, just in case you find the "game's system" one to be a bit bullshit.

Nanashi Edward - 1 year ago
Maybe it's a practical reason, where the city they landed on disallows woman to hold any power, meaning, no female knights or heroes allowed. Or perhaps it's more personal, regardless of whether or not she was always able to do this, she never wanted to do this, as she may very well not only be afraid of death, but also afraid of killing.
Nanashi Doremiva - 1 year ago
It is also the bread and butter of this story. If there are no more conflict, then the story should get ready for a resolution. It is why a lot of old stories end on "and they lived happily ever after."

So, if the author wishes to continue the story, they need to add other types of conflict, which could be more annoying, and less believable than this one. Like, if the princess was a bitch and wanted to take Riftan for herself, as a lot of people were wary about; if the King, or other nobles wanted to get rid of Riftan for some made up reason; or even if our MC fell in love with some other random dude.

After all, we may be complaining about two fictional characters who do not say what they mean, but the sad thing is that does mirror reality. Although, considering this is a fictional story, the author does need to be careful to not push it too far, as it'll go from infuriating the readers, and into making them drop the story entirely.
Nanashi Motheman - 1 year ago
Yeah, that could be it.

Although, when I read it, that wasn't what I took from it. It could be my own mistake, but at least for me, his actions did not seem to represent those who are trying to be flashy, with the end goal of standing on the spotlight. It resembled more the actions of those who are overconfident with their skills, who also take pleasure of flaunting their strength to those they deem beneath them.

Basically, it feels like the author is trying to just adding Bad Guy nº7 to the list of targets the MC has to defeat, in order to give the audience the gratification one gets, when people who do bad things get what they deserved. Like when a bully gets their shit pushed in.
Nanashi Darknightblade - 1 year ago
Perhaps so, but it's not like he is confessing that he wanted to do anything to her, he is just explaining human psychology, while feeling bad for himself for not being above it. We humans tend to let our guard down towards those we find attractive or cute, and we tend to leave it up towards those we find unattractive or ugly.

Basically stating how he didn't help her because it was the right thing to do, or because of her as a person. He helped her solely because she was cute, and how he wanted to help a cute girl.
Nanashi Kale - 1 year ago
When you're in the "right path," nothing you do is wrong, or something to be ashamed about, because you're correct. That's the logic behind it, and why throughout history we have so many people commit atrocities under the name of "peace" and "good."
Nanashi Zagyu - 1 year ago
If I had to guess, because the author thinks it's more interesting, both to them and the reader, to have a character who regrets the life they lived have a chance at a second life, to have a chance at changing their decisions.

And while you are correct that it is still murder, it is also notable to remember that these were different times. Judging them by today's moral standards is unfair, specially when a lot of the time, these people were only given two choices, it was either this line of work, or death.
Nanashi CrispMan - 1 year ago
Is it? It has only been 4 chapters through.
Nanashi Holy Ei - 1 year ago
I think you misunderstood me, as I'm not calling for the MC to kill anyone.
Nanashi - 1 year ago
Perhaps I'm in the wrong here, but I feel like the author screwed themselves over by saying that the MC regressed 100 times. Because as it stands, the MC's actions and personality does not indicate that he did, heck! If the author said that this was his 2nd or 4th reincarnation, I'd believe it more.

To get a bit more into what I'm complaining about. MC being numb to the well being and death of others around him makes logical sense, he's been participating on what's basically a war for 100 of his deaths, it would make sense for someone who experienced that to be numb to death as a whole. I'm just saddened that is the extent of the exploration that concept has in the story. The MC does not act any wiser, and he seemed to enjoy flaunting his strength and punishing those who wronged him, even though he must have done it at least 10 to 50 times before. And while some may argue that 100 times is sometimes not enough, at some point he'd grow numb to it, and treat it like we treat cutscenes we've seen before.

Basically, 100 reincarnations is a long ass time, even if the majority of them were short, on average he'd still be, mentally, a couple decades older. But there's no exploration of that, it just ends up feeling like a cheap explanation for his skills, over it actually mattering for the story.
Nanashi TruePurpleMK - 1 year ago
could be for various reasons:
- he gets in fights often, so nurse employed this method to deter him from fighting willy-nilly;
- school is meant for rich kids, so prices are affordable for them but not for commoners;
- she would actually do it for free, due to the gravity of the situation, but he didn't ask so we'll never now.
Nanashi - 1 year ago
I keep hearing about the artstyle, so I'll try to put it in perspective.

In case you're not aware, this manhwa originates from a Korean Novel of the same name, from 2017. So, this could be the author adapting their story on another medium, or it could be done by others in order to get their feet into the industry, under the permission of the original author.

As for the change of artist: Perhaps the artist was offered the job they wanted; Perhaps the revenue from the manhwa wasn't enough for them to financially keep the artist; Or perhaps the contract was always meant to end by season 1.

There are multiple possible reasons as to why it changed, it has been 40 weeks(280 days) since the first chapter, so it makes sense that as time changes, things change.

This is by no means me trying to call out those who are dissatisfied by the change of artist. This is more me explaining possible reasons for the change. As to "why choose a less experienced artist?" It is likely due to either revenue or goals. If the goal of this project is to sell the Novel, this will suffice, or as I explained before, perhaps this manhwa doesn't generate enough revenue to keep, or hire a better artist.
Nanashi Northz - 1 year ago
I have two theories as to why this makes sense.
One, this characters are NPCs, and seeing someone not fit the mold that they themselves follow should appear more enticing. She is more human, more complete than they are, and thus... they want it.
Two, this is god's order, it knows what she's trying to pull, it doesn't like what she's doing, it wanted her to play her role, and since she isn't, it is now punishing her.